===Typal-makewp005====== Typal is a theme for typical business website. The basic theme options, customizable background, logo, headers, 3 custom menu, support post format, emphasis box and blocks the call to action on the home page, a 5 of places to display widgets and responsive layout. This Theme was created by team MakeWP and was released for free under the GPL license. Typal-makewp005 is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. Typal-makewp005 is based on the _s (Underscores) starter theme by Automattic Inc., which is also licensed under GPLv2. For more information about licensing, please refer to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Included with this theme are some other resources created by other people, please respect their licensing. You can do with this topic all you want, except for the sale or commercial gain from its transmission to others. ===Resources Used======== Thank them! http://genericons.com/ http://underscores.me/ http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/download/ ===Installation============ If you want to use the red button (Heading Box) - patterning: SUBMIT Use Sticky Posts to display on the home page of text blocks paying attention. To display icons (image) sticky entries, use the image thumbnail posts (sticky). Best image size for thumbnail posts - 700x450px ===Changelog ============ = 1.3.6 - 13.02.2014 = * Minor changes style.css = 1.3.5 - 13.02.2014 = * Added support post format * Added template page full width without the sidebar * Added Genericons * Changes style.css = 1.3.4 - 10.01.2014 = * [Bugfix] erroneous value 'custom-background' 'default-color' in functions.php = 1.3.3 - 23.12.2013 = * Changes in terms of output custom-header * Minor changes appearance = 1.3.2 - 21.12.2013 = * Removed Custom Post Type (Instead, use sticky post) * Removed Custom Widget * Remove unused files = 1.3.1 - 13.12.2013 = * Changes that is_home() is used incorrectly in header.php and index.php * Changes validate/sanitize user configuration input values on update = 1.3 - 09.12.2013 = * Changes to the file main.css (logo and phone div size) = 1.2 - 06.12.2013 = * Removed options script header and script footer = 1.1 - 06.12.2013 = * [Bugfix] Undefined variable in theme options file * Removed options meta tag are not allowed in theme = 1.0 - 25.11.2013 = Initial release