__( 'Primary', 'unlimited' ) ) ); } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'unlimited_theme_setup', 10 ); // register widget areas function unlimited_register_widget_areas(){ /* register primary sidebar widget area */ register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Primary Sidebar', 'unlimited' ), 'id' => 'primary', 'description' => __( 'Widgets in this area will be shown in the sidebar next to the main post content', 'unlimited' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

' ) ); } add_action('widgets_init','unlimited_register_widget_areas'); /* added to customize the comments. Same as default except -> added use of gravatar images for comment authors */ if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_customize_comments' ) ) { function unlimited_customize_comments( $comment, $args, $depth ) { $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; global $post; ?>
  • id="li-comment-">
    comment_approved == '0' ) : echo "" . __( 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'unlimited' ) . "
    "; endif; comment_text(); ?>
    __( 'Reply', 'unlimited' ), 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'], 'before' => '|' ) ) ); ?>

    '; $fields['email'] = '

    '; $fields['url'] = '

    '; return $fields; } } add_filter('comment_form_default_fields','unlimited_update_fields'); if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_update_comment_field' ) ) { function unlimited_update_comment_field( $comment_field ) { $comment_field = '

    '; return $comment_field; } } add_filter('comment_form_field_comment','unlimited_update_comment_field'); // remove allowed tags text after comment form if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_remove_comments_notes_after' ) ) { function unlimited_remove_comments_notes_after( $defaults ) { $defaults['comment_notes_after'] = ''; return $defaults; } } add_action('comment_form_defaults', 'unlimited_remove_comments_notes_after'); // excerpt handling if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_excerpt' ) ) { function unlimited_excerpt() { // make post variable available global $post; // check for the more tag $ismore = strpos( $post->post_content, '' ); // get the show full post setting $show_full_post = get_theme_mod( 'full_post' ); // if show full post is on and not on a search results page if ( ( $show_full_post == 'yes' ) && ! is_search() ) { // use the read more link if present if ( $ismore ) { the_content( __( 'Read More', 'unlimited' ) . " " . get_the_title() . "" ); } else { the_content(); } } // use the read more link if present elseif ( $ismore ) { the_content( __( 'Read More', 'unlimited' ) . "" . get_the_title() . "" ); } // otherwise the excerpt is automatic, so output it else { the_excerpt(); } } } // filter the link on excerpts if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_excerpt_read_more_link' ) ) { function unlimited_excerpt_read_more_link( $output ) { global $post; return $output . "

    " . __( 'Read More', 'unlimited' ) . "" . get_the_title() . "

    "; } } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'unlimited_excerpt_read_more_link'); // switch [...] to ellipsis on automatic excerpt if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_new_excerpt_more' ) ) { function unlimited_new_excerpt_more( $more ) { // get user set excerpt length $new_excerpt_length = get_theme_mod('excerpt_length'); // if set to 0, return nothing if ( $new_excerpt_length === 0 ) { return ''; } // else add the ellipsis else { return '…'; } } } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'unlimited_new_excerpt_more'); // turns of the automatic scrolling to the read more link if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_remove_more_link_scroll' ) ) { function unlimited_remove_more_link_scroll( $link ) { $link = preg_replace( '|#more-[0-9]+|', '', $link ); return $link; } } add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'unlimited_remove_more_link_scroll' ); // change the length of the excerpts function unlimited_custom_excerpt_length( $length ) { $new_excerpt_length = get_theme_mod('excerpt_length'); // if there is a new length set and it's not 15, change it if( ! empty( $new_excerpt_length ) && $new_excerpt_length != 25 ){ return $new_excerpt_length; } // return 0 if user explicitly sets it to 0 elseif ( $new_excerpt_length === 0 ) { return 0; } else { return 25; } } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'unlimited_custom_excerpt_length', 99 ); // for displaying featured images if( ! function_exists( 'unlimited_featured_image' ) ) { function unlimited_featured_image() { // get post object global $post; // default to no featured image $has_image = false; // establish featured image var $featured_image = ''; // if post has an image if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) { // get the featured image ID $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ); // get the image's alt text $image_alt_text = get_post_meta($image_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); // get the full-size version of the image $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'single-post-thumbnail' ); // set $image = the url $image = $image[0]; // if alt text is empty, nothing else equal to title string $title = empty($image_alt_text) ? '' : "title='" . esc_attr( $image_alt_text ) . "'"; // set to true $has_image = true; } if ( $has_image == true ) { // on posts/pages display the featured image if ( is_singular() ) { $featured_image = ""; } // on blog/archives display with a link else { $featured_image = " "; } } // allow videos to be added $featured_image = apply_filters( 'ct_unlimited_featured_image', $featured_image ); if( $featured_image ) { echo $featured_image; } } } // associative array of social media sites if ( !function_exists( 'unlimited_social_array' ) ) { function unlimited_social_array() { $social_sites = array( 'twitter' => 'unlimited_twitter_profile', 'facebook' => 'unlimited_facebook_profile', 'google-plus' => 'unlimited_google_plus_profile', 'pinterest' => 'unlimited_pinterest_profile', 'linkedin' => 'unlimited_linkedin_profile', 'youtube' => 'unlimited_youtube_profile', 'vimeo' => 'unlimited_vimeo_profile', 'tumblr' => 'unlimited_tumblr_profile', 'instagram' => 'unlimited_instagram_profile', 'flickr' => 'unlimited_flickr_profile', 'dribbble' => 'unlimited_dribbble_profile', 'rss' => 'unlimited_rss_profile', 'reddit' => 'unlimited_reddit_profile', 'soundcloud' => 'unlimited_soundcloud_profile', 'spotify' => 'unlimited_spotify_profile', 'vine' => 'unlimited_vine_profile', 'yahoo' => 'unlimited_yahoo_profile', 'behance' => 'unlimited_behance_profile', 'codepen' => 'unlimited_codepen_profile', 'delicious' => 'unlimited_delicious_profile', 'stumbleupon' => 'unlimited_stumbleupon_profile', 'deviantart' => 'unlimited_deviantart_profile', 'digg' => 'unlimited_digg_profile', 'github' => 'unlimited_github_profile', 'hacker-news' => 'unlimited_hacker-news_profile', 'steam' => 'unlimited_steam_profile', 'vk' => 'unlimited_vk_profile', 'weibo' => 'unlimited_weibo_profile', 'tencent-weibo' => 'unlimited_tencent_weibo_profile', 'email' => 'unlimited_email_profile' ); return apply_filters( 'unlimited_social_array_filter', $social_sites ); } } // used in unlimited_social_icons_output to return urls function unlimited_get_social_url($source, $site){ if( $source == 'header' ) { return get_theme_mod($site); } elseif( $source == 'author' ) { return get_the_author_meta($site); } } // output social icons if( ! function_exists('unlimited_social_icons_output') ) { function unlimited_social_icons_output($source) { // get social sites array $social_sites = unlimited_social_array(); // store the site name and url foreach ( $social_sites as $social_site => $profile ) { if( $source == 'header') { if ( strlen( get_theme_mod( $social_site ) ) > 0 ) { $active_sites[$social_site] = $social_site; } } elseif( $source == 'author' ) { if ( strlen( get_the_author_meta( $profile ) ) > 0 ) { $active_sites[$profile] = $social_site; } } } // for each active social site, add it as a list item if ( ! empty( $active_sites ) ) { echo "