=== Thematic === Contributors: iandstewart, chrisgossmann, emhr Tags: white, three-columns, two-columns, fixed-width, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, threaded-comments, sticky-post, microformats Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: The ultimate in SEO-ready themes, Thematic is a highly extensible, WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, & a whole lot more. == Description == Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it. It's perfect for beginner bloggers and WordPress development professionals. Features: * Perfect to use as-is or as a blank WordPress theme for development * Fully Search-Engine Optimized * Extra widget-ready areas (13 in total) and more possible in your Child Theme * Free and commercially supported Child Themes are available for upgrading the theme * Includes a sample WordPress Child Theme for rapid development * A wiki-editable guide to Thematic Customization * Ready for WordPress plugins like Subscribe to Comments, WP-PageNavi, and Comment-license * Fully compatible with All-In-One SEO and Platinum SEO plugins * Multiple, easy to implement, bulletproof layout options for 2, or 3 column designs * Modular CSS with pre-packaged resets and basic typography * Dynamic post and body classes make it a hyper-canvas for CSS artists * Editable footer text to remove the theme credit without harming the theme * Options for multi-author blogs == Changelog == = = * Changed: Samplechildtheme custom header styling * Fixed: Syntax error in links.php = = * Updated: Spanish and Catalan localization files * Added: Simplified Chinese and Serbian localization files * Added: XML configuration file for compatibility with WPML multilingual plugin * Fixed: restored missing #comment-id on comment permalinks = 1.0.3 = * Updated: Swedish, French, Estonian localization files * Updated: regeneration of .pot file after major update of localization strings * Fixed: adjusted filter for title tags on static front pages * Fixed: minor bug in theme options page, props petskratt * Updated: sample childtheme includes code to add support for custom background and custom header images * Deprecated: thematic_canonical_url(), props rowatt * Deprecated: all theme constants - replaced THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_FEEDLINKS with add_theme_support( 'thematic_legacy_feed_links' ) - replaced THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_COMMENT_HANDLING with add_theme_support( 'thematic_legacy_comment_handling' ) - replaced THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_BODY_CLASS with add_theme_support( 'thematic_legacy_body_class' ) - replaced THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_POST_CLASS with add_theme_support( 'thematic_legacy_post_class' ) - replaced THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_COMMENT_FORM with add_theme_support( 'thematic_legacy_comment_form' ) - Removed: THEMATIC_THEMENAME - Removed: THEMATIC_THEMEAUTHOR - Removed: THEMATIC_THEMEURI - Removed: THEMATIC_VERSION - Removed: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEAUTHOR - Removed: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEURI - Removed: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEVERSION * Deprecated: thematic_body_class(), modified it to filter body_class() instead * Deprecated: thematic_post_class(), modified it to filter post_class() instead * Fixed: replaced get_current_theme() with wp_get_theme() for Theme Review Recommendations * Updated: superfish/supersubs, load all superfish-related scripts in footer = = * fixed invalid markup (extra span) in thematic_postmeta_authorlink() * fixed broken feed links in thematic_show_rss() and thematic_show_comment_rss() = = * Added: $hook argument to apply_filters() in thematic_before_widget_area() and thematicafter_widget_area() to filter attribute id * Fixed: thematic_wptitle to use !thematic_seo() logic * Fixed: The thematic_theme_setup() framework and child theme data that feed the Constants and shortcodes generated from constants * Removed: Constants for namespacing changes as follows * Removed: THEMENAME * Added: THEMATIC_THEMENAME * Removed: THEMEAUTHOR * Added: THEMATIC_THEMEAUTHOR * Removed: THEMEURI * Added: THEMATIC_THEMEURI * Removed: THEMATICVERSION * Added: THEMATIC_VERSION * Removed: TEMPLATEAUTHOR * Added: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEAUTHOR * Removed: TEMPLATEURI * Added: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEURI * Removed: TEMPLATEVERSION * Added: THEMATIC_TEMPLATEVERSION * Removed: THEMELIB * Added:THEMATIC_LIB = 1.0.2 = * Updated: German language files * Updated: Swedish language files * Updated: thematic.pot is in sync again * Updated: WordPress backwards compatibility limited to WP 3.2 * Changed: thematic_doctitle() to echo a value generated by wp_title() * Added: thematic_wptitle() to filter wp_title() * Changed: thematic_secondary_aside() and thematic_primary_aside() to display default sidebar contents when viewed in the live theme preview. * Added Filters: thematic_open_header thematic_close_header thematic_open_footer thematic_close_footer * Updated locales: sv_SE fr_FR * Added locales: lt, tr_TR, he_IL = 1.0 = * Moved: conditional comment handling from page templates to thematic_include_comments() * Fixed: many templates misuse of the the_post() * Moved: thematic_init_navmenu() to functions.php for adherence to theme review guidelines * Added: thematic_get_comment_link() to filter get_comment_link() * Changed: default.css for comment threading abnomalities * Added: html attributes for #comments-list and #pings-list in comments.php * Added: thematic_add_comment_class() to filter comment_class() * Deprecated: childtheme_override_comment_class() and thematic_comment_class() * Changed: thematic_post_footer() "Comments" to " Responses" * Fixed: Pagination of pings and comments when threaded. * Changed: All of the functions in shortcodes.php to namspace with thematic_* * Changed: thematic_page_title() to remove 'Blog Archives' * Removed: widget_thematic_rsslinks_control() * Changed: Namespacing of classes from THM_* to Thematic_* * Changed: Namespacing of functions from widget_area_*() to thematic_widget_area_*() * Added: thematic_list_bookmarks_args(), thematic_list_comments_arg(), thematic_more_text() * Deprecated: widget_area_*() functions list_bookmarks_args(), list_comments_arg(), pageGetPageNo(), more_text() * Changed: thematic_commentbutton_text() to return escaped content * Moved: enqueue of comment reply script to thematic_head_scripts() * Deprecated: thematic_show_commentreply() * Replaced: get_bloginfo(*) for Theme Review required functions * Moved: thematic_create_contenttype() within header.php for Theme Review compliance * Removed: wp_register_* because wp_enqueue_* registers * when the src param is set for _scripts and _styles * Moved: Function thematic_head_scripts to header.php * Changed: the action hook for thematic_head_scripts() and thematic_create_stylesheet() to wp_enqueue_scripts * Changed: Function thematic_head_scripts to wp_enqueue_script. * Fixed: Valid CSS support for ie7 in default.css for hr color * Depecated: archives.php template for proper template namespacing please use the newly added tempate-page-archives.php * Deprecated: template-page-blog.php in favor of home.php * Fixed: CSS to comply with WP theme unit tests: images, clearing floats, etc. * Changed: default.css moved .gallery styles into images.css * Added: Action hook thematic_abovemainclose * Added: Check for current_theme_supports('thematic_support_post_type_author_link') in thematic_postmeta_authorlink * Added: Pretty Permalink support for custom post type archives in thematic_postfooter * Added: WP Nav Menu compatibility to default sylesheet * Fixed: 2c-l-fixed.css .hentry width bug * Added: docblocks to all templates * Fixed: Override childtheme_override_theme_setup * Added: Function thematic_opt_init() * Added: Function thematic_get_wp_opt() * Added: Override: childtheme_override_opt_init() * Added: Function thematic_get_theme_opt() * Added: Function thematic_convert_legacy_opt() * Added: Filter thematic_theme_convert_legacy_opt * Added: Function thematic_default_opt() * Added: Filter thematic_theme_default_opt * Added: Function thematic_opt_add_page() * Added: Filter thematic_theme_add_opt_page * Added: Function thematic_opt_page_help() * Added: Filter thematic_theme_opt_help_sidebar * Added: Filter thematic_theme_opt_help_txt * Added: Function thematic_legacy_help() * Added: Override childtheme_override_opt_page_help * Added: Function thematic_do_legacy_help_section() * Added: Function thematic_do_opt_page() * Added: Function thematic_do_opt_section_main() * Added: Filter thematic_theme_opt_section_main * Added: Function thematic_do_insert_opt() * Added: Function thematic_do_auth_opt() * Added: Function thematic_do_footer_opt() * Added: Function thematic_do_legacy_opt() * Added: Function thematic_validate_opt() * Added: Override childtheme_override_validate_opt * Added: Filter thematic_theme_opt_validation * Changed Template author.php to use new thematic_get_theme_opt() * Changed Function thematic_index_loop() to use new thematic_get_theme_opt() * Changed Function thematic_siteinfo() to use new thematic_get_theme_opt() * Removed: Global $options array * Removed: Function mytheme_add_admin() * Removed: Function mytheme_admin() * FIXED: thematic_tag_query(). * REMOVED: thematic_canonical_url() (no longer needed). * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_ff') to display major and minor Firefox version in the body class. * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_ie') to display major and minor IE version in the body class. * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_op') to display major and minor Opera version in the body class. * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_sf') to display major and minor Safari version in the body class. * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_all') to display major and minor version for all browsers in the body class. * Added: Add add_theme_support('minorbrowserversion_ch') to display major and minor Chrome version in the body class. * Changed: By default only the major browser version will be used in the body class. * Added: Filter thematic_doctitle_separator. * Fixed: Thematic Options is working again. * Changed: Filter thematic_dropdown_options. * Removed: Variable thematic_use_superfish. * Changed: Function thematic_create_stylesheet to wp_enqueue_style. * Removed: filter thematic_create_stylesheet. * Added: New hook thematic_child_init used for remove_theme_support. * Added: add_theme_support('thematic_superfish') * Changed: Started to clean up the functions.php. * Fixed: Missing text domain. * Fixed: thematic_page_title() Tag archive display name of queried tag * Changed: thematic_page_title() now supports for custom post type archives * Changed: thematic_postfooter(), thematic_postfooter_postcategory(), thematic_postfooter_posttags() , thematic_postfooter_postcomments(), function thematic_postfooter_postconnect() to provide support for custom post types and custom taxonomies. * Added: thematic_postfooter_posttax() providing a looping structure for post taxonomies * Added: New override childtheme_override_postfooter_posttax() * Added: New filter thematic_postfooter_posttax * Added: thematic_postfooter_postterms($tax) for assembling the term list for individual taxonomies * Added: New override childtheme_override_postfooter_postterms($tax) * Added: New filter thematic_postfooter_postterms * Added: New filter thematic_open_id_content. Defaults to: '
' . "\n". * Added: $content_width defines the max image width. * Added: Farsi language files. Credits: Ehsan * Added: The action hooks thematic_above_archiveloop and thematic_below_archivloop. Credits: Kathy * Added: Automatic support for All in One SEO Pack, HeadSpace Plugin, Platinum SEO Pack, wpSEO, and WordPress SEO. * Added: Icelandic language files. Credits: Stef\E1n Vignir Skarph\E9\F0insson * Changed: Removed changelog.html in favor of the new readme.txt. * Fixed: childtheme_menu_args in Thematic Sample Childtheme (the value for echo is FALSE). * Fixed: An E_NOTICE in dynamic_classes.php (occured while displaying a 404 page). Credits: markauk * Fixed: childtheme_override_content_init() is now working. * Fixed: Updated Brazilian Portuguese language files. Credits: Eduardo Zulian. * Fixed: Removed sidebar-subsidiary.php. Code is created using action hooks. * Fixed: The override part of some more functions. * Fixed: Set Thematic filter thematic_page_menu_args for thematic_page_menu_args(). * Fixed: Removed thematic_page_menu_args() filter of wp_page_menu_args. * Fixed: Reinstated thematic_nav_menu filter. * Fixed: Undefined variable $redirect in thmfooter_login_link() from shortcodes.php. * Fixed: The override part of a few functions creating the header missed the add_action part. = = * Fixed: search.php call to undefined function blog_info(). * Fixed: Theme Review Images Test via CSS. = = * Fixed: "Constant * already defined" notices when defining constants in a child themes. * Fixed: "Undefined variable" $id, $aria_req notices when using default comment_form(). * Fixed: "Undefined constant assumed get_post_type_object" notice in thematic_post_class. = = * Added: The constant THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_FEEDLINKS which defaults to false. In this case the WordPress functions add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ) is used. If you set it to TRUE, Thematic will use its own functionality. This is a requirement by the Theme Review Team. * Added: New function thematic_body() to header.php defined in dynamic-classes.php * Added: New function childtheme_override_body() defined in dynamic-classes.php * Added: New function thematic_body_open() defined in dynamic-classes.php * Added: Added Estonian language files. Credits: Peeter Marvet * Added: Thematic's browser / OS class to WorpPress' body_class(). Menu will