selective_refresh ) ) { $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'blogname', array( 'selector' => '.sitename', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'blogdescription', array( 'selector' => '.disc', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_single_category', array( 'selector' => '.singlecat', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_list_category', array( 'selector' => '.loopcat:first-child', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_single_date', array( 'selector' => '.post .loopdate', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_single_author', array( 'selector' => '.post .author', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_page_author', array( 'selector' => '.page .author', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_page_date', array( 'selector' => '.page .loopdate', ) ); $tijaji_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'tijaji_display_page_date', array( 'selector' => '.page .loopdate', ) ); 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$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_header_description_type', array ( 'default' => '3', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_header_description_type', array( 'section' => 'title_tagline', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_header_description_type', 'label' => __( 'Content of site description', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( '1' => __( 'Always site catchphrase', 'tijaji' ), '3' => __( 'Switch to page description', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 40, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_title', array ( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_display_single_title', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_title', 'content' => '' . __( 'Single', 'tijaji' ) . '', 'priority' => 28, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_category', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_single_category', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_category', 'label' => __( 'Display categories on the single page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_date', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_single_date', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_date', 'label' => __( 'Display date on the single page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 40, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_author', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_single_author', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_author', 'label' => __( 'Display author on the single page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 50, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_thumbnail', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_single_thumbnail', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_thumbnail', 'label' => __( 'Display Eye catch image on the single page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 55, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_single_pagenav', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_single_pagenav', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_single_pagenav', 'label' => __( 'Display "Next page", "Previous page" link on the single page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 60, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_page_title', array ( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_display_page_title', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_page_title', 'content' => '' . __( 'Page', 'tijaji' ) . '', 'priority' => 68, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_page_date', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_page_date', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_page_date', 'label' => __( 'Display date on the page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 70, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_page_author', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_page_author', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_page_author', 'label' => __( 'Display author on the page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 80, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_list_page_title', array ( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_display_list_page_title', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_list_page_title', 'content' => '' . __( 'List Page', 'tijaji' ) . '', 'priority' => 88, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_list_category', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_list_category', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_list_category', 'label' => __( 'Display categories on the list page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 90, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_list_date', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_list_date', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_list_date', 'label' => __( 'Display date on the list page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 100, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_list_comment', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_list_comment', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_list_comment', 'label' => __( 'Display comment number on the list page', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 110, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_list_img', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_list_img', array( 'section' => 'display', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_list_img', 'label' => __( 'If there is no eye catch image, display placeholder image', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 120, )); $tijaji_customize->add_section( 'design', array ( 'title' => __( 'Design settings', 'tijaji' ), 'panel' => 'tijaji_design_and_display_settings', 'priority' => 25, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_layout', array ( 'default' => 'right', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_layout', array( 'section' => 'design', 'settings' => 'tijaji_layout', 'label' => __( 'layout', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( 'right' => __( '2 column right sidebar', 'tijaji' ), 'left' => __( '2 column left sidebar', 'tijaji' ), 'one' => __( '1 columnt', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 10, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_listcontent', array ( 'default' => 'excerpt', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_listcontent', array( 'section' => 'design', 'settings' => 'tijaji_listcontent', 'label' => __( 'Article display on the list page. (Excerpt display or full text display)', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( 'excerpt' => __( 'Excerpt of the whole site', 'tijaji' ), 'indexcontent' => __( 'Full-text display with only the top page', 'tijaji' ), 'allcontent' => __( 'Full-text display of the whole site', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 20, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_main_waku', array ( 'default' => '1', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_main_waku', array( 'section' => 'design', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_main_waku', 'label' => __( 