child_dir . 'hootkit/functions.php' ) ) include_once( hoot_data()->child_dir . 'hootkit/functions.php' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'unosbell_theme_setup', 10 ); /** * Set dynamic css handle to child stylesheet * if HK active : earlier set to hootkit@parent @priority 5; set to hootkit@child @priority 9 * This is preferred in case of pre-built child themes where we want child stylesheet to come before * dynamic css (not after like in the case of user blank child themes purely used for customizations) * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'unosbell_dynamic_css_child_handle' ) ) : function unosbell_dynamic_css_child_handle( $handle ) { return 'hoot-child-style'; } endif; add_filter( 'hoot_style_builder_inline_style_handle', 'unosbell_dynamic_css_child_handle', 7 ); /** * Update tags in Template's About Page * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return bool */ function unosbell_abouttags( $tags ) { return array( 'slug' => 'unos-store-bell', 'name' => __( 'Unos Store Bell', 'unos-store-bell' ), 'vers' => hoot_data( 'childtheme_version' ), 'shot' => ( file_exists( hoot_data()->child_dir . 'screenshot.jpg' ) ) ? hoot_data()->child_uri . 'screenshot.jpg' : ( ( file_exists( hoot_data()->child_dir . 'screenshot.png' ) ) ? hoot_data()->child_uri . 'screenshot.png' : '' ), ); } add_filter( 'unos_abouttags', 'unosbell_abouttags', 5 ); /** * Alter Customizer Section Pro args * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ function unosbell_customize_section_pro( $args ) { if ( isset( $args['title'] ) ) $args['title'] = esc_html__( 'Unos Store Bell Premium', 'unos-store-bell' ); if ( isset( $args['pro_url'] ) ) $args['pro_url'] = esc_url( admin_url('themes.php?page=unos-store-bell-welcome') ); return $args; } add_filter( 'hoot_theme_customize_section_pro', 'unosbell_customize_section_pro' ); /** * Modify custom-header * Priority@5 to come before 10 used by unos for adding support * @ref wp-includes/theme.php #2440 * // Merge in data from previous add_theme_support() calls. * // The first value registered wins. (A child theme is set up first.) * For remove_theme_support, use priority@15 * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ function unosbell_custom_header() { add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array( 'width' => 1440, 'height' => 500, 'flex-height' => true, 'flex-width' => true, 'default-image' => '', 'header-text' => false ) ); } add_filter( 'after_setup_theme', 'unosbell_custom_header', 5 ); /* === Attr === */ /** * Topbar meta attributes. * Priority@10: 7-> base lite ; 9-> base prim * * @since 1.0 * @param array $attr * @param string $context * @return array */ function unosbell_attr_topbar( $attr, $context ) { if ( !empty( $attr['classes'] ) ) $attr['classes'] = str_replace( 'social-icons-invert', '', $attr['classes'] ); return $attr; } add_filter( 'hoot_attr_topbar', 'unosbell_attr_topbar', 10, 2 ); /** * Loop meta attributes. * Priority@10: 7-> base lite ; 9-> base prim * * @since 1.0 * @param array $attr * @param string $context * @return array */ function unosbell_attr_premium_loop_meta_wrap( $attr, $context ) { $attr['class'] = ( empty( $attr['class'] ) ) ? '' : $attr['class']; /* Overwrite all and apply background class for both */ $attr['class'] = str_replace( array( 'loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-default', 'loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-stretch', 'loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-incontent', 'loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-both', 'loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-none', ), '', $attr['class'] ); $attr['class'] .= ' loop-meta-wrap pageheader-bg-both'; return $attr; } add_filter( 'hoot_attr_loop-meta-wrap', 'unosbell_attr_premium_loop_meta_wrap', 10, 2 ); /* === Dynamic CSS === */ /* Update user based style values for premium dynamic css */ /** * Create user based style values for premium dynamic css * Priority@6: apply_filters -> base lite ; 5-> base prim * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return array */ function unosbell_user_style( $styles ){ /* Override Base styles */ /* Add child styles */ $styles['body_fontface'] = hoot_get_mod( 'body_fontface' ); $styles['subheadings_fontface'] = hoot_get_mod( 'subheadings_fontface' ); $styles['subheadings_fontface_style'] = hoot_get_mod( 'subheadings_fontface_style' ); return $styles; } add_filter( 'unos_user_style', 'unosbell_user_style', 6 ); /** * Custom CSS built from user theme options * For proper sanitization, always use functions from library/sanitization.php * Priority@6: 5-> base lite ; 7-> base prim prepare (rules removed) ; * 9-> base prim ; 10-> base