Theme Name: TwoFile Description: Theme is fully fluid and will change to any screen size which makes it perfect for mobile and tablet devices. Footer has plenty of room for widgets which all display in a horizontal layout. Header and background images changeable. Theme runs on two files: index.php and styles.css. This was done purely to see how practical it really is to run a theme on minimal compliance and it is an altruistic way to run a blog that requires fast load times. Author: Larry Judd - Tradesouthwest Author URI: Theme URI: Copyright: Larry Judd - Tradesouthwest Version: 0.2 Tags: white, custom-header, custom-background, flexible-header, fluid-layout License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: Additional License Info HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed Default header image property of Larry Judd TSW, author of theme. No license to image. Photo taken with Nikon s600 on top of the Sunset Point in North-Central Arizona. == Description == Theme runs on two files: index.php and styles.css. This was done purely to see how practical it really is to run a theme on minimal compliance and it is a altruistic way to run a blog that requires fast load times. Everything is reliant on the WordPress core to run your page functions. After further trial and error I found it is impossible to creat a theme which is fully compliant with the WordPress Theme Review processor. So the comments file had to be added. In reality there are more than two files that run this theme but I still kept the name out of tribute to the cause, if you will. == Version change Log == = 0.1 = * original theme = 0.2 = * corrected variables in functions php * fixed URL glitch in footer * fixed offset of div in response header