ID,'exp_main_feature',true)) { $feature = true; } $feature_widget = false; if (get_post_meta($post->ID,'exp_widget_feature',true)) { $feature_widget = true; } $exp_cat_feature = false; if (get_post_meta($post->ID,'exp_cat_feature',true)) { $exp_cat_feature = true; } echo''; ?> >


> ID,'exp_post_geo_address',true); echo''; ?>

By entering an address here, you can load a map within the content using the shortcode [tb_google_map], or simply enabling the map widget in one of the sidebars.

You must enter a valid address. It can be either the full address of a location, or just city/state name or just a zipcode, e.g.: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 or San Diego, CA or 92110

get_contents(''); if ($remote_version !== false) { $local = str_replace(".", "", $local_version); $remote = str_replace(".", "", $remote_version); if( trim($local) != trim($remote) ) { add_action('admin_notices','exp_new_theme_notice'); } } if( $local_version > get_option('exp_theme_ver') ) { update_option('exp_theme_ver',$local_version); } } function exp_new_theme_notice() { global $pagenow,$theme_data; if ( $pagenow == "themes.php" || $pagenow == 'index.php') { ?>

theme has a new version available. Please visit here to download the latest version.

If you like this theme, please consider leaving the credit links active so we can continue to support this free theme. These links only appear on a small number of pages, as we want to be as unobtrusive as possible. Thank you! click here to activate. Or click here to not show this message again.