is_advanced_mode() ) { if ( is_file( THEME_DIR . '/customizer-config.php' ) ) { require_once THEME_DIR . '/customizer-config.php'; } } else { if ( is_file( THEME_DIR . '/customizer-basic-config.php' ) ) { require_once THEME_DIR . '/customizer-basic-config.php'; } elseif ( is_file( THEME_DIR . '/customizer-config.php' ) ) { // This is for backwards compatibility in case user upgrades framework but not theme // in which case the customizer-basic-config.php won't be there yet. require_once THEME_DIR . '/customizer-config.php'; } } // Build list of settings for live preview and CSS generation add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'build_settings_and_styles' ), 12 ); add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'build_settings_and_styles' ) ); // Initialize Theme Customizer add_action( 'customize_register' , array( $this, 'customize_register' ), 14 ); // Enqueue Javascript for Theme Customizer control add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'customize_control_scripts' ) ); // Enqueue Javascript for Theme Customizer live preview add_action( 'customize_preview_init' , array( $this, 'live_preview_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_themify_customizer_save_option', array( $this, 'save_option' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_themify_customizer_get_option', array( $this, 'get_option' ) ); // Build CSS and save stylesheet add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( $this, 'write_stylesheet' ) ); // Output custom styling add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' , array( $this, 'enqueue_stylesheet' ), 14 ); // Remove stylesheet on theme switch add_action( 'switch_theme' , array( $this, 'delete_stylesheet' ) ); } /** * Build list of styling settings with: * - controls for live preview * - selectors/properties for CSS rules generation * * @since 1.0.0 */ function build_settings_and_styles() { //////////////////////// // Build Controls //////////////////////// $this->settings = apply_filters( 'themify_base_customizer_settings', array() ); //////////////////////// // Build CSS Styling //////////////////////// foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $setting ) { if ( isset( $setting['selector'] ) ) { $this->styles[$setting['selector']][] = array( 'prop' => isset( $setting['prop'] ) ? $setting['prop'] : '', 'key' => isset( $key ) ? $key : '', 'prefix' => isset( $setting['prefix'] ) ? $setting['prefix'] : '', ); } } } /** * Parameters for accordion start. * * @param string $label * @param string $section * @return array */ function accordion_start( $label = '', $section = 'themify_options' ) { return array( 'control' => array( 'type' => 'Themify_Sub_Accordion_Start', 'label' => $label, 'section' => $section, ), ); } /** * Parameters for accordion end. * * @param string $label * @param string $section * @return array */ function accordion_end( $label = '', $section = 'themify_options' ) { return array(); } /** * Enqueue script for custom control. */ function customize_control_scripts() { // If Customizer is active and user cleared all styling. if ( isset( $_GET['cleared'] ) && 'true' == $_GET['cleared'] ) { $this->delete_stylesheet(); } // Font Icon CSS wp_enqueue_style( 'themify-icons', THEMIFY_CUSTOMIZER_URI . '/css/themify-icons.css', array(), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION ); // Minicolors CSS wp_enqueue_style( 'themify-colorpicker', THEMIFY_BASE_URI . '/css/jquery.minicolors.css', array(), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION ); // Enqueue media scripts wp_enqueue_media(); // Controls CSS wp_enqueue_style( 'themify-customize-control', THEMIFY_CUSTOMIZER_URI . '/css/themify.customize-control.css', array(), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION ); // Minicolors JS wp_enqueue_script( 'themify-colorpicker-js', THEMIFY_BASE_URI . '/js/jquery.minicolors.js', array('jquery'), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION ); // Controls JS wp_enqueue_script( 'themify-customize-control', THEMIFY_CUSTOMIZER_URI . '/js/themify.customize-control.