'; } } add_action( 'wp_head', 'kite_pingback_header' ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kite Preloader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_preloader_display' ) ) { function kite_preloader_display() { if ( kite_opt( 'loader_display' , '2' ) == '1' ) { ?>
'; /** * kite actions tiggered before header builder print */ do_action( 'kite_before_header_builder_print'); kite_render_elementor_template( $elementor_header_ID ); echo '
'; /** * kite actions tiggered after header builder print * @hooked kite_print_recent_products_in_header - 5 */ do_action( 'kite_after_header_builder_print'); echo ''; } else { add_action( 'kite_header_section', 'kite_topbar', 5 ); add_action( 'kite_header_section', 'kite_print_header', 15 ); add_action( 'kite_header_section', 'kite_mobile_nav', 10 ); } include locate_template( 'templates/bottom-sticky-navigation.php', false, false ); } add_action( 'kite_header_section', 'kite_maybe_print_elementor_header', 1 ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kite Topbar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_topbar' ) ) { function kite_topbar() { do_action( 'kite_topbar_section' ); if ( ! kite_opt( 'topbar_display', false ) ) { return; } $headerType = kite_opt( 'header-type', '1' ); $headerStyle = kite_opt( 'header-style', 'normal-menu' ); $topBarStyle = kite_opt( 'topbar_style', false ) ? 'light' : 'dark'; include locate_template( 'templates/nav/topbar.php', false, false ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_print_header') ) { function kite_print_header() { include locate_template( 'templates/section-nav.php', false, false ); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elementor Footer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_maybe_print_elementor_footer') ) { function kite_maybe_print_elementor_footer() { $custom_footer = kite_get_meta( 'is-footer-build-with-elementor' ) ? kite_get_meta( 'footer-template' ) : ''; $elementor_footer_ID = kite_opt( 'elementor_footer_template_id', '' ); $containerClass = kite_opt( 'footerFullwidth', false ) ? 'fullwidth' : 'container'; if ( kite_get_meta( 'custom-footerFullwidth' ) ) { $containerClass = kite_get_meta( 'footerFullwidth' ) ? 'fullwidth' : 'container'; } else { $containerClass = kite_opt( 'footerFullwidth', false ) ? 'fullwidth' : 'container'; } if ( ( kite_opt( 'is_footer_build_with_elementor', false) && ! empty( $elementor_footer_ID ) ) || ! empty( $custom_footer) ) { $elementor_footer_ID = ! empty( $custom_footer ) ? $custom_footer : $elementor_footer_ID; echo ''; } else if ( ! kite_is_shop_ajax_request() && ( ! function_exists( 'elementor_theme_do_location' ) || ! elementor_theme_do_location( 'footer' ) ) ) { get_template_part( 'templates/section', 'footer' ); } } add_action( 'kite_footer_action', 'kite_maybe_print_elementor_footer', 1000 ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kite Mobile Nav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_mobile_nav' ) ) { function kite_mobile_nav() { do_action( 'kite_mobile_nav_section' ); include locate_template( 'templates/nav/mobile-nav-menu.php', false, false ); } } /* --------------------------------- Gathering In-line styles of pages of main-page + adding them to main-page ------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_add_vc_custom_css' ) ) { function kite_add_vc_custom_css() { if ( ! class_exists( 'Vc_Manager' ) ) { return; } $shortcodes_custom_css = ''; if ( is_page_template( 'main-page.php' ) ) { $page_ids = get_all_page_ids(); $current_page_id = get_the_ID(); if ( count( $page_ids ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $page_ids as $page_id ) { $separate_page = get_post_meta( $page_id, 'page-position-switch', true ); if ( $separate_page !== '0' && $page_id != $current_page_id ) { $shortcodes_custom_css .= get_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpb_shortcodes_custom_css', true ); } } if ( $shortcodes_custom_css != '' ) { echo ''; echo '' . $shortcodes_custom_css; echo ''; } } } else { if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) ) { $shortcodes_custom_css = get_post_meta( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ), '_wpb_shortcodes_custom_css', true ); if ( is_shop() && $shortcodes_custom_css != '' ) { echo ''; echo '' . $shortcodes_custom_css; echo ''; } } } } } add_action( 'wp_head', 'kite_add_vc_custom_css', 1000 ); /*--------------------------------- Social Link ------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_social_link' ) ) { function kite_social_link( $optKey, $text, $class, $socialname ) { $SocialText = $text; if ( kite_opt( $optKey ) != '' ) { if ( esc_attr( $optKey ) != 'social_custom1_url' && esc_attr( $optKey ) != 'social_custom2_url' ) { ?