* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015, Justin Tadlock * @link http://themehybrid.com/hybrid-core * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ /* === Deprecated Functions === */ /** * Loop pagination function for paginating loops with multiple posts. This should be used on archive, blog, and * search pages. It is not for singular views. * * @since loop-pagination-0.1.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 * @access public * @param array $args * @return string */ function loop_pagination( $args = array() ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.0.0', 'the_posts_pagination()' ); return isset( $args['echo'] ) && false === $args['echo'] ? get_the_posts_pagination( $args ) : the_posts_pagination( $args ); } /** * Outputs the loop title. * * @since 2.0.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function hybrid_loop_title() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.0.0', 'the_archive_title()' ); the_archive_title(); } /** * Gets the loop title. This function should only be used on archive-type pages, such as archive, blog, and * search results pages. It outputs the title of the page. * * @link http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21995 * @since 2.0.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 * @access public * @return string */ function hybrid_get_loop_title() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.0.0', 'get_the_archive_title()' ); return get_the_archive_title(); } /** * Outputs the loop description. * * @since 2.0.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function hybrid_loop_description() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.0.0', 'the_archive_description()' ); the_archive_description(); } /** * Gets the loop description. This function should only be used on archive-type pages, such as archive, blog, and * search results pages. It outputs the description of the page. * * @link http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21995 * @since 2.0.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 * @access public * @return string */ function hybrid_get_loop_description() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.0.0', 'get_the_archive_description()' ); return get_the_archive_description(); } /** * Registers admin scripts. * * @note Temp. deprecated. We might need in future. * @since 3.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function hybrid_admin_register_scripts() {} /* === Removed Functions === */ /* Fuctions removed in the 3.0 branch. */ // class Hybrid_Customize_Control_Textarea extends WP_Customize_Control {} // class Hybrid_Customize_Control_Background_Image extends WP_Customize_Background_Image_Control {} class Hybrid_Theme_Settings{} function hybrid_get_styles() {} function hybrid_doctitle() {} //function hybrid_admin_register_styles() {} // Re-added in 3.0.0. function hybrid_admin_enqueue_styles() {} function hybrid_settings_field_id() {} function hybrid_settings_field_name() {} function hybrid_get_setting() {} function hybrid_get_default_theme_settings() {} function hybrid_enqueue_styles() {} function hybrid_list_comments_args() {} function hybrid_get_textdomain() {} function hybrid_meta_box_post_remove_template() {} function hybrid_set_prefix() {} function hybrid_get_prefix() {} function hybrid_do_atomic() {} function hybrid_apply_atomic() {} function hybrid_apply_atomic_shortcode() {} function hybrid_format_hook() {} function hybrid_get_attachment_id_from_url() {} function hybrid_sanitize_meta() {} function post_layouts_get_layout() {} function theme_layouts_register_meta() {} function theme_layouts_sanitize_meta() {} function theme_layouts_add_post_type_support() {} function theme_layouts_remove_post_type_support() {} function theme_layouts_get_layouts() {} function theme_layouts_get_args() {} function theme_layouts_filter_layout() {} function theme_layouts_get_layout() {} function get_post_layout() {} function set_post_layout() {} function delete_post_layout() {} function has_post_layout() {} function get_user_layout() {} function set_user_layout() {} function delete_user_layout() {} function has_user_layout() {} function theme_layouts_body_class() {} function theme_layouts_strings() {} function theme_layouts_get_string() {} function theme_layouts_admin_setup() {} function theme_layouts_load_meta_boxes() {} function theme_layouts_add_meta_boxes() {} function theme_layouts_post_meta_box() {} function theme_layouts_save_post() {} function theme_layouts_attachment_fields_to_edit() {} function theme_layouts_attachment_fields_to_save() {} function theme_layouts_customize_register() {} function theme_layouts_customize_preview_script() {} function theme_layouts_get_meta_key() {} function hybrid_the_year_shortcode() {} function hybrid_site_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_wp_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_theme_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_child_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_attr_loop_meta() {} function hybrid_attr_loop_title() {} function hybrid_attr_loop_description() {} function hybrid_admin_setup() {} function hybrid_attachment_id3_keys() {} function hybrid_image_size_names_choose() {} function hybrid_meta_template() {} function hybrid_load_customize_controls() {} function hybrid_is_textdomain_loaded() {} function hybrid_get_the_post_format_chat() {} function hybrid_chat_row_id() {} /* Functions removed in the 2.0 branch. */ function hybrid_function_removed() {} function post_format_tools_post_has_content() {} function post_format_tools_url_grabber() {} function post_format_tools_get_image_attachment_count() {} function post_format_tools_get_video() {} function get_atomic_template() {} function do_atomic() {} function apply_atomic() {} function apply_atomic_shortcode() {} function hybrid_body_attributes() {} function hybrid_body_class() {} function hybrid_get_body_class() {} function hybrid_footer_content() {} function hybrid_post_attributes() {} function hybrid_post_class() {} function hybrid_entry_class() {} function hybrid_get_post_class() {} function hybrid_comment_attributes() {} function hybrid_comment_class() {} function hybrid_get_comment_class() {} function hybrid_avatar() {} function hybrid_document_title() {} function hybrid_loginout_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_query_counter_shortcode() {} function hybrid_nav_menu_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_edit_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_published_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_comments_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_author_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_terms_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_title_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_shortlink_shortcode() {} function hybrid_entry_permalink_shortcode() {} function hybrid_post_format_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_comment_published_shortcode() {} function hybrid_comment_author_shortcode() {} function hybrid_comment_permalink_shortcode() {} function hybrid_comment_edit_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_comment_reply_link_shortcode() {} function hybrid_get_transient_expiration() {} function hybrid_translate() {} function hybrid_translate_plural() {} function hybrid_gettext() {} function hybrid_gettext_with_context() {} function hybrid_ngettext() {} function hybrid_ngettext_with_context() {} function hybrid_extensions_gettext() {} function hybrid_extensions_gettext_with_context() {} function hybrid_extensions_ngettext() {} function hybrid_extensions_ngettext_with_context() {} function hybrid_register_widgets() {} function hybrid_unregister_widgets() {}