term_id ) ? 0 : $term->term_id; if ( ! isset( $font_size ) || $font_size == '' ) { $font_size = '30'; } if ( isset( $elementor ) && $elementor == 'elementor' ) { $fontsize = 'custom'; } $cat_font_size = ' fontsize' . $font_size; $fonts = array( '16' => '12', '20' => '15', '28' => '18', '35' => '23', '44' => '25', 'custom' => '', ); $fontOptions = ''; if ( isset( $font_family ) && $font_family != '' ) { $fontOptions = $font_family; } // NOTE: using child_of instead of parent - this is not ideal but due to a WP bug ( https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15626 ) pad_counts won't work $product_categories = get_categories( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_subcategories_args', array( 'parent' => $parent_id, 'menu_order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'pad_counts' => 1, ) ) ); $display_type_shop_wc_setting = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_display' ); $display_type_wc_setting = get_option( 'woocommerce_category_archive_display' ); $display_type_cat_setting = get_term_meta( $parent_id, 'display_type' ); if ( ( ( is_shop() && $display_type_shop_wc_setting !== 'subcategories' ) || ( is_product_category() && $display_type_wc_setting !== 'subcategories' && $product_categories ) ) && ! isset( $elementor ) ) { return; } // KiteSt CUSTOM CODE ?>

name ); if ( $count == 'enable' && $category->count > 0 ) { echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_subcategory_count_html', ' ' . $category->count . ' ' . esc_attr( $item ) . '', $category ); } if ( $description == 'enable' && $category->description != '' ) { echo '' . esc_html( $category->description ) . ''; } ?>