'.__('Your theme options have been deleted.','victorian-xmas').'

'."\n"; } // Update theme options function update_theme_options($theme_options) { update_option('vx_options', $theme_options); echo '

'.__('Your theme has been updated.','victorian-xmas').'

'."\n"; } add_action('admin_menu', 'theme_admin'); if (!function_exists('theme_admin')) { // used by the admin panel hook function theme_admin() { if (function_exists('add_menu_page')) { $page = add_theme_page(__('Theme Options','victorian-xmas'), __('Theme Options','victorian-xmas'),7, basename('theme_options.php'),'theme_admin_style'); add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$page, 'enqueue_css'); } } } function theme_admin_style() { ?>
'.__('Theme Options','victorian-xmas').''."\n"; global $wpdb,$radios,$txts,$ints,$theme_options; if( isset( $_POST['theme_options_submit'] ) && check_admin_referer($action ='update_options', $query_arg = 'theme_options_form') ) { if( $_POST['theme_options_delete'] == 1 ) { delete_theme_options('vx_options'); $theme_options = array(); } else { foreach( $radios as $key ) { $theme_options[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } foreach( $txts as $key ) { $theme_options[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } foreach( $ints as $key ) { $theme_options[$key] = absint( intval($_POST[$key]) ); } $theme_options = theme_stripslashes_array($theme_options); $theme_options = theme_sanitise_array($theme_options); update_theme_options($theme_options); } } ?>
/> />
