comments_by_type['comment']; $thematic_pings = $wp_query->comments_by_type['pings']; // Calculate the total number of each $thematic_comment_count = count( $thematic_comments ); $thematic_ping_count = count( $thematic_pings ); // Get the page count for each $thematic_comment_pages = get_comment_pages_count( $thematic_comments ); $thematic_ping_pages = get_comment_pages_count( $thematic_pings ); // Determine which is the greater pagination number between the two (comment,ping) paginations $thematic_max_response_pages = ( $thematic_ping_pages > $thematic_comment_pages ) ? $thematic_ping_pages : $thematic_comment_pages; // Reset the query var to use our calculation for the maximum page (newest/oldest) if ( $overridden_cpage ) set_query_var( 'cpage', 'newest' == get_option('default_comments_page') ? $thematic_comment_pages : 1 ); ?>

1 ? __( thematic_multiplecomments_text(), 'thematic' ) : __( thematic_singlecomment_text(), 'thematic' ), $thematic_comment_count ) ?>

1 ? '%d ' . __( 'Trackbacks', 'thematic' ) : __( 'One Trackback', 'thematic' ), $thematic_ping_count ) ?>

comment_status ) : if ( !THEMATIC_COMPATIBLE_COMMENT_FORM ) { ?>

logged in to post a comment.', 'thematic' ), site_url( '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . get_permalink() ) ) ?>

Logged in as %2$s. Log out?', 'thematic' ), site_url( '/wp-admin/profile.php' ), esc_html( $user_identity ), wp_logout_url( get_permalink() ) ) ?>

never published nor shared.', 'thematic' ) ?> *', 'thematic' ) ?>

*', 'thematic' ) ?>
*', 'thematic' ) ?>

HTML tags and attributes:', 'thematic' ) ?>

ID ); ?>
comment_status ) */ ?>