add_panel( 'tijaji_decoration', array(
'priority' => 34,
'title' => __('Headline decoration', 'tijaji'),
) );
$tijaji_customize->add_section( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco', array (
'title' => __( 'Sidebar Headline Decoration', 'tijaji' ),
'panel' => 'tijaji_decoration',
'priority' => 10,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_font', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_font', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_font',
'content' => '
' . __( 'Font setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 5,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontsize', array (
'default' => '17px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontsize', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontsize',
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'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
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'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
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'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
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'24px' => '24px',
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'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontfamily', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontfamily',
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'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'1' => 'Noto Sans JP',
'2' => 'Noto Sans Japanese',
'3' => 'Mplus 1p',
'4' => 'Rounded Mplus 1c',
'5' => 'Hannari',
'6' => 'Kokoro',
'7' => 'Nikukyu',
'8' => 'Nico Moji',
'9' => 'Sawarabi Gothic',
'10' => 'Sawarabi Mincho',
'priority' => 20,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_color', array (
'default' => '#333333',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_color', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_color',
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'priority' => 30,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontweight', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontweight', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_fontweight',
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'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'normal' => 'normal',
'bold' => 'bold',
'priority' => 50,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_textalign', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_textalign', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
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'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'left' => 'left',
'right' => 'right',
'center' => 'center',
'priority' => 60,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding',
'content' => '' . __( 'Padding setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 65,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_top', array (
'default' => '10px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_top',
'label' => __( 'Top padding', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 70,
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'default' => '10px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_left',
'label' => __( 'Left padding', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 80,
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'default' => '10px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_right',
'label' => __( 'Right padding', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 90,
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'default' => '10px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_bottom', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_padding_bottom',
'label' => __( 'Bottom padding', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 100,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin',
'content' => '' . __( 'margin setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 105,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_top', array (
'default' => '0px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_top',
'label' => __( 'Top margin', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 110,
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'default' => '0px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_left',
'label' => __( 'Left margin', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 120,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_right', array (
'default' => '0px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_right', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_right',
'label' => __( 'Right margin', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 130,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_bottom', array (
'default' => '0px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_bottom', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_margin_bottom',
'label' => __( 'Bottom margin', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( 'Follow overall settings', 'tijaji' ),
'0px' => '0px',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 140,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background',
'content' => '' . __( 'Background setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 145,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color', array (
'default' => '#ffffff',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color',
'label' => __( 'Background color', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 150,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color_2', array (
'default' => '#ededed',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color_2', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_color_2',
'label' => __( 'Background color No.2', 'tijaji' ),
'description' => __( '(Setting this will result in a gradation.)', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 160,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_g_direction', array (
'default' => '270',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_g_direction', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_g_direction',
'label' => __( 'Direction of the gradation', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'270' => '↓',
'315' => '↘',
'0' => '→',
'45' => '↗',
'90' => '↑',
'135' => '↖',
'180' => '←',
'225' => '↙',
'priority' => 170,
'default' => '',
'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw',
$tijaji_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img', array(
'label' => __( 'Background image', 'tijaji' ),
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img',
'priority' => 180,
'default' => 'no-repeat',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_repeat', array(
'label' => __( 'Repeat background image?', 'tijaji' ),
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_repeat',
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'no-repeat' => __( 'No repeat', 'tijaji' ),
'repeat-y' => __( 'Repeat vertically', 'tijaji' ),
'repeat-x' => __( 'Repeat beside', 'tijaji' ),
'repeat' => __( 'Repeat', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 190,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_x', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_x', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_x',
'label' => __( 'Horizontal position', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => __( '0% (Left)', 'tijaji' ),
'1' => '1%',
'2' => '2%',
'3' => '3%',
'4' => '4%',
'5' => '5%',
'6' => '6%',
'7' => '7%',
'8' => '8%',
'9' => '9%',
'10' => '10%',
'15' => '15%',
'20' => '20%',
'25' => '25%',
'30' => '30%',
'35' => '35%',
'40' => '40%',
'45' => '45%',
'50' => __( '50% (Center)', 'tijaji' ),
'55' => '55%',
'60' => '60%',
'65' => '65%',
'70' => '70%',