now display properly with the Test Data. * Added: the constant THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_COMMENT_FORM which defaults to false. In this case the WordPress function comment_form() is used. If you set it to TRUE, Thematic will use its own functionality. This is a requirement by the Theme Review Team. * Added: Added: Thematic's browser / OS class to WorpPress' body_class(). Menu will now display properly with the Test Data. * Added: the constant THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_POST_CLASS which defaults to false. In this case the WordPress function post_class() is used. If you set it to TRUE, Thematic will use its own function thematic_post_class(). This is a requirement by the Theme Review Team. * Added: the constant THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_BODY_CLASS which defaults to false. In this case the WordPress function body_class() is used. If you set it to TRUE, Thematic will use its own function thematic_body_class(). This is a requirement by the Theme Review Team. * Added: Better SSL support by replacing bloginfo('siteurl') & get_bloginfo('siteurl') with site_url() * Changed: the filter body_class to thematic_body_class. * Fixed: Finnish language files. Credits: Peeter Marvet * Fixed: Trailing slashes in the search forms of search.php and thematic_404() * Fixed: childtheme_override_access(). * Fixed: the closing > for the post_class part. * Fixed behaviour of thematic_show_bodyclass. The body tag will now be created, if a filter returns false. * Fixed: Removed add_theme_support('menu') according to Andrew Nacin. * Fixed: Comment handling for archives.php, links.php and page.php can be made compatible with old handling controlled by a key/value of "comments". * Wrapped some WP 3.0 function calls. Thematic still supports WP 2.9.x. = = * Added: Filter thematic_post_thumb_size in thematic_content() * Added: Filter thematic_post_thumb_attr in thematic_content() * Added: Filter thematic_post_thumbs Default TRUE in thematic_content() * Added: Post Thumbnails to thematic_content() excerpts * Added: add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ) as required by WP Theme Dev Checklist * Added: Post and Body classes for custom post types * Added: Helper function thematic_is_custom_post_type() * Added: Czech language files Credits: JanJan Fertek * Added: Filter thematic_show_bc_taxonomyarchives Default True * Added: Post and Body classes for custom taxonomies * Added: Custom taxonomy support for archives in thematic_page_title() * Added: Helper function thematic_get_term_name() for retrieving custom taxonomy name Credit Justin Tadlock * Added: CDATA encoding to JavaScript * Added: Blog template page-blog.php * Added: Page template page-fullwidth.php and relative styles in thematic>library>layouts *.css files for full width content * Fixed: Clearing Floats issues in compliance with Theme_Unit_Test WordPress Theme Review Guidelines * Fixed: Conditional display of comment-edit anchor tag and meta separator * Fixed: Trailing slash in thematic_search_form() * Fixed: Missing Dutch nl_NL.po * Added add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ). * Removed the deprecated function call get_the_author(). * Renamed template files page-... to template-page-... according to 4.5.4 Custom Template Naming Conventions and adjusted the CSS files. * Updated: PT lang files Thanks to: Bernardo Maciel * Updated: Dutch translation props: Fili = = * Fixed: Changed trackback_url() to get_trackback_url(). * Fixed: Displaying WordPress Galleries is fixed. * Fixed: Cleaned up theme-options.php. * Fixed: Cleaned up comments-extensions.php. * Fixed: Removed the custom field check to display the comments template for page.php, archives.php and links.php. * Fixed: Deprecated is_sidebar_active() in favor of is_active_sidebar(). * Fixed: Cleaned up the deprecated function calls * Fixed: duplicate key in thematic_nav_menu_args(). * Fixed: The deprecated function uses WordPress' functionality for reporting. = = * Added: Fallback to wp_page_menu if theme location has no menu * Added: thematic_init_navmenu registers the theme location for our menu. Override: childtheme_override_init_navmenu * Added: thematic_primary_menu_name filters the menu name 'Primary Menu'. * Added: thematic_primary_menu_id filters the menu id 'primary-menu'. * Added: The main menu uses the menu id 'primary-menu' and the menu name 'Primary Menu'. * Fixed: Changed add_theme_support( 'nav-menus' ) to add_theme_support( 'menus' ). * Fixed: a bug that prevents the 'Reset Widgets'. = = * Fixed: Potential security issue in theme-options.php. = 0.9.7 = * Added: new function: thematic_init_presetwidgets() to