> ID ) ) { $thumb = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ); if ( function_exists( 'aq_resize' ) ) { $img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb, 'full' ); echo aq_resize( $img_url, 200, 200, true ); } else { $img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb, 'thumbnail' ); echo esc_url( $image_url ); } } elseif ( kite_opt( 'preloader-logo' ) != '' ) { kite_eopt( 'preloader-logo' ); } else { echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/img/preloader.png' ); } } else { if ( get_option( 'preloader-logo' ) != '' ) { kite_eopt( 'preloader-logo' ); } else { echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/img/preloader.png' ); } } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Vertical menu - left And Right position */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_body_class_utility' ) ) { function kite_body_class_utility( $classes ) { if ( kite_woocommerce_installed() && kite_is_shop_ajax_request() ) { return; } // use fade effect even in preloader mode $classes[] = 'fade'; // remove fade class because of conflict with wcmp plugin in vendor dashboard pages if ( class_exists('WCMp') && is_vendor_dashboard() && is_user_logged_in() && (is_user_wcmp_vendor(get_current_user_id()) || is_user_wcmp_pending_vendor(get_current_user_id()) || is_user_wcmp_rejected_vendor(get_current_user_id())) && apply_filters('wcmp_vendor_dashboard_exclude_header_footer', true)) { unset( $classes[ array_search( 'fade', $classes ) ] ); } // Header related Classes $custom_header = kite_get_meta( 'is-header-build-with-elementor' ) ? kite_get_meta( 'header-template' ) : ''; $elementor_header_ID = kite_opt( 'elementor_header_template_id', '' ); if ( ( kite_opt( 'is_header_build_with_elementor', false) && ! empty( $elementor_header_ID ) ) || ! empty( $custom_header) ) { $classes[] = 'kt-header-builder'; } else { // Menu $headerPosition = kite_opt( 'header-type', '1' ); $headerStyle = kite_opt( 'header-style', 'normal-menu' ); $ajax_page_transition = kite_opt( 'ajax_page_transition' ); if ( $ajax_page_transition == 1 ) { $classes[] = 'ajax_page_transition'; } // is left menu area turned on if ( isset( $headerPosition ) && $headerPosition == 7 ) { // left menu $classes[] = 'vertical_menu_enabled left_menu_enabled'; } elseif ( isset( $headerPosition ) && $headerPosition == 8 ) { // right menu $classes[] = 'vertical_menu_enabled right_menu_enabled'; } elseif ( isset( $headerPosition ) && $headerPosition == 10 ) { // humburger menu $classes[] = 'humburger_menu_enabled'; } } // Check wishlist if ( class_exists( 'YITH_WCWL' ) ) { $classes[] = 'wishlist-enable'; } // Check compare if ( class_exists( 'YITH_Woocompare' ) ) { $classes[] = 'compare-enable'; } // check scrolltop if ( kite_opt( 'scrolltop_button', true ) ) { $classes[] = 'scrolltop_enable'; } // check if snap to scroll $snap_to_scroll = kite_get_meta( 'snap-to-scroll' ); $snap_to_scroll_nav_style = kite_get_meta( 'snap-to-scroll-nav-style' ); if ( $snap_to_scroll_nav_style != 0 ) { $snap_to_scroll_nav_style = ' snap-to-scroll-dark-nav'; } else { $snap_to_scroll_nav_style = ''; } if ( $snap_to_scroll == '1' && ! is_page_template( 'main-page.php' ) ) { $classes[] = 'snap-to-scroll snap-to-scroll-init ' . esc_attr( $snap_to_scroll_nav_style ); } // Woocommerce related classes if ( kite_woocommerce_installed() ) { global $product; if ( is_shop() ) { $classes[] = 'is-woocommerce-shop'; } if ( kite_opt( 'remove_responsive_hover_state', false ) ) { $classes[] = 'responsive-hover-state-off'; } if ( kite_opt( 'woocommerce-notices', true ) == '0' ) { $classes[] = 'no_wc_notices'; } // Single Product if ( is_product() ) { $attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_image_ids(); if ( count( $attachment_ids ) > 0 ) { $classes[] = 'have_gallery'; } if ( ! kite_opt( 'single-product-ajax-addtocart', true ) ) { $classes[] = 'remove-ajax-add-to-cart'; } if ( ! kite_opt( 'shop_enable_zoom_responsive', false ) && kite_opt( 'shop_enable_zoom', true ) ) { $classes[] = 'kt-responsive-zoom-disable'; } } // products gutter if ( isset( $_GET['shopGutter'] ) && ( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['shopGutter'] ) == 'with-gutter' || sanitize_text_field( $_GET['shopGutter'] ) == 'no-gutter' ) ) { if ( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['shopGutter'] ) == 'no-gutter' ) { $product_gutter = 0; } else { $product_gutter = 1; } } else { $product_gutter = kite_opt( 'shop-product-gutter', true ); } if ( is_shop() || is_product_category() || is_product_tag() ) { if ( $product_gutter == 0 ) { $classes[] = 'no-gutter'; } } $catalog_mode = kite_opt( 'catalog_mode', false ); if ( $catalog_mode ) { $classes[] = 'catalog-mode'; } } if ( ! kite_opt( 'responsive-sticky-bottom-navbar', true ) || !kite_woocommerce_installed() ) { $classes[] = 'kt-disable-sticky-bottom-navbar'; } // check topbar is Enable Or not $topbar = kite_opt( 'topbar_display', false ); if ( $topbar == '1' ) { $classes[] = 'has-topbar'; } // check menu is has-scrollsticky styles or not $menuStyle = kite_opt( 'header-style' ); if ( $menuStyle == 'scroll-sticky' ) { $classes[] = 'has-scrollstickymenu'; } // check if page has extra class name or not $extra_class = kite_get_meta( 'extra_class' ); if ( $extra_class ) { $classes[] = esc_attr( $extra_class ); } // Check if show more button For Category Widget is Enable add Class categoryShowMorebutton if( kite_opt( 'show_more_button_in_woocommerce_categories_widget', true ) ) { $classes[] = 'show-more-categories'; } if ( kite_opt( 'categories_widget_scroll_animation', false ) ) { $classes[] = 'categories-scroll-animation'; } return $classes; } } add_filter( 'body_class', 'kite_body_class_utility' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_body_attr' ) ) { function kite_body_attr() { global $post; $attributes = []; if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() ) { $page_id = wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ); } else { if ( $post ) { $page_id = $post->ID; } else { $page_id = get_the_ID(); } } $attributes['data-pageid'] = $page_id; $bg_image = kite_get_meta( 'page_bg_image' ); $bg_img_position = kite_get_meta( 'bg_img_position' ); $bg_img_attachment = kite_get_meta( 'bg_img_attachment' ); $page_bg_color = kite_get_meta( 'page_bg_color' ); $bg_img_size = kite_get_meta( 'bg_img_size' ); $bg_img_repeat = kite_get_meta( 'bg_img_repeat' ); $style = $bg_image ? 'background-image: url(' . $bg_image . ');': ''; $style .= $bg_img_position ? 'background-position:' . $bg_img_position . ';': ''; $style .= $bg_img_attachment ? 'background-attachment:' . $bg_img_attachment . ';': ''; $style .= $page_bg_color ? 'background-color:' . $page_bg_color . ';': ''; $style .= $bg_img_size ? 'background-size:' . $bg_img_size . ';': ''; $style .= $bg_img_repeat ? 'background-repeat:' . $bg_img_repeat . ';': ''; $attributes['style'] = $style; /** * Hook to add or change body attributes */ $attributes = apply_filters( 'kite_body_attributes', $attributes ); foreach( $attributes as $key => $value ) { echo esc_attr( $key ) . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" '; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Remove the excerpt "more" */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_new_excerpt_more' ) ) { function kite_new_excerpt_more( $more ) { return is_admin() ? $more : ''; } } add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'kite_new_excerpt_more' ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* retrieves the attachment ID from the file URL */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_image_id' ) ) { function kite_get_image_id( $image_url ) { global $wpdb; // generate Full size Image URL by removing image size info $original_image_url = preg_replace( '/-\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$)/i', '', $image_url ); if ( $original_image_url == '' ) { $original_image_url = $image_url; } $attachment = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . " WHERE guid=%s;", $original_image_url ) ); if ( count( $attachment ) ) { return $attachment[0]; } else { return -1; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return theme option */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_opt' ) ) { function