'75' => '75%',
'80' => '80%',
'85' => '85%',
'90' => '90%',
'91' => '91%',
'92' => '92%',
'93' => '93%',
'94' => '94%',
'95' => '95%',
'96' => '96%',
'97' => '97%',
'98' => '98%',
'99' => '99%',
'100' => __( '100% (Right)', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 195,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_y', array (
'default' => '50',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_y', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_img_position_y',
'label' => __( 'Vertical position', 'tijaji' ),
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'choices' => array(
'0' => __( '0% (Top)', 'tijaji' ),
'1' => '1%',
'2' => '2%',
'3' => '3%',
'4' => '4%',
'5' => '5%',
'6' => '6%',
'7' => '7%',
'8' => '8%',
'9' => '9%',
'10' => '10%',
'15' => '15%',
'20' => '20%',
'25' => '25%',
'30' => '30%',
'35' => '35%',
'40' => '40%',
'45' => '45%',
'50' => __( '50% (Center)', 'tijaji' ),
'55' => '55%',
'60' => '60%',
'65' => '65%',
'70' => '70%',
'75' => '75%',
'80' => '80%',
'85' => '85%',
'90' => '90%',
'91' => '91%',
'92' => '92%',
'93' => '93%',
'94' => '94%',
'95' => '95%',
'96' => '96%',
'97' => '97%',
'98' => '98%',
'99' => '99%',
'100' => __( '100% (Bottom)', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 200,
'default' => '30px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_h_size', array(
'label' => __( 'Background image width', 'tijaji' ),
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_h_size',
'description' => __( 'Example => 30px, 50px, 50%, 100%, auto, cover etc.', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'text',
'priority' => 205,
'default' => 'auto',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_v_size', array(
'label' => __( 'Background image height', 'tijaji' ),
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_background_img_v_size',
'description' => __( 'Example => 30px, 50px, 50%, 100%, auto, cover etc.', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'text',
'priority' => 206,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius',
'content' => '' . __( 'Rounded corners setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 210,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_top', array (
'default' => '2px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_top',
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'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'25px' => '25px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'800px' => __( 'Max', 'tijaji' ),
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'default' => '2px',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
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'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
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'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'25px' => '25px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
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'default' => '2px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_right',
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'0' => 'none',
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'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'25px' => '25px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'800px' => __( 'Max', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 213,
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'default' => '2px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_bottom', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_radius_bottom',
'label' => __( 'Bottom left radius', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
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'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'25px' => '25px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'800px' => __( 'Max', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 214,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border',
'content' => '' . __( 'Border setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 215,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_top', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_top',
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'0' => 'none',
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'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
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'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_left', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
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'0' => 'none',
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'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
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'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 230,
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'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_right',
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'0' => 'none',
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'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'16px' => '16px',
'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 240,
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'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_weight_bottom',
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'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
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'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
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'17px' => '17px',
'18px' => '18px',
'19px' => '19px',
'20px' => '20px',
'21px' => '21px',
'22px' => '22px',
'23px' => '23px',
'24px' => '24px',
'25px' => '25px',
'26px' => '26px',
'27px' => '27px',
'28px' => '28px',
'29px' => '29px',
'30px' => '30px',
'35px' => '35px',
'40px' => '40px',
'45px' => '45px',
'50px' => '50px',
'priority' => 250,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_top', array (
'default' => '#333333',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_top',
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'priority' => 223,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_left', array (
'default' => '#333333',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_left',
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'default' => '#333333',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_right',
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'default' => '#333333',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_color_bottom',
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'priority' => 253,
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'default' => 'solid',
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$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_type_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_type_top',
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'solid' => __( 'solid', 'tijaji' ),
'double' => __( 'double', 'tijaji' ),
'dashed' => __( 'dashed', 'tijaji' ),
'dotted' => __( 'dotted', 'tijaji' ),
'inset' => __( 'inset', 'tijaji' ),
'outset' => __( 'outset', 'tijaji' ),
'groove' => __( 'groove', 'tijaji' ),
'ridge' => __( 'ridge', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 226,
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'default' => 'solid',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
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'solid' => __( 'solid', 'tijaji' ),
'double' => __( 'double', 'tijaji' ),
'dashed' => __( 'dashed', 'tijaji' ),
'dotted' => __( 'dotted', 'tijaji' ),
'inset' => __( 'inset', 'tijaji' ),
'outset' => __( 'outset', 'tijaji' ),
'groove' => __( 'groove', 'tijaji' ),
'ridge' => __( 'ridge', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 236,