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-controls', 'underscore', 'backbone' ), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION, true ); $controls = array( 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ajax-nonce' ), 'clearMessage' => __( 'This will reset all styling and customization. Do you want to proceed?', 'themify' ), 'confirm_on_unload' => __('You have unsaved data.', 'themify'), ); // Pass JS variables to controls wp_localize_script( 'themify-customize-control', 'themifyCustomizerControls', $controls ); } /** * Enqueue script for live preview. */ function live_preview_scripts() { // Live preview JS wp_enqueue_script( 'themify-customize-preview', THEMIFY_CUSTOMIZER_URI . '/js/themify.customize-preview.js', array( 'jquery', 'customize-preview', 'underscore', 'backbone' ), THEMIFY_BASE_VERSION, true ); $controls = array( 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ajax-nonce' ), 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'isRTL' => is_rtl(), ); foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $params ) { if ( ! isset( $params['selector'] ) ) { continue; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_font' ) ) { $controls['fontControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_background' ) ) { $controls['backgroundControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '-logo_' ) ) { $controls['logoControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '-tagline' ) ) { $controls['taglineControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_border' ) ) { $controls['borderControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_margin' ) ) { $controls['marginControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_padding' ) ) { $controls['paddingControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_width' ) ) { $controls['widthControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_height' ) ) { $controls['heightControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_position' ) ) { $controls['positionControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_color' ) ) { $controls['colorControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, 'customcss' ) ) { $controls['customcssControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } if ( false !== stripos( $key, '_imageselect' ) ) { $controls['imageselectControls'][$key] = $params['selector']; } } // Pass JS variables to live preview scripts wp_localize_script( 'themify-customize-preview', 'themifyCustomizer', $controls ); } /** * Save a blog option. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function save_option(){ check_ajax_referer( 'ajax-nonce', 'nonce' ); if ( isset( $_POST['option'] ) && isset( $_POST['value'] ) ) { update_option( $_POST['option'], stripslashes( $_POST['value'] ) ); echo 'saved'; } else { echo 'notsaved'; } die(); } /** * Get a blog option. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function get_option(){ check_ajax_referer( 'ajax-nonce', 'nonce' ); if ( isset( $_POST['option'] ) && '' != $_POST['option'] ) { switch( $_POST['option'] ) { case 'blogname': echo preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", array( $this, 'decode_entities' ), html_entity_decode( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ); break; case 'blogdescription': echo preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", array( $this, 'decode_entities' ), html_entity_decode( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) ); break; default: echo get_option( $_POST['option'] ); break; } } else { echo 'notfound'; } die(); } /** * Checks if the user enabled advanced or basic mode. * Saves option to database to fetch when customizer mode is not indicated by $_GET var. * * @since 2.0.6 * * @return bool */ function is_advanced_mode() { if ( !isset( $this->mode ) ) { $key = 'themify_customizer'; // Check that var set is only 'advanced' or 'basic' since it will be saved to db if ( isset( $_GET[$key] ) && ( 'advanced' == $_GET[$key] || 'basic' == $_GET[$key] ) ) { update_option( $key, $_GET[$key] ); $this->mode = ( 'advanced' == $_GET[$key] ) ? 'advanced' : 'basic'; } else { $this->mode = ( 'advanced' == get_option( $key, 'basic' ) ) ? 