'WP-Less', 'slug' => 'wp-less', 'required' => false, ), // array( // 'name' => 'WP-ToeBox', // 'slug' => 'toebox_plugin', // 'required' => true, // ), array( 'name' => 'Amazon S3 and Cloudfront', 'slug' => 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront', 'required' => false, ), array( 'name' => 'W3 Total Cache', 'slug' => 'w3-total-cache', 'required' => false, ), ); $config = array( 'default_path' => ' ', // Default absolute path to pre-packaged plugins. 'menu' => 'tgmpa-install-plugins', // Menu slug. 'has_notices' => true, // Show admin notices or not. 'dismissable' => true, // If false, a user cannot dismiss the nag message. 'is_automatic' => true, // Automatically activate plugins after installation or not. 'message' => ' ', // Message to output right before the plugins table. 'strings' => array( 'notice_can_install_required' => _n_noop( 'ToeBox requires the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme requires the following plugins: %1$s.' ), // %1$s = plugin name(s). 'notice_can_install_recommended' => _n_noop( 'ToeBox recommends the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme recommends the following plugins: %1$s.' ), // %1$s = plugin name(s). ) ); tgmpa( $plugins, $config ); });