version 1.0.11 1. added font awesome icon for rss feed in Social Menu in style.css. NOTE: it requires word "feed" in url 2. added support for Title tags in functions.php 3. Updated tags and description for theme in style.css version 1.0.10 1. added unminified files fro modernizer.custom.js and superfish.js version 1.0.9 1. deleted the 4th parameter on _n_noop version 1.0.8 1. rebuilt the pot file version 1.0.7 1. Fixed Language issue(s)in functions.php 2. Fixed Text domain missing for _n_noop functions. version 1.0.6 1. added code for social menu icon for 2. added instructions how to open social menu items in new window 3. In style.css, Text Domain is now topcat-lite. 4. Theme URI fixed 5. replaced tgmpa with topcat-lite domain. 6. If logo is not uploaded, site title and tagline are displayed. version 1.0.5 1. upgraded the license info for background image 2. changed the textdomain to topcat-lite 3. POT file renamed to topcat-lite.pot. 4. upgraded all files with new theme slug topcat_lite 5. Removed the html5.js inclusion from header.php 6. Moved topcat_render_title stuff from header.php file and placed it in functions.php. 7. Deleted the commented out implementation of footer_menu. 8. Image handle large-thumbnail prefixed with theme slug 9. Mentioned license attribute for Google fonts in readme.txt file. 10. deleted the the implementation of function topcat_custom_header_fonts. 11. Removed rtl.css. 12. Removed demo XML file. 13. Logo is now disabled by default. I have added the instructions how to load it in readme file. Changelog Since version 1.0.4 1. added add_theme_support( "title-tag" ) 2. fixed theme URI 3. Updated license information for bundled resources like fonts, javascripts, images, etc. 4. Mentioning license information and full image URL of images used in theme. 5. Bundled license's are GPL compatible 6. All strings are now translatable. 7. Updated .pot file 8. Using our text domain for displaying every string. 9. Function topcat_lite_setup is hooked to after_setup_theme hook. 10. Prefixed prefix theme functions, classes, global variables, image size name, script and style handles, etc with theme slug. 11. Using the correct handling of front page content. 12. removed unnecessary code comments. 13. Took out Tweet Old Custom Post and Buffer My Post from TGM implementation 14. Created changelog.txt 15. Removed unnecessary files. Eg:, layout folder, less and scss of Font Awesome., install folder 16. Recreated the .pot file