'advanced' : 'basic'; } } return 'advanced' == $this->mode; } /** * Converts encoding for HTML entities not catched by html_entity_decode. * @param array $matches * @return string */ function decode_entities( $matches ) { return mb_convert_encoding( $matches[1], 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES' ); } /** * Add customizer controls. * @param \WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize */ function customize_register ( $wp_customize ) { foreach ( array( 'themify-control', 'fonts-control', 'image-select-control', 'text-decoration-control', 'background-control', 'border-control', 'margin-control', 'padding-control', 'color-control', 'color-transparent-control', 'width-control', 'height-control', 'position-control', 'customcss-control', 'image-control', 'logo-control', 'tagline-control', 'clear-control', 'sub-accordion', ) as $control ) { require_once THEMIFY_CUSTOMIZER_DIR . "/class-$control.php"; } $wp_customize->add_section( 'themify_options', array( 'title' => __( 'Themify Options', 'themify' ), 'description' => sprintf( ' %s%s%s%s ', $this->is_advanced_mode() ? 'href="' . admin_url( 'customize.php?themify_customizer=basic' ) . '"' : '', $this->is_advanced_mode() ? 'switchto' : 'selected', __( 'Basic', 'themify' ), __( 'Less Options', 'themify' ), $this->is_advanced_mode() ? '' : 'href="' . admin_url( 'customize.php?themify_customizer=advanced' ) . '"', $this->is_advanced_mode() ? 'selected' : 'switchto', __( 'Advanced', 'themify' ), __( 'More Options', 'themify' ) ), ) ); $priority = 10; foreach ( $this->settings as $setting_id => $field ) { $setting = isset( $field['setting'] ) ? $field['setting'] : array( 'default' => '' ); $wp_customize->add_setting( $setting_id, // serialized solo cuando type es 'option' array( 'default' => isset( $setting['default'] ) ? $setting['default'] : '', 'type' => isset( $setting['type'] ) ? $setting['type'] : 'theme_mod', 'capability' => isset( $setting['capability'] ) ? $setting['capability'] : 'edit_theme_options', 'transport' => isset( $setting['transport'] ) ? $setting['transport'] : 'postMessage', 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $setting['sanitize'] ) ? $setting['sanitize'] : false, ) ); if ( isset( $field['control'] ) ) { if ( 'Themify_Sub_Accordion_Start' == $field['control']['type'] ) { $this->set_accordion_id(); } $control = $field['control']; $class = $control['type']; if ( class_exists( $class ) ) { $wp_customize->add_control( new $class ( $wp_customize, $setting_id . '_ctrl', array( 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'show_label' => isset( $control['show_label'] ) ? $control['show_label'] : true, 'color_label' => isset( $control['color_label'] ) ? $control['color_label'] : __( 'Color', 'themify' ), 'image_options' => isset( $control['image_options'] ) ? $control['image_options'] : array(), 'section' => isset( $control['section'] ) ? $control['section'] : 'themify_options', 'settings' => isset( $control['settings'] ) ? $control['settings'] : $setting_id, 'priority' => $priority, 'accordion_id' => $this->get_accordion_id(), ) )); } elseif ( 'nav_menu' == $class ) { $this->add_nav_menu_control( $wp_customize, $control['location'], array( 'priority' => $priority, 'accordion_id' => $this->get_accordion_id(), ) ); } else { $options = array( 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'show_label' => isset( $control['show_label'] ) ? $control['show_label'] : true, 'color_label' => isset( $control['color_label'] ) ? $control['color_label'] : __( 'Color', 'themify' ), 'image_options' => isset( $control['image_options'] ) ? $control['image_options'] : array(), 'section' => isset( $control['section'] ) ? $control['section'] : 'themify_options', 'settings' => isset( $control['settings'] ) ? $control['settings'] : $setting_id, 'priority' => $priority, 'type' => $class, 'accordion_id' => $this->get_accordion_id(), ); if ( 'select' == $class ) { $options['choices'] = $control['choices']; } $wp_customize->add_control( $setting_id . '_ctrl', $options ); } } elseif ( isset( $field['builtin'] ) ) { } $priority++; } // Remove Nav Menus Section $wp_customize->remove_section( 'nav' ); // Remove title and tagline section $wp_customize->remove_setting( 'blogname' ); $wp_customize->remove_setting( 'blogdescription' ); $wp_customize->remove_control( 'blogname' ); $wp_customize->remove_control( 'blogdescription' ); // Remove control for Posts Page in Static Front Page section $wp_customize->remove_control( 'page_for_posts' ); } /** * Sets the current accordion being rendered. Used to identify controls that are nested inside it. * * @return number */ function set_accordion_id() { $this->current_accordion_slug++; } /** * Returns the current accordion being rendered. Set initially when accordion_start() is called. * * @return number */ function get_accordion_id() { return $this->current_accordion_slug; } /** * Add the control to render a navigation menu selector * * @param object $wp_customize