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'; echo '

'. esc_html__( 'Greetings from Themeglance!!', 'the-wp-fitness' ) .'

'; echo '

'. esc_html__( 'A heartful thank you for choosing Themeglance. We promise to deliver only the best to you. Please proceed towards welcome section to get started.', 'the-wp-fitness' ) .'

'; echo '

'. esc_html__( 'About Theme', 'the-wp-fitness' ) .'

'; echo '
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$page_id : $setting->default ); } // Excerpt Limit Begin function the_wp_fitness_string_limit_words($string, $word_limit) { $words = explode(' ', $string, ($word_limit + 1)); if(count($words) > $word_limit) array_pop($words); return implode(' ', $words); } // Change number or products per row to 3 add_filter('loop_shop_columns', 'the_wp_fitness_loop_columns'); if (!function_exists('the_wp_fitness_loop_columns')) { function the_wp_fitness_loop_columns() { return 3; // 3 products per row } } /* Theme enqueue scripts */ function the_wp_fitness_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'the-wp-fitness-font', the_wp_fitness_font_url(), array() ); wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri().'/css/bootstrap.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'the-wp-fitness-basic-style', get_stylesheet_uri() ); wp_style_add_data( 'the-wp-fitness-style', 'rtl', 'replace' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome', get_template_directory_uri().'/css/fontawesome-all.css' ); // Paragraph $the_wp_fitness_paragraph_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_paragraph_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_size', ''); // "a" tag $the_wp_fitness_atag_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_atag_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_atag_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_atag_font_family', ''); // "li" tag $the_wp_fitness_li_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_li_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_li_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_li_font_family', ''); // H1 $the_wp_fitness_h1_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h1_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h1_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h1_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h1_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h1_font_size', ''); // H2 $the_wp_fitness_h2_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h2_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h2_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h2_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h2_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h2_font_size', ''); // H3 $the_wp_fitness_h3_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h3_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h3_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h3_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h3_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h3_font_size', ''); // H4 $the_wp_fitness_h4_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h4_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h4_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h4_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h4_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h4_font_size', ''); // H5 $the_wp_fitness_h5_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h5_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h5_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h5_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h5_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h5_font_size', ''); // H6 $the_wp_fitness_h6_color = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h6_color', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h6_font_family = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h6_font_family', ''); $the_wp_fitness_h6_font_size = get_theme_mod('the_wp_fitness_h6_font_size', ''); $custom_css =' p,span{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_paragraph_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_family).'; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_paragraph_font_size).'; } a{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_atag_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_atag_font_family).'; } li{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_li_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_li_font_family).'; } h1{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h1_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h1_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h1_font_size).'!important; } h2{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h2_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h2_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h2_font_size).'!important; } h3{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h3_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h3_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h3_font_size).'!important; } h4{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h4_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h4_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h4_font_size).'!important; } h5{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h5_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h5_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h5_font_size).'!important; } h6{ color:'.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h6_color).'!important; font-family: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h6_font_family).'!important; font-size: '.esc_html($the_wp_fitness_h6_font_size).'!important; } '; wp_add_inline_style( 'the-wp-fitness-basic-style',$custom_css ); wp_enqueue_script( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . 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'/inc/template-tags.php'; /* Customizer additions. */ require get_template_directory() . '/inc/customizer.php'; /* Implement the Custom Header feature. */ require get_template_directory() . '/inc/custom-header.php'; /* Implement the Custom Header feature. */ require get_template_directory() . '/inc/getting-started/getting-started.php';