kite_opt( $option, $def = '' ) { global ${KITE_OPTIONS_KEY}; $opt = ${KITE_OPTIONS_KEY}; if ( empty( $opt ) || ! isset( $opt[ $option ] ) ) { return apply_filters( 'kite_option_value', $def, $option ); } $mutli_input_item = 'custom_sidebars'; $iconItem = 'topbar_icon'; if ( is_array( $opt[ $option ] ) && isset( $opt[ $option ]['rgba'] ) ) { $value = $opt[ $option ]['rgba']; } elseif ( is_array( $opt[ $option ] ) && isset( $opt[ $option ]['font-family'] ) ) { $value = empty( $opt[ $option ]['font-family'] ) ? $def : $opt[ $option ]; } elseif ( is_array( $opt[ $option ] ) && isset( $opt[ $option ]['url'] ) ) { $value = $opt[ $option ]['url']; } elseif ( is_array( $opt[ $option ] ) && $option == $mutli_input_item ) { $value = implode( ',', $opt[ $option ] ); } elseif ( $option == $iconItem ) { $icon = substr( $opt[ $option ], 5 ); $value = $icon; } elseif ( is_array( $opt[ $option ] ) && isset( $opt[ $option ]['color'] ) ) { $value = $opt[ $option ]['color']; } else { $value = stripslashes( $opt[ $option ] ); } return apply_filters( 'kite_option_value', $value, $option ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_eopt' ) ) { function kite_eopt( $option, $default = '' ) { echo kite_opt( $option, $default ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Gets array value with specified key */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_array_value' ) ) { // if the key doesn't exist default value is returned function kite_array_value( $key, $arr, $default = '' ) { return array_key_exists( $key, $arr ) ? $arr[ $key ] : $default; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Deletes attachment by given url */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_delete_attachment' ) ) { function kite_delete_attachment( $url ) { global $wpdb; // We need to get the image's meta ID. $results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . " where guid = %s AND post_type = 'attachment", $url ) ); // And delete it foreach ( $results as $row ) { wp_delete_attachment( $row->ID ); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* get page meta */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_meta' ) ) { function kite_get_meta( $key = '', $single = true ) { $pid = null; if ( in_the_loop() || is_single() || ( is_page() && ! is_home() ) ) { $pid = get_the_ID(); } // Special case for blog page if ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) { $pid = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) ) { if ( is_shop() ) { $pid = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' );// use woocommerce function : wc_get_page_id('shop') instead of get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id') } } if ( null == $pid ) { return ''; } if ( $key == '' ) { return get_post_meta( $pid, $key, false );// return all post metas } else { return get_post_meta( $pid, $key, $single ); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get title of page inside its loop */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_the_title' ) ) { function kite_get_the_title() { $pid = null; if ( in_the_loop() || is_single() || ( is_page() && ! is_home() ) ) { $pid = get_the_ID(); } // Special case for blog page if ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) { $pid = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) ) { if ( is_shop() ) { $pid = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' ); } } if ( null == $pid ) { return ''; } return get_the_title( $pid );// return all post metas } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get video URL from known sources such as YouTube and vimeo */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_extract_video_info' ) ) { function kite_extract_video_info( $string ) { // check for YouTube video URL if ( preg_match( '/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[^&\n\s"<>]+/i', $string, $matches ) ) { $url = parse_url( $matches[0] ); parse_str( $url['query'], $queryParams ); return array( 'type' => 'youtube', 'url' => $matches[0], 'id' => $queryParams['v'], ); } // Vimeo elseif ( preg_match( '/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com\/\d+/i', $string, $matches ) ) { $url = parse_url( $matches[0] ); return array( 'type' => 'vimeo', 'url' => $matches[0], 'id' => ltrim( $url['path'], '/' ), ); } return null; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get Audio URL from SoundCloud */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_extract_audio_info' ) ) { function kite_extract_audio_info( $string ) { // check for soundcloud url if ( preg_match( '/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?soundcloud\.com\/[^&\n\s"<>]+\/[^&\n\s"<>]+\/?