Customizer instance. * @param string $menu_location Location to add menu to. * @param array $args Extra arguments to setup the control. */ function add_nav_menu_control( $wp_customize, $menu_location = '', $args = array() ) { $locations = get_registered_nav_menus(); $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); if ( $menus ) { $choices = array( 0 => __( '— Select —', 'themify' ) ); foreach ( $menus as $menu ) { $choices[ $menu->term_id ] = wp_html_excerpt( $menu->name, 40, '…' ); } foreach ( $locations as $location => $description ) { if ( $location == $menu_location ) { $menu_setting_id = "nav_menu_locations[{$location}]"; $wp_customize->add_setting( $menu_setting_id, array( 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint', 'theme_supports' => 'menus', ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( $menu_setting_id, array( 'label' => $description, 'section' => 'themify_options', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'priority' => $args['priority'], ) ); break; } } } } /** * Return the URL or the directory path for the global styling stylesheet. * * @since 1.1.7 * * @param string $mode Whether to return the directory or the URL. Can be 'bydir' or 'byurl' correspondingly. * * @return string */ function get_stylesheet( $mode = 'bydir' ) { static $before; if ( ! isset( $before ) ) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $before = array( 'bydir' => $upload_dir['basedir'], 'byurl' => $upload_dir['baseurl'], ); } $stylesheet = "$before[$mode]/themify-customizer.css"; /** * Filters the return URL or directory path including the file name. * * @since 1.1.7 * * @param string $stylesheet Path or URL for the global styling stylesheet. * @param string $mode What was being retrieved, 'bydir' or 'byurl'. */ return apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_stylesheet', $stylesheet, $mode ); } /** * Write stylesheet file. * * @since 1.1.7 * * @return bool */ function write_stylesheet( $delete_empty = true ) { $this->saving_stylesheet = true; $css_file = $this->get_stylesheet(); $css_to_save = $this->generate_css(); // Load WP Filesystem if ( ! function_exists( 'WP_Filesystem' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; if ( ! empty( $css_to_save ) ) { $wp_filesystem->delete( $css_file ); if ( $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $css_file, $css_to_save, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) { update_option( 'themify_customizer_stylesheet_timestamp', current_time( 'y.m.d.H.i.s' ) ); } } elseif ( $delete_empty ) { $wp_filesystem->delete( $css_file ); } $this->saving_stylesheet = false; } /** * Checks if the customize stylesheet exists and enqueues it. Otherwise hooks an action to wp_head to build the CSS and output it. * * @since 1.1.7 */ function delete_stylesheet() { $css_file = $this->get_stylesheet(); // Load WP Filesystem if ( ! function_exists( 'WP_Filesystem' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; if ( $wp_filesystem->is_file( $css_file ) ) { $wp_filesystem->delete( $css_file ); } } /** * Checks whether a file exists, can be loaded and is not empty. * * @since 1.1.7 * * @param string $file_path Path in server to the file to check. * * @return bool */ function is_readable_and_not_empty( $file_path = '' ) { if ( empty( $file_path ) ) { return false; } return is_readable( $file_path ) && 0 !== filesize( $file_path ); } /** * Tries to enqueue stylesheet. If it's not possible, it hooks an action to wp_head to build the CSS and output it. * * @since 1.1.7 */ function enqueue_stylesheet() { if ( apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_enqueue_stylesheet', true ) ) { global $wp_customize; if ( ( $wp_customize instanceof WP_Customize_Manager ) && $wp_customize->is_preview() ) { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'output_css' ) ); } else { // If enqueue fails, maybe the file doesn't exist... if ( ! $this->test_and_enqueue() ) { // so try to generate stylesheet... $this->write_stylesheet( false ); // and check again if ( ! $this->test_and_enqueue() ) { // No luck. Let's do it inline. add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'output_css' ) ); } } } } } /** * Checks if the customize stylesheet exists and enqueues it. * * @since 1.1.7 * * @return bool True if enqueue was successful, false otherwise. */ function test_and_enqueue() { if ( $this->is_readable_and_not_empty( $this->get_stylesheet() ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'themify-customize', themify_base_https_esc( $this->get_stylesheet( 'byurl' ) ), array(), $this->get_stylesheet_version() ); $this->enqueue_fonts(); return true; } return false; } /** * Return timestamp to use as stylesheet version. * * @since 1.1.7 */ function get_stylesheet_version() { return get_option( 'themify_customizer_stylesheet_timestamp' ); } /** * Builds the CSS and outputs it. * * @since 1.1.7 */ function output_css() { $css = $this->generate_css(); if ( ! empty( $css ) ) { echo "\n\n"; } } /** * Enqueues Google Fonts * * @since 2.2.6 * @since 2.2.7 Fonts are enqueued in a single call. */ function enqueue_fonts() { $this->generate_css( true ); // Call only to enqueue fonts. if ( ! empty( $this->customizer_fonts ) ) { $subsets = 'latin'; $user_subsets = implode( ',', themify_base_get( 'setting-subsets', array() ) ); if ( ! empty( $user_subsets ) ) { $subsets .= ",$user_subsets"; } $this->customizer_fonts = str_replace( ' ', '+', implode( '|', $this->customizer_fonts ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'customizer-google-fonts' . md5( $this->customizer_fonts . $subsets ), themify_base_https_esc( '' ) . '?family=' . $this->customizer_fonts . '&subset=' . $subsets ); } } /** * Generate CSS rules and output them. * @uses filter 'themify_theme_styling' over output. * * @param bool $fonts_only Whether to extracts fonts or not. * * @return string */ function generate_css( $fonts_only = false ) { global $wp_customize; $is_customize = isset( $wp_customize ); // Styles are saved by selector to later output them all at once $css = array(); $custom_css = ''; foreach ( $this->styles as $selector => $style ) { if ( ! isset( $css[$selector] ) ) { $css[$selector] = ''; } if ( ! $fonts_only ) { if ( 'customcss' == $selector && ( ! $is_customize || $this->saving_stylesheet ) ) { $custom_css = $this->custom_css(); continue; } } if ( isset( $style[0] ) ) { if ( is_array( $style[0] ) ) { foreach( array_map( 'unserialize', array_unique( array_map( 'serialize', $style ) ) ) as $mstyle ) { if ( 'logo' == $mstyle['prop'] || 'tagline' == $mstyle['prop'] ) { if ( $logo_props = $this->build_image_size_rule( $mstyle['key'] ) ) { $css[$selector . ' img'] = $logo_props; } if ( 'logo' == $mstyle['prop'] ) { $css[$selector . ' a'] = $this->build_color_rule( $mstyle['key'] ); } } $css[$selector] .= $this->build_css_rule( $selector, $mstyle['prop'], $mstyle['key'], isset( $mstyle['prefix'] ) ? $mstyle['prefix'] : '', isset( $mstyle['suffix'] ) ? $mstyle['suffix'] : '', $fonts_only ); } } else { if ( 'logo' == $style['prop'] || 'tagline' == $style['prop'] ) { if ( $logo_props = $this->build_image_size_rule( $style['key'] ) ) { $css[$selector . ' img'] = $logo_props; } if ( 'logo' == $style['prop'] ) { $css[$selector . ' a'] = $this->build_color_rule( $style['key'] ); } } $css[$selector] .= $this->build_css_rule( $selector, $style['prop'], $style['key'], isset( $style['prefix'] ) ? $style['prefix'] : '', isset( $style['suffix'] ) ? $style['suffix'] : '', $fonts_only ); } } } $out = ''; if ( ! $fonts_only ) { if ( ! empty( $css ) ) { foreach ( $css as $selector => $properties ) { $out .= '' != $properties ? "$selector {\t$properties \n}\n" : ''; } if ( ! empty( $out ) ) { $out = "/* Themify Customize Styling */\n" . apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_styling', $out ); } } if ( ! empty( $custom_css ) ) { $out .= "\n/* Themify Custom CSS */\n" . apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_custom_css', $custom_css ); } } return $out; } /** * Outputs image width and height for the logo/description image if they are available. * * @param string $mod_name * @return string */ function build_image_size_rule( $mod_name ) { $element = json_decode( $this->get_cached_mod( $mod_name ) ); $element_props = ''; if ( ! empty( $element->imgwidth ) ) { $element_props .= "\twidth: {$element->imgwidth}px;"; } if ( ! empty( $element->imgheight ) ) { $element_props .= "\n\theight: {$element->imgheight}px;"; } return $element_props; } /** * Outputs color for the logo in text mode since it's needed for the . * * @param string $mod_name * @return string */ function build_color_rule( $mod_name ) { $element = json_decode( $this->get_cached_mod( $mod_name ) ); $element_props = ''; if ( ! empty( $element->imgwidth ) ) { $element_props .= "\twidth: {$element->imgwidth}px;"; } if ( isset( $element->color ) && '' != $element->color ) { $element_props .