render_content() for the internals. * Add extra class names * * @since 3.0.0 */ protected function render() { $id = 'customize-control-' . str_replace( '[', '-', str_replace( ']', '', $this->id ) ); $class = 'customize-control customize-control-' . $this->type . ' hoot-customize-control-' . $this->type . $this->group; if ( !empty( $this->identifier ) ) $class .= ' hoot-control-id-' . $this->identifier; if ( $this->group == 'start' ) $class .= ' ' . hoot_sanitize_html_classes( $this->startwrap ); ?>
  • render_content(); ?>
  • type ) { case 'group' : switch ( $this->group ) { case 'start' : if ( ! empty( $this->label ) ) : ?> label ); ?> description ) ) : ?> description ); ?> sublabel ) ) : ?> sublabel ); ?> button ) ? __( 'Edit Group', 'unos' ) : $this->button; $buttontags = array( 'span' => array( 'class' => 1, 'style' => 1, 'data-style' => 1, 'data-controlgroup' => 1, ), 'img' => array( 'src' => 1 ), ); ?>
    add_control( new Hoot_Customize_Group_Control( $wp_customize, $id, $setting ) ); break; case 'group-end': case 'groupend': $setting['type'] = 'group'; $setting['group'] = 'end'; $wp_customize->add_control( new Hoot_Customize_Group_Control( $wp_customize, $id, $setting ) ); break; case 'group': case 'groups': $setting['type'] = 'group'; $wp_customize->add_control( new Hoot_Customize_Group_Control( $wp_customize, $id, $setting ) ); break; } endif; } add_action( 'hoot_customize_control_interface', 'hoot_customize_group_control_interface', 10, 3 ); endif; /** * Modify the settings array and prepare group settings for Customizer Library Interface functions * * @since 3.0.0 * @param array $value * @param string $key * @param array $setting * @param int $count * @return void */ function hoot_customize_prepare_group_settings( $value, $key, $setting, $count ) { if ( $setting['type'] == 'group' ) { $setting = wp_parse_args( $setting, array( 'label' => '', 'sublabel' => '', 'section' => '', 'priority' => '', 'description' => '', 'startwrap' => '', 'button' => '', 'options' => array(), 'identifier' => $key, ) ); if( is_array( $setting['options'] ) && !empty( $setting['options'] ) ): $value[ "group-{$count}" ] = array( 'label' => $setting['label'], 'sublabel' => $setting['sublabel'], 'section' => $setting['section'], 'type' => 'group', 'priority' => $setting['priority'], 'description' => $setting['description'], 'startwrap' => $setting['startwrap'], 'button' => $setting['button'], 'identifier' => $setting['identifier'], 'group' => 'start', ); foreach ( $setting['options'] as $okey => $osetting ) { // Add priority & section same as group $osetting['priority'] = $setting['priority']; $osetting['section'] = $setting['section']; $value[ "{$key}-{$okey}" ] = $osetting; } $value[ "group-{$count}-end" ] = array( 'section' => $setting['section'], 'type' => 'group', 'priority' => $setting['priority'], 'identifier' => $setting['identifier'], 'group' => 'end', ); endif; } return $value; } add_filter( 'hoot_customize_prepare_settings', 'hoot_customize_prepare_group_settings', 10, 4 ); /** * Add Content to Customizer Panel Footer * * @since 3.0.0 * @return void */ // Only load in customizer (not in frontend) if ( class_exists( 'WP_Customize_Control' ) ) : function hoot_customize_footer_groupcontent() { ?>