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'default' => 'solid',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
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'solid' => __( 'solid', 'tijaji' ),
'double' => __( 'double', 'tijaji' ),
'dashed' => __( 'dashed', 'tijaji' ),
'dotted' => __( 'dotted', 'tijaji' ),
'inset' => __( 'inset', 'tijaji' ),
'outset' => __( 'outset', 'tijaji' ),
'groove' => __( 'groove', 'tijaji' ),
'ridge' => __( 'ridge', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 246,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_type_bottom', array (
'default' => 'solid',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_type_bottom', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_type_bottom',
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'choices' => array(
'solid' => __( 'solid', 'tijaji' ),
'double' => __( 'double', 'tijaji' ),
'dashed' => __( 'dashed', 'tijaji' ),
'dotted' => __( 'dotted', 'tijaji' ),
'inset' => __( 'inset', 'tijaji' ),
'outset' => __( 'outset', 'tijaji' ),
'groove' => __( 'groove', 'tijaji' ),
'ridge' => __( 'ridge', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 256,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_top', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_top', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_top',
'content' => '' . __( 'Top Border', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 219,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_left', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_left', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_left',
'content' => '' . __( 'Left Border', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 229,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_right', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_right', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_right',
'content' => '' . __( 'Right Border', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 239,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_bottom', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_bottom', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_border_bottom',
'content' => '' . __( 'Bottom Border', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 249,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
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'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow',
'content' => '' . __( 'Text shadow setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 260,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_horizontal', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_horizontal', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_horizontal',
'label' => __( 'Text shadow horizontal offset', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'-15px' => '-15px',
'-14px' => '-14px',
'-13px' => '-13px',
'-12px' => '-12px',
'-11px' => '-11px',
'-10px' => '-10px',
'-9px' => '-9px',
'-8px' => '-8px',
'-7px' => '-7px',
'-6px' => '-6px',
'-5px' => '-5px',
'-4px' => '-4px',
'-3px' => '-3px',
'-2px' => '-2px',
'-1px' => '-1px',
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 280,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_vertical', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_vertical', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_vertical',
'label' => __( 'Text shadow vertical offset', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'-15px' => '-15px',
'-14px' => '-14px',
'-13px' => '-13px',
'-12px' => '-12px',
'-11px' => '-11px',
'-10px' => '-10px',
'-9px' => '-9px',
'-8px' => '-8px',
'-7px' => '-7px',
'-6px' => '-6px',
'-5px' => '-5px',
'-4px' => '-4px',
'-3px' => '-3px',
'-2px' => '-2px',
'-1px' => '-1px',
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 290,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_length', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_length', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_length',
'label' => __( 'Text shadow length', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 270,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_color', array (
'default' => '#666666',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_color', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_text_shadow_color',
'label' => __( 'Text shadow color', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 300,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow', array (
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_box_field',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new tijaji_Custom_Content( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow',
'content' => '' . __( 'Box shadow setting', 'tijaji' ) . '
'priority' => 320,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_horizontal', array (
'default' => '0',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_horizontal', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_horizontal',
'label' => __( 'Box shadow horizontal offset', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'-15px' => '-15px',
'-14px' => '-14px',
'-13px' => '-13px',
'-12px' => '-12px',
'-11px' => '-11px',
'-10px' => '-10px',
'-9px' => '-9px',
'-8px' => '-8px',
'-7px' => '-7px',
'-6px' => '-6px',
'-5px' => '-5px',
'-4px' => '-4px',
'-3px' => '-3px',
'-2px' => '-2px',
'-1px' => '-1px',
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 340,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_vertical', array (
'default' => '1px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_vertical', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_vertical',
'label' => __( 'Box shadow vertical offset', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'-15px' => '-15px',
'-14px' => '-14px',
'-13px' => '-13px',
'-12px' => '-12px',
'-11px' => '-11px',
'-10px' => '-10px',
'-9px' => '-9px',
'-8px' => '-8px',
'-7px' => '-7px',
'-6px' => '-6px',
'-5px' => '-5px',
'-4px' => '-4px',
'-3px' => '-3px',
'-2px' => '-2px',
'-1px' => '-1px',
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 350,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_length', array (
'default' => '3px',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_length', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_length',
'label' => __( 'Box shadow length', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'0' => 'none',
'1px' => '1px',
'2px' => '2px',
'3px' => '3px',
'4px' => '4px',
'5px' => '5px',
'6px' => '6px',
'7px' => '7px',
'8px' => '8px',
'9px' => '9px',
'10px' => '10px',
'11px' => '11px',
'12px' => '12px',
'13px' => '13px',
'14px' => '14px',
'15px' => '15px',
'priority' => 330,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_color', array (
'default' => '#999999',
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $tijaji_customize, 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_color', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_color',
'label' => __( 'Box shadow color', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 360,
$tijaji_customize->add_setting( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_inout', array (
'default' => '',
'sanitize_callback' => 'tijaji_sanitize_select',
$tijaji_customize->add_control( 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_inout', array(
'section' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_deco',
'settings' => 'tijaji_sidebar_h_box_shadow_inout',
'label' => __( 'Inside or outside', 'tijaji' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'choices' => array(
'' => __( 'Outside', 'tijaji' ),
'inset' => __( 'Inside', 'tijaji' ),
'priority' => 370,
add_action('customize_register', 'tijaji_theme_customizer_extension_sidebar');
function tijaji_customizer_style_sidebar() { ?>
.sidebox h3 { }