= "\n\tcolor: #$element->color;"; $opacity = ( isset( $element->opacity ) && '' != $element->opacity ) ? $element->opacity : '1'; $element_props .= "\n\tcolor: rgba(" . $this->hex2rgb( $element->color ) . ',' . $opacity . ');'; } return $element_props; } /** * Checks if there's a Custom CSS text stored, formats it and returns it to be output. * * @return string */ function custom_css() { $mod = $this->get_cached_mod( 'customcss' ); // Remove JSON stuff $mod = str_replace( '{"css":"', '', $mod ); $mod = str_replace( '"}', '', $mod ); // Escape backslashes, single and double quotes $mod = addslashes( $mod ); // Rebuild JSON $mod = '{"css":"' . $mod . '"}'; $customcss = json_decode( $mod ); $out = ''; if ( isset( $customcss->css ) && '' != $customcss->css ) { $out .= str_replace( array( '{', '}' ), array( "{\n\t", "\n}\n" ), trim( $customcss->css ) ); } return $out; } /** * Return theme mod using cached static var if possible. * * @param $name * @param bool $default * * @return mixed|void */ function get_cached_mod( $name, $default = false ) { static $mods; if ( ! isset( $mods ) ) { $mods = get_theme_mods(); } if ( isset( $mods[$name] ) ) { /** * Filter the theme modification, or 'theme_mod', value. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $name, refers to * the key name of the modification array. For example, * 'header_textcolor', 'header_image', and so on depending * on the theme options. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param string $current_mod The value of the current theme modification. */ return apply_filters( "theme_mod_{$name}", $mods[$name] ); } if ( is_string( $default ) ) $default = sprintf( $default, get_template_directory_uri(), get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ); /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/theme.php */ return apply_filters( "theme_mod_{$name}", $default ); } /** * Build a CSS rule. * * @param string $selector CSS selector. * @param string $style CSS property to write. * @param string $mod_name The 'theme_mod' option to fetch. * @param string $prefix Prefix for CSS property value. * @param string $suffix Suffix for CSS property value. * @param bool $fonts_only Whether to extracts fonts or not. * @return string CSS rule: selector, property and property value. Empty if 'theme_mod' option specified is empty. */ function build_css_rule( $selector, $style, $mod_name, $prefix = '', $suffix = '', $fonts_only = false ) { $mod = $this->get_cached_mod( $mod_name ); $out = ''; if ( ! empty( $mod ) ) { if ( 'font' == $style || 'logo' == $style || 'tagline' == $style || 'decoration' == $style ) { // Font Rule $font = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $font->family->name ) && '' != $font->family->name ) { if ( isset( $font->family->fonttype ) && 'google' == $font->family->fonttype ) { $this->customizer_fonts[] = $font->family->name; } $out .= sprintf("\n\tfont-family:%s;", $prefix . $font->family->name . $suffix ); } if ( ! isset( $font->nostyle ) || '' == $font->nostyle ) { if ( isset( $font->italic ) && '' != $font->italic ) { $out .= sprintf("\tfont-style:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->italic . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $font->bold ) && '' != $font->bold ) { $out .= sprintf("\tfont-weight:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->bold . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $font->underline ) && '' != $font->underline ) { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-decoration:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->underline . $suffix ); } elseif ( isset( $font->linethrough ) && '' != $font->linethrough ) { $font->linethrough = 'linethrough' == $font->linethrough ? 'line-through' : $font->linethrough; $out .= sprintf("\ttext-decoration:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->linethrough . $suffix ); } } else { $out .= sprintf("\tfont-style:%s;\n", $prefix . 'normal' . $suffix ); $out .= sprintf("\tfont-weight:%s;\n", $prefix . 'normal' . $suffix ); $out .= sprintf("\ttext-decoration:%s;\n", $prefix . 'none' . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $font->sizenum ) && '' != $font->sizenum ) { $unit = isset( $font->sizeunit ) && '' != $font->sizeunit ? $font->sizeunit : 'px'; $out .= sprintf("\tfont-size:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->sizenum . $unit . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $font->linenum ) && '' != $font->linenum ) { $unit = isset( $font->lineunit ) && '' != $font->lineunit ? $font->lineunit : 'px'; $out .= sprintf("\tline-height:%s;\n", $prefix . $font->linenum . $unit . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $font->texttransform ) && '' != $font->texttransform ) { if ( 'notexttransform' == $font->texttransform ) { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-transform:%s;", $prefix . 'none' . $suffix ); } else { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-transform:%s;", $prefix . $font->texttransform . $suffix ); } } if ( isset( $font->align ) && '' != $font->align ) { if ( 'noalign' != $font->align ) { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-align:%s;", $prefix . $font->align . $suffix ); } else { if ( '' == is_rtl() ) { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-align:%s;", $prefix . 'left' . $suffix ); } else { $out .= sprintf("\ttext-align:%s;", $prefix . 'right' . $suffix ); } } } if ( isset( $font->color ) && '' != $font->color ) { $out .= "\n\tcolor: #$font->color;"; $opacity = ( isset( $font->opacity ) && '' != $font->opacity ) ? $font->opacity : '1'; $out .= "\n\tcolor: rgba(" . $this->hex2rgb( $font->color ) . ',' . $opacity . ');'; } } if ( $fonts_only ) { return ''; } if ( 'logo' == $style || 'tagline' == $style ) { // Logo/description Rule $element = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $element->mode ) ) { if ( 'none' == $element->mode ) { $out .= 'display: none;'; } } } elseif ( 'color' == $style ) { // Color Rule $color = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $color->color ) && '' != $color->color ) { $out .= "\n\tcolor: #$color->color;"; $opacity = ( isset( $color->opacity ) && '' != $color->opacity ) ? $color->opacity : '1'; $out .= "\n\tcolor: rgba(" . $this->hex2rgb( $color->color ) . ',' . $opacity . ');'; } } elseif ( 'background' == $style ) { // Background Rule $bg = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $bg->noimage ) && 'noimage' == $bg->noimage ) { $out .= 'background-image: none;'; } elseif ( isset( $bg->src ) && '' != $bg->src ) { $out .= sprintf("background-image: url(%s);", $prefix . $bg->src . $suffix ); } if ( isset( $bg->style ) && '' != $bg->style ) { if ( 'fullcover' == $bg->style ) { $out .= "\n\tbackground-size: cover;"; } else { $out .= "\n\tbackground-repeat: {$bg->style};"; } } if ( isset( $bg->position ) && '' != $bg->position ) { $out .= "\n\tbackground-position: {$bg->position};"; } if ( isset( $bg->transparent ) && '' != $bg->transparent ) { $out .= "\n\tbackground-color: $bg->transparent;"; } elseif ( isset( $bg->color ) && '' != $bg->color ) { $out .= "\n\tbackground-color: #$bg->color;"; $opacity = ( isset( $bg->opacity ) && '' != $bg->opacity ) ? $bg->opacity : '1'; $out .= "\n\tbackground-color: rgba(" . $this->hex2rgb( $bg->color ) . ',' . $opacity . ');'; } } elseif ( 'border' == $style ) { // Border Rule $border = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $border->disabled ) && 'disabled' == $border->disabled ) { $out .= 'border: none;'; } else { $same = ( isset( $border->same ) && '' != $border->same ) ? 'same' : ''; if ( '' == $same ) { foreach ( array( 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ) as $side ) { if ( isset( $border->{$side} ) ) { $border_side = $border->{$side}; $out .= $this->setBorder( $border_side, 'border-' . $side ); } } } else { $out .= $this->setBorder( $border ); } } } elseif ( 'margin' == $style || 'padding' == $style ) { // Margin/Padding Rule $marginpadding = json_decode( $mod ); $same = ( isset( $marginpadding->same ) && '' != $marginpadding->same ) ? 'same' : ''; if ( '' == $same ) { foreach ( array( 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ) as $side ) { if ( isset( $marginpadding->{$side} ) ) { if ( 'margin' == $style && isset( $marginpadding->{$side}->auto ) && 'auto' == $marginpadding->{$side}->auto ) { $out .= $style . '-' . $side . ': auto;'; } else { $this_side = $marginpadding->{$side}; $out .= $this->setDimension( $this_side, $style . '-' . $side ); } } } } else { if ( 'margin' == $style && isset( $marginpadding->auto ) && 'auto' == $marginpadding->auto ) { $out .= $style . ': auto;'; } else { $out .= $this->setDimension( $marginpadding, $style ); } } } elseif ( 'width' == $style || 'height' == $style ) { // Width/Height Rule $widthheight = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $widthheight->auto ) && 'auto' == $widthheight->auto ) { $out .