initialize the preset widgets. Override function: childtheme_override_init_presetwidgets() * Added: new function: thematic_content_init() to set up new post classes. * Added: childtheme_override_content_init() overrides thematic_content_init * Added: new post classes: is-full is-excerpt custom-excerpt auto-excerpt wp-teaser has-more wp-more has-teaser * Added: new filter thematic_get_excerpt to thematic_content() * Added: filter to customize the length ofthematic_search_form() in widgets-extensions.php. Credits: Aaron Jorbin * Added: childtheme_override_doctitle() overrides thematic_doctitle * Added: childtheme_override_head_scripts() overrides thematic_head_scripts * Added: childtheme_override_brandingopen() overrides thematic_brandingopen * Added: childtheme_override_blogtitle() overrides thematic_blogtitle * Added: childtheme_override_blogdescription() overrides thematic_blogdescription * Added: childtheme_override_brandingclose() overrides thematic_brandingclose * Added: childtheme_override_access() overrides thematic_access * Added: childtheme_override_subsidiaries() overrides thematic_subsidiaries * Added: childtheme_override_siteinfoopen() overrides thematic_siteinfoopen() * Added: childtheme_override_siteinfo() overrides thematic_siteinfo() * Added: childtheme_override_siteinfoclose() overrides thematic_siteinfoclose() * Added: New action hooks thematic_abovecomment and thematic_belowcomment Credits: heaven. * Added: childtheme_override_commentmeta overrides thematic_commentmeta() * Added: new filter thematic_commentmeta() to discussion.php. Credits: heaven * Added: childtheme_override_body_class() overrides thematic_body_class() * Added: childtheme_override_post_class() overrides thematic_post_class() * Added: childtheme_override_comment_class() overrides thematic_archive_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_author_loop() overrides thematic_comment_class() * Added: childtheme_override_date_classes() overrides thematic_date_classes() * Added: Finnish language files. Credits: Mikito Takada * Added: new filter thematic_open_wrapper to the header.php. This filter defaults to true. * Added: new filter thematic_close_wrapper to the footer.php. This filter defaults to true. * Added: childtheme_override_page_title() overrides thematic_page_title() * Added: childtheme_override_nav_above() overrides thematic_nav_above() * Added: childtheme_override_archive_loop() overrides thematic_archive_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_author_loop() overrides thematic_author_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_category_loop() overrides thematic_category_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_index_loop() overrides thematic_index_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_single_post() overrides thematic_single_post() * Added: childtheme_override_search_loop() overrides thematic_search_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_tag_loop() overrides thematic_tag_loop() * Added: childtheme_override_postheader() overrides thematic_postheader() * Added: childtheme_override_postheader_posteditlink() overrides thematic_postheader_posteditlink() * Added: childtheme_override_postheader_posttitle() overrides thematic_postheader_posttitle() * Added: childtheme_override_postheader_postmeta() overrides thematic_postheader_postmeta() * Added: childtheme_override_postmeta_authorlink() overrides thematic_postmeta_authorlink() * Added: childtheme_override_postmeta_entrydate() overrides thematic_postmeta_entrydate() * Added: childtheme_override_postmeta_editlink() overrides thematic_postmeta_editlink() * Added: childtheme_override_content() overrides thematic_content() * Added: childtheme_override_archivesopen() overrides thematic_archivesopen() * Added: childtheme_override_category_archives() overrides thematic_category_archives() * Added: childtheme_override_monthly_archives() overrides thematic_monthly_archives() * Added: childtheme_override_archivesclose() overrides thematic_archivesclose() * Added: childtheme_override_404_content() overrides thematic_404_content() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter() overrides thematic_postfooter() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter_posteditlink() overrides thematic_postfooter_posteditlink() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter_postcategory() overrides thematic_postfooter_postcategory() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter_posttags() overrides thematic_postfooter_posttags() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter_postcomments() overrides thematic_postfooter_postcomments() * Added: childtheme_override_postfooter_postconnect() overrides thematic_postfooter_postconnect() * Added: childtheme_override_nav_below() overrides thematic_nav_below() * Added: childtheme_override_previous_post_link() overrides thematic_previous_post_link() * Added: childtheme_override_next_post_link() overrides thematic_next_post_link() * Added: childtheme_override_author_info_avatar() overrides thematic_author_info_avatar() * Added: childtheme_override_cats_meow() overrides thematic_cats_meow() * Added: childtheme_override_tag_ur_it() overrides thematic_tag_ur_it() * Added: Support for wp_nav_menu(). * Added: New filter thematic_menu_type to switch between wp_page_menu() and wp_nav_menu(). Defaults to wp_page_menu(). * Added: New filter thematic_nav_menu_args to filter the arguments for wp_nav_menu(). * Added: New filter thematic_page_menu_args to filter the arguments for wp_page_menu(). * Added: New filter thematic_use_superfish to prevent the use of Superfish for the menu. * Added: New filter thematic_show_bc_blogid to prevent the BODY class blogid-n. * Added: New BODY class blogid-n. * Added: New action hooks thematic_abovepost and thematic_belowpost. * Added: New action hooks thematic_abovecontent and thematic_belowcontent. * Added: Theme options support WordPress mu and WordPress 3.0 Multi-User option. * Fixed: The UL Class sf-menu will be created only for the wp_page_menu() in the header. * Fixed: Changed #trackbacks-list .comment-content to left:-10000px; in default.css. Fixes a glitch with the 'Many Tackbacks' post (WordPress Test Data). * Fixed: Changed $version to $thm_version to prevent a collision with WP E-Commerce. * Fixed: Widget areas can now be moved based on a conditional tag. * Fixed: Removed thematic_before_widget() and thematic_after_widget() from Search Widget * Fixed: Upgraded the Thematic widgets to the new API. Thematic now requires WordPress 2.8.x or above. * Updated: Norwegian language files updated. Credits: peter.holme. * Updated: Norwegian language files updated. Credits: Thomas Misund. = = * Fixed: a bug in widgets-extensions.php not loading the preset widgets after switching themes. * Fixed: a bug in page.php not loading thematic_comments_template() * Fixed: missing gettext in comments-extensions.php = = * Added: thematic_abovecontainer() * Added: thematic_belowcontainer() * Added: Thematic prevents the creation of the WordPress Generator. This can be filtered using a filter for thematic_hide_generators. Return TRUE and the WordPress Generator will be created. * Added: The standard text 'One Comment' can be filtered using thematic_singlecomment_text. * Added: The standard text 'n Comments' can be filtered using thematic_multiplecomments_text. * Added: The standard text 'Post a Comment' can be filtered using thematic_postcomment_text. * Added: The standard text 'Post a Reply to %s' can be filtered using thematic_postreply_text. * Added: The standard text 'Comment' for the text box can be filtered using thematic_commentbox_text. * Added: The standard text 'Post Comment' for the send button can be filtered using thematic_commentbutton_text. * Added: Split up thematic_postheader() and thematic_postfooter() into sub-functions. With these new functions it is easier to rearrange the displayed data. * Added: thematic_postheader_posttitle() * Added: thematic_postheader_postmeta() * Added: thematic_postmeta_authorlink() * Added: thematic_postmeta_entrydate() * Added: thematic_postmeta_editlink() * Added: thematic_postfooter() * Added: thematic_postfooter_posteditlink() * Added: thematic_postfooter_postcategory() * Added: thematic_postfooter_posttags() * Added: thematic_postfooter_postconnect() * Added: thematic_postfooter_postcomments() * Added: thematic_show_bodyclass (master switch) * Added: thematic_show_bc_wordpress * Added: thematic_show_bc_datetime * Added: thematic_show_bc_contenttype * Added: thematic_show_bc_singular * Added: thematic_show_bc_singlepost * Added: thematic_show_bc_authorarchives * Added: thematic_show_bc_categoryarchives * Added: thematic_show_bc_tagarchives * Added: thematic_show_bc_pages * Added: thematic_show_bc_search * Added: thematic_show_bc_loggedin * Added: thematic_show_bc_browser * Added: thematic_head_profile. * Added: Complete rewrite of the widget areas: * Fixed: a bug in thematic_page_title() not displaying a correct title in attachement.php * Fixed: Fixed the widget area 'Index Insert'. * Fixed: Fixed a bug in thematic_create_robots(). == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.3 = Small bugfixes, Major localization optimization. Note: your language files might be out of date. Grab the latest from http://translate.thematictheme.com/projects/thematic-framework