hootkit lite/prim * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function unosbell_dynamic_cssrules() { global $hoot_style_builder; // Get user based style values $styles = unos_user_style(); // echo ''; extract( $styles ); $bodyfontface = ''; if ( 'fontpo' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Poppins", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontos' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Open Sans", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontcf' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Comfortaa", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontow' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Oswald", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontno' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Noto Serif", serif'; elseif ( 'fontsl' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = '"Slabo 27px", serif'; elseif ( 'fontgr' == $body_fontface ) $bodyfontface = 'Georgia, serif'; hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => 'body' . ',' . '.enforce-body-font' . ',' . '.site-title-body-font', 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => $bodyfontface, ) ); // Removed in prim $headingproperty = array(); if ( 'fontpo' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Poppins", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontos' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Open Sans", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontcf' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Comfortaa", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontow' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Oswald", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontno' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Noto Serif", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontsl' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Slabo 27px", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontgr' == $headings_fontface ) $headingproperty['font-family'] = array( 'Georgia, serif' ); if ( 'uppercase' == $headings_fontface_style ) $headingproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'uppercase' ); else $headingproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'none' ); if ( !empty( $headingproperty ) ) { hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .title, .titlefont', 'property' => $headingproperty, ) ); // Removed in prim hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.sidebar .widget-title, .sub-footer .widget-title, .footer .widget-title', 'property' => $headingproperty, ) ); // Removed in prim } $subheadingproperty = array(); if ( 'fontpo' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Poppins", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontos' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Open Sans", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontcf' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Comfortaa", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontow' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Oswald", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontno' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Noto Serif", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontsl' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Slabo 27px", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontgr' == $subheadings_fontface ) $subheadingproperty['font-family'] = array( 'Georgia, serif' ); if ( 'uppercase' == $subheadings_fontface_style || 'uppercasei' == $subheadings_fontface_style ) $subheadingproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'uppercase' ); else $subheadingproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'none' ); if ( 'standardi' == $subheadings_fontface_style || 'uppercasei' == $subheadings_fontface_style ) $subheadingproperty['font-style'] = array( 'italic' ); else $subheadingproperty['font-style'] = array( 'normal' ); if ( !empty( $subheadingproperty ) ) { hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.hoot-subtitle, .entry-byline, .hk-gridunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .hk-listunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .content-block-subtitle .entry-byline', 'property' => $subheadingproperty, ) ); // Removed in prim } hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '#topbar', 'property' => array( 'background' => array( 'rgba(0,0,0,0.03)' ), // #f7f7f7 // $accent_color 'color' => array( 'inherit' ), // $accent_font ), ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '#topbar.js-search .searchform.expand .searchtext', 'property' => 'background', 'value' => '#f7f7f7', /* $content_bg_color, */ // $accent_color ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '#topbar.js-search .searchform.expand .searchtext' . ',' . '#topbar .js-search-placeholder', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => 'inherit', // $accent_font ) ); $logoproperty = array(); if ( 'fontpo' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Poppins", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontos' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Open Sans", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontcf' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Comfortaa", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontow' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Oswald", sans-serif' ); elseif ( 'fontno' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Noto Serif", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontsl' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( '"Slabo 27px", serif' ); elseif ( 'fontgr' == $logo_fontface ) $logoproperty['font-family'] = array( 'Georgia, serif' ); if ( 'uppercase' == $logo_fontface_style ) $logoproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'uppercase' ); else $logoproperty['text-transform'] = array( 'none' ); if ( !empty( $logoproperty ) ) { hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '#site-title', 'property' => $logoproperty, ) ); // Removed in prim } $sitetitleheadingfont = ''; if ( 'fontpo' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Poppins", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontos' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Open Sans", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontcf' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Comfortaa", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontow' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Oswald", sans-serif'; elseif ( 'fontno' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Noto Serif", serif'; elseif ( 'fontsl' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = '"Slabo 27px", serif'; elseif ( 'fontgr' == $headings_fontface ) $sitetitleheadingfont = 'Georgia, serif'; hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.site-title-heading-font', 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => $sitetitleheadingfont, ) ); // Overridden in prim hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.entry-grid .more-link', 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => $sitetitleheadingfont, ) ); // Overridden in prim $hoot_style_builder->remove( array( '.menu-items li.current-menu-item, .menu-items li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu-items li:hover', '.menu-items li.current-menu-item > a, .menu-items li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .menu-items li:hover > a', ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.menu-items > li.current-menu-item:after, .menu-items > li.current-menu-ancestor:after, .menu-items > li:hover:after' . ',' . '.menu-hoottag', 'property' => 'border-color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color' ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.menu-items ul li.current-menu-item, .menu-items ul li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu-items ul li:hover', 'property' => 'background', 'value' => $accent_font, 'idtag' => 'accent_font' ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.menu-items ul li.current-menu-item > a, .menu-items ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .menu-items ul li:hover > a', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color' ) ); $halfwidgetmargin = false; if ( intval( $widgetmargin ) ) $halfwidgetmargin = ( intval( $widgetmargin ) / 2 > 25 ) ? ( intval( $widgetmargin ) / 2 ) . 'px' : '25px'; if ( $halfwidgetmargin ) hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.main > .main-content-grid:first-child' . ',' . '.content-frontpage > .frontpage-area-boxed:first-child', 'property' => 'margin-top', 'value' => $halfwidgetmargin, ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.widget_newsletterwidget, .widget_newsletterwidgetminimal', 'property' => array( // property => array( value, idtag, important, typography_reset ), 'background' => array( $accent_color, 'accent_color' ), 'color' => array( $accent_font, 'accent_font' ), ), ) ); } add_action( 'hoot_dynamic_cssrules', 'unosbell_dynamic_cssrules', 6 ); /* === Customizer Options === */ /** * Update theme defaults * Prim @priority 5 * Prim child @priority 9 * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return array */ if ( !function_exists( 'unosbell_default_style' ) ) : function unosbell_default_style( $defaults ){ $defaults = array_merge( $defaults, array( 'accent_color' => '#ee559d', 