= $style . ': auto;'; } else { $out .= $this->setDimension( $widthheight, $style ); } } elseif ( 'position' == $style ) { // Position Rule $position = json_decode( $mod ); if ( isset( $position->position ) && '' != $position->position ) { $out .= sprintf("\tposition:%s;\n", $prefix . $position->position . $suffix ); } foreach ( array( 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ) as $side ) { if ( isset( $position->{$side} ) ) { if ( isset( $position->{$side}->auto ) && 'auto' == $position->{$side}->auto ) { $out .= $side . ': auto;'; } else { $this_side = $position->{$side}; $out .= $this->setDimension( $this_side, $side ); } } } } elseif ( 'image' == $style ) { // Image Rule does nothing because it's not styling by markup injected in a php function. } } // Build rule to return if ( '' != $out ) { $out = "\t$out"; } return $out; } /** * Generate border properties. * * @uses hex2rgb() * * @param object $border Object with all the necessary values. * @param string $property Property to set, can be border or border-left for example * @return string */ function setBorder( $border, $property = 'border' ) { $out = ''; if ( isset( $border->style ) && 'none' != $border->style ) { if ( '' != $border->style ) { $out .= "\n\t$property-style: $border->style;"; } if ( isset( $border->width ) && '' != $border->width ) { $out .= "\n\t$property-width: {$border->width}px;"; } if ( isset( $border->color ) && '' != $border->color ) { $out .= "\n\t$property-color: #$border->color;"; $opacity = ( isset( $border->opacity ) && '' != $border->opacity ) ? $border->opacity : '1'; $out .= "\n\t$property-color: rgba(" . $this->hex2rgb( $border->color ) . ',' . $opacity . ');'; } } else { $out .= "\n\t$property: none;"; } return $out; } /** * Generate dimension properties for cases like padding or margin. * * @param object $object Object with all the necessary values. * @param string $property Property to set, can be margin or padding-left for example * @return string */ function setDimension( $object, $property = 'margin' ) { $out = ''; if ( isset( $object->unit ) && 'px' != $object->unit ) { $unit = $object->unit; } else { $unit = 'px'; } if ( isset( $object->width ) && '' != $object->width ) { $out .= "\n\t$property: {$object->width}$unit;"; } return $out; } /** * Converts color in hexadecimal format to RGB format. * * @param string $hex Color in hexadecimal format. * @return string Color in RGB components separated by comma. */ function hex2rgb( $hex ) { $hex = str_replace( "#", "", $hex ); if ( strlen( $hex ) == 3 ) { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) ); } else { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ); } return implode( ',', array( $r, $g, $b ) ); } /** * Inserts logo image in site title or hides it. * * @param string $location * @return string */ function site_logo( $location = '' ) { $site_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); $logo = json_decode( $this->get_cached_mod( $location . '_image' ) ); $has_image_src = isset( $logo->src ) && '' != $logo->src; $is_image_mode = isset( $logo->mode ) && 'image' == $logo->mode; if ( $is_image_mode ) { $url = apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_logo_home_url', isset( $logo->link ) && ! empty( $logo->link ) ? $logo->link : home_url() ); } else { $url = apply_filters( 'themify_customizer_logo_home_url', isset( $logo->link ) && ! empty( $logo->link ) ? $logo->link : home_url() ); } $html = ''; if ( isset( $this->settings[$location . '_image'] ) && $has_image_src && $is_image_mode ) { $html .= '' . $site_name . ''; $html .= '' . $site_name . ''; } else { $html .= '' . $site_name . ''; } $html .= ''; return $html; } /** * Inserts image in site description or hides it. * * @param string $location * @return string */ function site_description( $location = 'site-tagline' ) { $site_desc = get_bloginfo( 'description' ); $desc = json_decode( $this->get_cached_mod( $location ) ); $has_image_src = isset( $desc->src ) && '' != $desc->src; $is_image_mode = isset( $desc->mode ) && 'image' == $desc->mode; $html = ''; if ( isset( $this->settings[$location] ) && $has_image_src && $is_image_mode ) { $html .= '' . $site_desc . ''; $html .= '' . $site_desc . ''; } else { $html .= '' . $site_desc . ''; } return $html; } } $GLOBALS['themify_customizer'] = new Themify_Customizer;