get_slug(); $is_pending_activation = $fs->is_pending_activation(); $is_premium_only = $fs->is_only_premium(); $has_paid_plans = $fs->has_paid_plan(); $is_premium_code = $fs->is_premium(); $is_freemium = $fs->is_freemium(); $fs->_enqueue_connect_essentials(); $current_user = Freemius::_get_current_wp_user(); $first_name = $current_user->user_firstname; if ( empty( $first_name ) ) { $first_name = $current_user->nickname; } $site_url = get_site_url(); $protocol_pos = strpos( $site_url, '://' ); if ( false !== $protocol_pos ) { $site_url = substr( $site_url, $protocol_pos + 3 ); } $freemius_site_www = ''; $freemius_usage_tracking_url = $fs->get_usage_tracking_terms_url(); $freemius_plugin_terms_url = $fs->get_eula_url(); $freemius_site_url = $fs->is_premium() ? $freemius_site_www : $freemius_usage_tracking_url; if ( $fs->is_premium() ) { $freemius_site_url .= '?' . http_build_query( array( 'id' => $fs->get_id(), 'slug' => $slug, ) ); } $freemius_link = ''; $error = fs_request_get( 'error' ); $require_license_key = $is_premium_only || ( $is_freemium && $is_premium_code && fs_request_get_bool( 'require_license', true ) ); if ( $is_pending_activation ) { $require_license_key = false; } if ( $require_license_key ) { $fs->_add_license_activation_dialog_box(); } $is_optin_dialog = ( $fs->is_theme() && $fs->is_themes_page() && $fs->show_opt_in_on_themes_page() ); if ( $is_optin_dialog ) { $show_close_button = false; $previous_theme_activation_url = ''; if ( ! $is_premium_code ) { $show_close_button = true; } else if ( $is_premium_only ) { $previous_theme_activation_url = $fs->get_previous_theme_activation_url(); $show_close_button = ( ! empty( $previous_theme_activation_url ) ); } } $is_network_level_activation = ( fs_is_network_admin() && $fs->is_network_active() && ! $fs->is_network_delegated_connection() ); $fs_user = Freemius::_get_user_by_email( $current_user->user_email ); $activate_with_current_user = ( is_object( $fs_user ) && ! $is_pending_activation && // If requires a license for activation, use the user associated with the license for the opt-in. ! $require_license_key && ! $is_network_level_activation ); $optin_params = $fs->get_opt_in_params( array(), $is_network_level_activation ); $sites = isset( $optin_params['sites'] ) ? $optin_params['sites'] : array(); $is_network_upgrade_mode = ( fs_is_network_admin() && $fs->is_network_upgrade_mode() ); /* translators: %s: name (e.g. Hey John,) */ $hey_x_text = esc_html( sprintf( fs_text_x_inline( 'Hey %s,', 'greeting', 'hey-x', $slug ), $first_name ) ); $is_gdpr_required = ( ! $is_pending_activation && ! $require_license_key ) ? FS_GDPR_Manager::instance()->is_required() : false; if ( is_null( $is_gdpr_required ) ) { $is_gdpr_required = $fs->fetch_and_store_current_user_gdpr_anonymously(); } ?>
do_action( 'connect/before' ); ?>
$fs->get_id() ); fs_require_once_template( 'plugin-icon.php', $vars ); ?>

apply_filters( 'pending_activation_message', sprintf( /* translators: %s: name (e.g. Thanks John!) */ fs_text_inline( 'Thanks %s!', 'thanks-x', $slug ) . '
' . fs_text_inline( 'You should receive an activation email for %s to your mailbox at %s. Please make sure you click the activation button in that email to %s.', 'pending-activation-message', $slug ), $first_name, '' . $fs->get_plugin_name() . '', '' . $current_user->user_email . '', fs_text_inline( 'complete the install', 'complete-the-install', $slug ) ) ); } else if ( $require_license_key ) { $button_label = $is_network_upgrade_mode ? fs_text_inline( 'Activate License', 'agree-activate-license', $slug ) : fs_text_inline( 'Agree & Activate License', 'agree-activate-license', $slug ); $message = $fs->apply_filters( 'connect-message_on-premium', sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'Welcome to %s! To get started, please enter your license key:', 'thanks-for-purchasing', $slug ), '' . $fs->get_plugin_name() . '' ), $first_name, $fs->get_plugin_name() ); } else { $filter = 'connect_message'; $default_optin_message = $is_gdpr_required ? fs_text_inline( 'Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s.', 'connect-message', $slug) : fs_text_inline( 'Never miss an important update - opt in to our security and feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s.', 'connect-message', $slug); if ( $fs->is_plugin_update() ) { // If Freemius was added on a plugin update, set different // opt-in message. $default_optin_message = $is_gdpr_required ? fs_text_inline( 'Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that\'s okay! %1$s will still work just fine.', 'connect-message_on-update', $slug ) : fs_text_inline( 'Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that\'s okay! %1$s will still work just fine.', 'connect-message_on-update', $slug ); // If user customized the opt-in message on update, use // that message. Otherwise, fallback to regular opt-in // custom message if exist. if ( $fs->has_filter( 'connect_message_on_update' ) ) { $filter = 'connect_message_on_update'; } } $message = $fs->apply_filters( $filter, ($is_network_upgrade_mode ? '' : /* translators: %s: name (e.g. Hey John,) */ $hey_x_text . '
' ) . sprintf( esc_html( $default_optin_message ), '' . esc_html( $fs->get_plugin_name() ) . '', '' . $current_user->user_login . '', '' . $site_url . '', $freemius_link ), $first_name, $fs->get_plugin_name(), $current_user->user_login, '' . $site_url . '', $freemius_link, $is_gdpr_required ); } if ( $is_network_upgrade_mode ) { $network_integration_text = esc_html( fs_text_inline( 'We\'re excited to introduce the Freemius network-level integration.', 'connect_message_network_upgrade', $slug ) ); if ($is_premium_code){ $message = $network_integration_text . ' ' . sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'During the update process we detected %d site(s) that are still pending license activation.', 'connect_message_network_upgrade-premium', $slug ), count( $sites ) ); $message .= '

' . sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'If you\'d like to use the %s on those sites, please enter your license key below and click the activation button.', 'connect_message_network_upgrade-premium-activate-license', $slug ), $is_premium_only ? $fs->get_module_label( true ) : sprintf( /* translators: %s: module type (plugin, theme, or add-on) */ fs_text_inline( "%s's paid features", 'x-paid-features', $slug ), $fs->get_module_label( true ) ) ); /* translators: %s: module type (plugin, theme, or add-on) */ $message .= ' ' . sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'Alternatively, you can skip it for now and activate the license later, in your %s\'s network-level Account page.', 'connect_message_network_upgrade-premium-skip-license', $slug ), $fs->get_module_label( true ) ); }else { $message = $network_integration_text . ' ' . sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'During the update process we detected %s site(s) in the network that are still pending your attention.', 'connect_message_network_upgrade-free', $slug ), count( $sites ) ) . '

' . ( fs_starts_with( $message, $hey_x_text . '
' ) ? substr( $message, strlen( $hey_x_text . '
' ) ) : $message ); } } echo $message; ?>

do_action( 'connect/after_license_input' ); ?> - %s', $fs->get_text_inline( 'Yes', 'yes' ), $fs->get_text_inline( 'send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers.', 'send-updates' ) ); $do_not_send_updates_text = sprintf( '%s - %s', $fs->get_text_inline( 'No', 'no' ), sprintf( $fs->get_text_inline( 'do %sNOT%s send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers.', 'do-not-send-updates' ), '', '' ) ); ?>
$fs->get_id(), 'sites' => $sites, 'require_license_key' => $require_license_key ); echo fs_get_template( 'partials/network-activation.php', $vars ); ?>
is_enable_anonymous() && ! $is_pending_activation && ( ! $require_license_key || $is_network_upgrade_mode ) ) : ?> apply_filters( 'show_delegation_option', true ) ) : ?>
get_public_key() ) ?>
$value ) : ?>
'dashicons dashicons-admin-users', 'label' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Your Profile Overview', 'permissions-profile' ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Name and email address', 'permissions-profile_desc' ), 'priority' => 5, ); } $permissions['site'] = array( 'icon-class' => 'dashicons dashicons-admin-settings', 'tooltip' => ( $require_license_key ? sprintf( $fs->get_text_inline( 'So you can manage and control your license remotely from the User Dashboard.', 'permissions-site_tooltip' ), $fs->get_module_type() ) : '' ), 'label' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Your Site Overview', 'permissions-site' ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Site URL, WP version, PHP info', 'permissions-site_desc' ), 'priority' => 10, ); if ( ! $require_license_key ) { $permissions['notices'] = array( 'icon-class' => 'dashicons dashicons-testimonial', 'label' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Admin Notices', 'permissions-admin-notices' ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Updates, announcements, marketing, no spam', 'permissions-newsletter_desc' ), 'priority' => 13, ); } $permissions['events'] = array( 'icon-class' => 'dashicons dashicons-admin-' . ( $fs->is_plugin() ? 'plugins' : 'appearance' ), 'tooltip' => ( $require_license_key ? sprintf( $fs->get_text_inline( 'So you can reuse the license when the %s is no longer active.', 'permissions-events_tooltip' ), $fs->get_module_type() ) : '' ), 'label' => sprintf( $fs->get_text_inline( 'Current %s Status', 'permissions-events' ), ucfirst( $fs->get_module_type() ) ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Active, deactivated, or uninstalled', 'permissions-events_desc' ), 'priority' => 20, ); // Add newsletter permissions if enabled. if ( $is_gdpr_required || $fs->is_permission_requested( 'newsletter' ) ) { $permissions['newsletter'] = array( 'icon-class' => 'dashicons dashicons-email-alt', 'label' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Newsletter', 'permissions-newsletter' ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Updates, announcements, marketing, no spam', 'permissions-newsletter_desc' ), 'priority' => 15, ); } $permissions['extensions'] = array( 'icon-class' => 'dashicons dashicons-menu', 'label' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Plugins & Themes', 'permissions-extensions' ) . ( $require_license_key ? ' (' . $fs->get_text_inline( 'optional' ) . ')' : '' ), 'tooltip' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'To help us troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise from other plugin or theme conflicts.', 'permissions-events_tooltip' ), 'desc' => $fs->get_text_inline( 'Title, slug, version, and is active', 'permissions-extensions_desc' ), 'priority' => 25, 'optional' => true, 'default' => $fs->apply_filters( 'permission_extensions_default', ! $require_license_key ) ); // Allow filtering of the permissions list. $permissions = $fs->apply_filters( 'permission_list', $permissions ); // Sort by priority. uasort( $permissions, 'fs_sort_by_priority' ); if ( ! empty( $permissions ) ) : ?>

get_module_label( true ), sprintf('%s', fs_esc_html_inline('diagnostic data', 'send-data')), ' ' . $fs->get_text_inline( 'Freemius is our licensing and software updates engine', 'permissions-extensions_desc' ) . '' ) ?>

    $permission ) : ?>
  • class="fs-tooltip-trigger">

do_action( 'connect/after' ); if ( $is_optin_dialog ) { ?>