'accent_font' => '#ffffff', 'widgetmargin' => 35, 'logo_fontface' => 'fontpo', 'headings_fontface' => 'fontpo', ) ); return $defaults; } endif; add_filter( 'unos_default_style', 'unosbell_default_style', 7 ); /** * Add Options (settings, sections and panels) to Hoot_Customize class options object * * Parent Lite/Prim add options using 'init' hook both at priority 0. Currently there is no way * to hook in between them. Hence we hook in later at 5 to be able to remove options if needed. * The only drawback is that options involving widget areas cannot be modified/created/removed as * those have already been used during widgets_init hooked into init at priority 1. For adding options * involving widget areas, we can alterntely hook into 'after_setup_theme' before lite/prim options * are built. Modifying/removing such options from lite/prim still needs testing. * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'unosbell_add_customizer_options' ) ) : function unosbell_add_customizer_options() { $hoot_customize = Hoot_Customize::get_instance(); // Modify Options $hoot_customize->remove_settings( array( 'logo_tagline_size', 'logo_tagline_style' ) ); $hoot_customize->remove_settings( 'pageheader_background_location' ); // Define Options $options = array( 'settings' => array(), 'sections' => array(), 'panels' => array(), ); $options['settings']['subheadings_fontface'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Sub Headings Font (Free Version)', 'unos-store-bell' ), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => 207, // Non static options must have a priority 'choices' => array( ), 'default' => 'fontno', ); // Removed in premium $options['settings']['subheadings_fontface_style'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Sub Heading Font Style', 'unos-store-bell' ), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => 207, // Non static options must have a priority 'choices' => array( 'standard' => esc_html__( 'Standard', 'unos-store-bell'), 'standardi' => esc_html__( 'Standard Italics', 'unos-store-bell'), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'unos-store-bell'), 'uppercasei' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase Italics', 'unos-store-bell'), ), 'default' => 'standardi', 'transport' => 'postMessage', ); // Removed in premium $options['settings']['body_fontface'] = array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Body Font (Free Version)', 'unos-store-bell' ), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => 207, // Non static options must have a priority 'choices' => array( ), 'default' => 'fontpo', ); // Removed in premium // Add Options $hoot_customize->add_options( apply_filters( 'unosbell_customizer_options', array( 'settings' => $options['settings'], 'sections' => $options['sections'], 'panels' => $options['panels'], ) ) ); } endif; add_action( 'init', 'unosbell_add_customizer_options', 5 ); /** * Modify Lite customizer options * Prim hooks in later at priority 9 * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function unosbell_modify_customizer_options( $options ){ if ( isset( $options['settings']['widgetmargin'] ) ) $options['settings']['widgetmargin']['input_attrs']['placeholder'] = esc_html__( 'default: 35', 'unos-store-bell' ); if ( isset( $options['settings']['menu_location'] ) ) $options['settings']['menu_location']['default'] = 'bottom'; if ( isset( $options['settings']['logo_side'] ) ) $options['settings']['logo_side']['default'] = 'widget-area'; if ( isset( $options['settings']['fullwidth_menu_align'] ) ) $options['settings']['fullwidth_menu_align']['default'] = 'left'; if ( isset( $options['settings']['logo_custom'] ) ) $options['settings']['logo_custom']['default'] = array( 'line1' => array( 'text' => wp_kses_post( __( 'HOOT UNOS', 'unos-store-bell' ) ), 'size' => '25px', 'font' => 'standard' ), 'line2' => array( 'text' => wp_kses_post( __( 'Store Bell', 'unos-store-bell' ) ), 'size' => '45px' ), // 'line3' => array( 'sortitem_hide' => 1, 'font' => 'standard' ), // 'line4' => array( 'sortitem_hide' => 1, ), ); if ( !empty( $options['settings']['logo_custom']['description'] ) ) { /* Translators: The %s are placeholders for HTML, so the order can't be changed. */ $options['settings']['logo_custom']['description'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Use <b> and <em> tags in "Line Text" fields below to emphasize different words. Example:%1$s%2$s<b>Unos</b> <em>Store Bell</em>%3$s', 'unos-store-bell' ), '
