== Credit == Inspired by the work of [SAUL BASS](http://saulbass.tv), ART GOODMAN, and DAVE NAGATA. Hitchcock typeface by [MATT TERICH](http://typographica.org/001110.php). == Changelog == = 1.4 = * Reworked how the random post in the footer is generated: Use get_posts() instead of query_posts(). * Removed esc_html() from get_the_author() since it's not being used in an attribute. * Replaced use of ->guid with wp_get_attachment_url(). * Fixed bug where the author name would not display in the author archive listings. * Removed loading of $locale.php. * Made sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * Fix to clear the footer sidebars area when using click-to-load with Infinite Scroll * Sidebar-3 doesn't exist in this theme. Removed it from the sidebar logic. * Fixed overly general .attachment img selectors. * Updates for the "audio" post format: * Removed outdated swfobject code from js/audio-player.js. * Used core version of swfobject and list as a dependency of js/audio-player.js. * Moved enqueue of js/audio-player.js outside the "fonts" conditional. * Added styling for HTML5 email inputs. * Showing a full screenshot to match the experience with all our other themes and meet the requirements for submission to WP.org * Replaced esc_attr( printf() ) with sprintf to prevent potential xss and potential broken code. See #1171. = 1.30 = * Initial release