This set of shared files (which we'll call "theme") is subject to the terms the GNU - General Public Licence - published by the Free Software Foundation Version 3 This theme is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - General Public License - for more details: -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Although this is a work licensed under the GNU / GPL, keep in mind that it was takes time and willingness to develop this theme. So please do not remove the information and present credits at the bottom (footer). This is the minimum that I ask in return to work. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Translation: The theme is in Portuguese (Brazil) and already has the translation to English (U.S.). Still, if you have knowledge in other languages want to contribute to the translation, you can use the en_US file, present in the "/languages" theme as the base. If possible, send the translation to my e-mail ( @ so I can the same measures will include in future versions of the theme (with due credit and thanks). -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- About: Name: Black & White Version: 1.0 Language: en, en_US Predominant colors: white, black, gray columns: 2 Fixed length All the graphics (except icons) was made as the "Gimp" Php pages and style sheet (CSS) were written in "bluefish" The translation was done with the "Poedit" I tested the theme in the main and most current browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome IE 8 and I must say it worked well at all. I do not have most of the browsers referenced in older versions, which is why I do not know how to tell the subject will behave in browsers outdated (like IE 6). - Menu - The Top menu is based on the static pages of Wordpress and supports sublevels (Dropdown). Simply save the new pages as "Parent" of the original. - Logo - It is possible and quite simple, use an image as a logo on the subject, since I left everything ready beforehand: First, keep in mind that the top (header) the topic, has size fixed, so avoid very large images, the recommended height is 45 px; Create your image in a editor of your choice (I suggest the Gimp), and for a purpose better, save with the name "logo.png" with transparent background; Move your image to the directory "/img" folder within the theme; Open the file "header.php" with an editor of your choice (notepad, gedit, notepad++, etc) and look for meeting Title "". Just below, erase markers which are respectively in front of

tag and after after the

. Then, find the Title session "" (just above the former) and delete it completely or just comment on the session. First, add the tag after . - Favicon - The favicon (the icon that appears in the title bar) can also be easily replaced: just create an image in the format 16x16 px format .ico and ico name. It should be as follows: ico.ico Move this image to the root folder of the theme and replace the original image. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Recommended Plugins: The issue already has scripts to use some plugins, which eliminates the configuration them. They are: wp-pagenavi Wordpress-23-related-posts Besides these, I recommend also using the plugin all-in-one-seo-pack -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------