', '', '' ); } if ( isset( $options['settings']['logo_custo']['options'] ) ) { foreach ( $options['settings']['logo_custom']['options'] as $linekey => $linevalue ) { $options['settings']['logo_custom']['options'][$linekey] = array_merge( $options['settings']['logo_custom']['options'][$linekey], array( 'accentbg' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Accent Background', 'unos-store-bell' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ) ); } } if ( isset( $options['settings']['logo_fontface_style'] ) ) $options['settings']['logo_fontface_style']['default'] = 'standard'; if ( isset( $options['settings']['headings_fontface_style'] ) ) $options['settings']['headings_fontface_style']['default'] = 'uppercase'; return $options; } add_filter( 'unos_customizer_options', 'unosbell_modify_customizer_options', 7 ); /** * Modify customizer options before being added to Class options variable * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function unosbell_hoot_customize_add_settings( $settings ){ $fontoptions = array( 'logo_fontface', 'headings_fontface', 'subheadings_fontface', 'body_fontface' ); foreach ( $fontoptions as $key ) if ( !empty( $settings[ $key ] ) ) $settings[ $key ]['choices'] = array( 'fontpo' => esc_html__( 'Standard Font 1 (Poppins)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontos' => esc_html__( 'Standard Font 2 (Open Sans)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontcf' => esc_html__( 'Alternate Font (Comfortaa)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontow' => esc_html__( 'Display Font (Oswald)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontno' => esc_html__( 'Heading Font 1 (Noto Serif)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontsl' => esc_html__( 'Heading Font 2 (Slabo)', 'unos-store-bell'), 'fontgr' => esc_html__( 'Heading Font 3 (Georgia)', 'unos-store-bell'), ); return $settings; } add_filter( 'hoot_customize_add_settings', 'unosbell_hoot_customize_add_settings' ); /** * Modify Customizer Link Section * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function unosbell_customizer_option_linksection( $lcontent ){ if ( is_array( $lcontent ) ) { if ( !empty( $lcontent['demo'] ) ) $lcontent['demo'] = str_replace( '', '', $lcontent['demo'] ); if ( !empty( $lcontent['install'] ) ) $lcontent['install'] = str_replace( '', '', $lcontent['install'] ); if ( !empty( $lcontent['rateus'] ) ) $lcontent['rateus'] = str_replace( '', '', $lcontent['rateus'] ); } return $lcontent; } add_filter( 'unos_customizer_option_linksection', 'unosbell_customizer_option_linksection' ); /** * Binds JS handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ function unosbell_customize_preview_js() { if ( file_exists( hoot_data()->child_dir . 'admin/customize-preview.js' ) ) wp_enqueue_script( 'unosbell-customize-preview', hoot_data()->child_uri . 'admin/customize-preview.js', array( 'hoot-customize-preview', 'customize-preview' ), hoot_data()->childtheme_version, true ); } add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'unosbell_customize_preview_js', 12 ); /** * Add style tag to support dynamic css via postMessage script in customizer preview * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function unosbell_customize_dynamic_selectors( $settings ) { if ( !is_array( $settings ) ) return $settings; $hootpload = ( function_exists( 'hoot_lib_premium_core' ) ) ? 1 : ''; $modify = array( 'box_background_color' => array( 'color' => array( 'remove' => array(), 'add' => array(), ), 'background' => array( 'remove' => array(), 'add' => array(), ), ), 'accent_color' => array( 'color' => array( 'remove' => array( ), 'add' => array( '.menu-items ul li.current-menu-item > a, .menu-items ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .menu-items ul li:hover > a', ), ), 'background' => array( 'add' => array( '.widget_newsletterwidget, .widget_newsletterwidgetminimal', ), 'remove' => array( '.menu-items li.current-menu-item, .menu-items li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu-items li:hover', '.social-icons-icon', ), ), 'border-color' => array( 'add' => array( '.menu-items > li.current-menu-item:after, .menu-items > li.current-menu-ancestor:after, .menu-items > li:hover:after' . ',' . '.menu-hoottag', ), ), ), 'accent_font' => array( 'color' => array( 'add' => array( '.widget_newsletterwidget, .widget_newsletterwidgetminimal', ), 'remove' => array( '.menu-items li.current-menu-item > a, .menu-items li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .menu-items li:hover > a', '#topbar .social-icons-icon, #page-wrapper .social-icons-icon', ), ), 'background' => array( 'remove' => array( ), 'add' => array( '.menu-items ul li.current-menu-item, .menu-items ul li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu-items ul li:hover', ), ), ), ); if ( !