'Display border of main content', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( '1' => __( 'Display', 'tijaji' ), '2' => __( 'Hide', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_totop', array ( 'default' => 'totop1', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_totop', array( 'section' => 'design', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_totop', 'label' => __( 'Back to the top of the page Button', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( 'totop1' => __( 'Display', 'tijaji' ), 'totop2' => __( '60 px offset on top', 'tijaji' ), 'totop3' => __( '120 px offset on top', 'tijaji' ), 'totop5' => __( '60 px offset on top (Only for smartphone)', 'tijaji' ), 'totop6' => __( '120 px offset on top (Only for smartphone)', 'tijaji' ), 'totop4' => __( 'Hide', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 40, )); 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$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_fontfamily', array ( 'default' => '2', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_fontfamily', array( 'section' => 'fontsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_fontfamily', 'label' => __( 'Overall font family', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '1' => 'Noto Sans JP', '2' => 'Noto Sans Japanese(default)', '3' => 'Mplus 1p', '4' => 'Rounded Mplus 1c', '5' => 'Hannari', '6' => 'Kokoro', '7' => 'Nikukyu', '8' => 'Nico Moji', '9' => 'Sawarabi Gothic', '10' => 'Sawarabi Mincho', ), 'priority' => 35, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_fontsize', array ( 'default' => '15px', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_fontsize', array( 'section' => 'fontsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_fontsize', 'label' => __( 'Overall font size', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '12px' => '12px', '13px' => '13px', '14px' => '14px', '15px' => '15px (Default)', '16px' => '16px', '17px' => '17px', '18px' => '18px', '19px' => '19px', '20px' => '20px', ), 'priority' => 70, )); 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$tijaji_customize->add_section( 'spsetting', array ( 'title' => __( 'Smartphone setting', 'tijaji' ), 'description' => __( 'When the width is 480px or less', 'tijaji' ), 'priority' => 150, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sp_titlefontsize', array ( 'default' => '28px', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sp_titlefontsize', array( 'section' => 'spsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_sp_titlefontsize', 'label' => __( 'Site title font size', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '12px' => '12px', '13px' => '13px', '14px' => '14px', '15px' => '15px', '16px' => '16px', '17px' => '17px', '18px' => '18px', '19px' => '19px', '20px' => '20px', '22px' => '22px', '24px' => '24px', '26px' => '26px', '28px' => '28px(default)', '30px' => '30px', '32px' => '32px', '34px' => '34px', '36px' => '36px', '38px' => '38px', '40px' => '40px', '42px' => '42px', '44px' => '44px', ), 'priority' => 10, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sp_fontsize', array ( 'default' => '0b90em', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sp_fontsize', array( 'section' => 'spsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_sp_fontsize', 'label' => __( 'Font size: how many times normal', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '1b00em' =>'1.00', '0b95em' =>'0.95', '0b90em' =>'0.90 (Default)', '0b85em' =>'0.85', '0b80em' =>'0.80', '0b75em' =>'0.75', '0b70em' =>'0.70', '0b65em' =>'0.65', '0b60em' =>'0.60', ), 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_display_sp_header_description', array ( 'default' => 'true', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_checkbox', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_display_sp_header_description', array( 'section' => 'spsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_display_sp_header_description', 'label' => __( 'Display the header description', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => 20, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sp_titlelogo', array ( 'default' => '60px', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sp_titlelogo', array( 'section' => 'spsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_sp_titlelogo', 'label' => __( 'Site title logo size', 'tijaji' ), 'description' => __( '(Valid only when logo is displayed.)', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '40px' => '40px', '45px' => '45px', '50px' => '50px', '55px' => '55px', '60px' => '60px(default)', '65px' => '65px', '70px' => '70px', '75px' => '75px', '80px' => '80px', '100px' => '100px', '120px' => '120px', '140px' => '140px', '160px' => '160px', '180px' => '180px', '200px' => '200px', '220px' => '220px', '240px' => '240px', '260px' => '260px', '280px' => '280px', '300px' => '300px', ), 'priority' => 50, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sp_headermenu', array ( 'default' => '2', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sp_headermenu', array( 'section' => 'spsetting', 'settings' => 'tijaji_sp_headermenu', 'label' => __( 'How do you display the header menu?', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array( '1' => __( 'Same as PC', 'tijaji' ), '2' => __( 'Drawer menu (fixed in header)', 'tijaji' ), '3' => __( 'Drawer menu (follows screen)', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 60, )); $tijaji_customize->add_panel( 'tijaji_design_and_display_settings', array( 'priority' => 27, 'title' => __('Design and display settings', 'tijaji'), ) ); $tijaji_customize->add_panel( 'tijaji_headerimg_setting', array( 'priority' => 25, 'title' => __('Header image setting', 'tijaji'), ) ); $tijaji_customize->add_section( 'tijaji_header_image_type', array ( 'title' => __( 'Header image type', 'tijaji' ), 'panel' => 'tijaji_headerimg_setting', 'priority' => 10, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_header_img_type', array ( 'default' => '3', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_header_img_type', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_header_image_type', 'settings' => 'tijaji_header_img_type', 'label' => __( 'What is the header image?', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( '1' => __( 'None', 'tijaji' ), '2' => __( 'Media (Image or video)', 'tijaji' ), '3' => __( 'Slider', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_header_display', array ( 'default' => '2', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_header_display', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_header_image_type', 'settings' => 'tijaji_header_display', 'label' => __( 'Where to display?', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( '1' => __( 'All pages', 'tijaji' ), '2' => __( 'Top page only', 'tijaji' ), ), 'priority' => 40, )); $tijaji_customize->add_section( 'header_background_image_set', array ( 'title' => __( 'Header background image', 'tijaji' ), 'panel' => 'tijaji_headerimg_setting', 'priority' => 20, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('header_background_image',array( 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/default-header-background.jpg', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'header_background_image', array( 'label' => __( 'Header background image', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'header_background_image_set', 'settings' => 'header_background_image', ))); $tijaji_customize->add_section( 'tijaji_slider_set', array ( 'title' => __( 'Slider', 'tijaji' ), 'panel' => 'tijaji_headerimg_setting', 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_slider_number', array ( 'default' => '3', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_slider_number', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_number', 'label' => __( 'How many slider do you use?', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', ), 'priority' => 10, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_1',array( 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/default-1.jpg', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_1', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider image No.1', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_1', 'priority' => 20, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_2',array( 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/default-2.jpg', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_2', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider image No.2', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_2', 'priority' => 40, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_3',array( 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/default-3.jpg', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_3', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider image No.3', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_3', 'priority' => 60, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_4',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_4', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider image No.4', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_4', 'priority' => 80, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_5',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_5', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider image No.5', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_5', 'priority' => 100, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_txt_1',array( 'default' => __('The theme made by Japanese', 'tijaji' ), 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_text', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_txt_1', array( 'label' => __( 'Text to display with slider No.1', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'textarea', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_1', 'priority' => 30, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_txt_2',array( 'default' => __('We made it easy to customize
from the experience of running a lot of sites
', 'tijaji' ), 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_text', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_txt_2', array( 'label' => __( 'Text to display with slider No.2', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'textarea', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_2', 'priority' => 50, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_txt_3',array( 'default' => __('Have fun with WordPress!', 'tijaji' ), 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_text', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_txt_3', array( 'label' => __( 'Text to display with slider No.3', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'textarea', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_3', 'priority' => 70, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_txt_4',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_text', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_txt_4', array( 'label' => __( 'Text to display with slider No.4', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'textarea', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_4', 'priority' => 90, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_txt_5',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_text', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_slider_txt_5', array( 'label' => __( 'Text to display with slider No.5', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'textarea', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_5', 'priority' => 110, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_url_1',array( 'default' => '#', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_url_1', array( 'label' => __( 'Link URL slider No.1', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'text', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_url_1', 'priority' => 35, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_url_2',array( 'default' => '#', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_url_2', array( 'label' => __( 'Link URL slider No.2', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'text', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_url_2', 'priority' => 55, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_url_3',array( 'default' => '#', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_url_3', array( 'label' => __( 'Link URL slider No.3', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'text', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_url_3', 'priority' => 75, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_url_4',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control('tijaji_slider_url_4', array( 'label' => __( 'Link URL slider No.4', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'text', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_url_4', 'priority' => 95, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting('tijaji_slider_url_5',array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_slider_url_5', array( 'label' => __( 'Link URL slider No.5', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'type' => 'text', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_url_5', 'priority' => 115, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_slider_txt_shadow', array ( 'default' => 'slidertxt_shadow', 'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_slider_txt_shadow', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_shadow', 'label' => __( 'Add a text shadow?', 'tijaji' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( 'slidertxt_shadow' => 'Yes', '' => 'No', ), 'priority' => 12, )); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_slider_txt_color', array( 'default' => '#ffffff', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color', ) ); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_txt_color', array( 'label' => __( 'Slider text color', 'tijaji' ), 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_txt_color', 'priority' => 11, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_slider_1_title', array ( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_1_title', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_1_title', 'content' => '
' . __( 'Slider No.1', 'tijaji' ) . '
', 'priority' => 18, ))); $tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_slider_2_title', array ( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', )); $tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_slider_2_title', array( 'section' => 'tijaji_slider_set', 'settings' => 'tijaji_slider_2_title', 'content' => '
' . __( 'Slider No.2', 'tijaji' ) . '
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