$hootpload ) { array_push( $modify['accent_color']['background']['remove'], '#topbar', '#topbar.js-search .searchform.expand .searchtext' ); array_push( $modify['accent_font']['color']['remove'], '#topbar', '#topbar.js-search .searchform.expand .searchtext', '#topbar .js-search-placeholder' ); /* array_push( $modify['box_background_color']['background']['add'], '#topbar.js-search .searchform.expand .searchtext' ); */ $modify['headings_fontface_style']['text-transform']['add'] = array( '.sidebar .widget-title, .sub-footer .widget-title, .footer .widget-title' ); } foreach ( $modify as $id => $props ) { foreach ( $props as $prop => $ops ) { foreach ( $ops as $op => $values ) { if ( $op == 'remove' ) { foreach ( $values as $val ) { $akey = array_search( $val, $settings[$id][$prop] ); if ( $akey !== false ) unset( $settings[$id][$prop][$akey] ); } } elseif ( $op == 'add' ) { foreach ( $values as $val ) { $settings[$id][$prop][] = $val; } } } } } if ( !$hootpload ) { $settings['subheadings_fontface_style'] = array( 'font-style'=> array( '.hoot-subtitle, .entry-byline, .hk-gridunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .hk-listunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .content-block-subtitle .entry-byline' ), ); $settings['subheadings_fontface_style_trans'] = array( 'text-transform'=> array( '.hoot-subtitle, .entry-byline, .hk-gridunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .hk-listunit-subtitle .entry-byline, .content-block-subtitle .entry-byline' ), ); } return $settings; } add_filter( 'hoot_customize_dynamic_selectors', 'unosbell_customize_dynamic_selectors', 5 ); /* === Fonts === */ /** * Build URL for loading Google Fonts * Priority@5 : Prim loads at priority 10 * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ function unosbell_google_fonts_preparearray( $fonts ) { $fonts = array(); $modsfont = array( hoot_get_mod( 'body_fontface' ), hoot_get_mod( 'logo_fontface' ), hoot_get_mod( 'headings_fontface' ), hoot_get_mod( 'subheadings_fontface' ) ); if ( in_array( 'fontpo', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Poppins' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '400','500','700' ), 'italic' => array( '400','500','700' ), ); } if ( in_array( 'fontos', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Open Sans' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '300','400','500','600','700','800' ), 'italic' => array( '400','700' ), ); } if ( in_array( 'fontcf', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Comfortaa' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '400','700' ), ); } if ( in_array( 'fontow', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Oswald' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '400' ), ); } if ( in_array( 'fontno', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Noto Serif' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '400','700' ), 'italic' => array( '400','700' ), ); } if ( in_array( 'fontsl', $modsfont ) ) { $fonts[ 'Slabo 27px' ] = array( 'normal' => array( '400' ), ); } return $fonts; } add_filter( 'unos_google_fonts_preparearray', 'unosbell_google_fonts_preparearray', 5, 2 ); /** * Modify the font (websafe) list * Font list should always have the form: * {css style} => {font name} * * Even though this list isn't currently used in customizer options (no typography options) * this is still needed so that sanitization functions recognize the font. * Priority@15 to overwrite Lite @priority 10 * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return array */ function unosbell_fonts_list( $fonts ) { if ( !function_exists( 'hoot_lib_premium_core' ) ) { if ( isset( $fonts['"Lora", serif'] ) ) unset( $fonts['"Lora", serif'] ); $fonts['"Noto Serif", serif'] = 'Noto Serif'; $fonts['"Poppins", sans-serif'] = 'Poppins'; } else { // let those fonts occur in their natural order as stated in hoot_googlefonts_list() return $fonts; } return $fonts; } add_filter( 'hoot_fonts_list', 'unosbell_fonts_list', 15 ); /* === Menu === */ /** * Add default values for Nav Menu * * @since 1.0 */ function unosbell_nav_menu_defaults( $defaults ){ return array( 'tagbg' => '#ee559d', 'tagfont' => '#ffffff', ); } add_filter( 'unos_nav_menu_defaults', 'unosbell_nav_menu_defaults' ); /** * Disable menu tag hover change * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return bool */ function unosbell_menutag_inverthover( $enable ){ return false; } add_filter( 'unos_menutag_inverthover', 'unosbell_menutag_inverthover', 5 ); /* === Misc === */ /** * Disable accent typography for sidebar and footer widget titles * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return bool */ function unosbell_sidebarwidgettitle_accenttypo( $enable ){ return false; } add_filter( 'unos_sidebarwidgettitle_accenttypo', 'unosbell_sidebarwidgettitle_accenttypo', 5 );