/i', $string, $matches ) ) { return array( 'type' => 'soundcloud', 'url' => $matches[0], ); } return null; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_soundcloud_get_embed' ) ) { function kite_soundcloud_get_embed( $url ) { $json = kite_get_url_content( "http://soundcloud.com/oembed?format=json&url=$url"/*, ''*/ ); if ( is_array( $json ) ) { return 'Server Error: ' . $json['error'] . " \nError No: " . $json['errorno']; } if ( trim( $json ) == '' ) { return 'Error: got empty response from soundcloud'; } // Convert the response string to PHP object $data = json_decode( $json ); if ( null == $data ) { return "Cant decode the soundcloud response \nData: $json"; } return $data->html; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Downloads data from given URL */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_url_content' ) ) { function kite_get_url_content( $url, $proxy = '' ) { $args = array( 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'sslverify' => true, ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'timeout' => 45, ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $error_message = $response->get_error_message(); $ret = array( 'error' => $error_message, 'errorno' => '', ); } else { $ret = $response['body']; } return $ret; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Revolution slider */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_revolutionSlider_slides' ) ) { function kite_get_revolutionSlider_slides() { if ( class_exists( 'RevSlider' ) ) { // Get WPDB Object global $wpdb; // Get sliders $sliders = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'revslider_sliders' . ' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 100' ); $items = array( 'no-slider' => esc_html__( 'No slider', 'teta-lite' ) ); // Iterate over the sliders foreach ( $sliders as $key => $item ) { $items[ $item->alias ] = $item->alias; } return $items; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CF7 */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_contact_form7_forms' ) ) { function kite_get_contact_form7_forms() { // Get WPDB Object global $wpdb; // Get forms $forms = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE post_type='wpcf7_contact_form' LIMIT 100" ); $items = array( 'no-form' => '' ); // Iterate over the sliders foreach ( $forms as $key => $item ) { $items[ $item->ID ] = $item->post_title; } return $items; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* post pagination Search And Archive page! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_pagination' ) ) { function kite_get_pagination( $args = [] ) { $output = '
'; $args['prev_text'] = esc_html__( 'Prev.', 'teta-lite' ); $args['next_text'] = esc_html__( 'Next', 'teta-lite' ); $args['mid_size'] = 2; if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { $args['end_size'] = 1; $args['mid_size'] = 1; } $output .= get_the_posts_pagination( $args ); $output .= '
'; echo wp_kses( $output, $GLOBALS['kite-allowed-tags'] ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add support for Vertical Featured Images. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_thumbnail_vertical_check' ) ) { function kite_thumbnail_vertical_check( $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr ) { $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_thumbnail_id, 'large' ); // Get the image width and height from the data provided by wp_get_attachment_image_src() if ( $image_data ) { $width = $image_data[1]; $height = $image_data[2]; if ( $height > $width ) { $html = str_replace( 'attachment-', 'vertical-image attachment-', $html ); } } return $html; } } add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'kite_thumbnail_vertical_check', 10, 5 ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Search Pages by content */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_search_pages_by_content' ) ) { function kite_search_pages_by_content( $cnt ) { // Get WPDB Object global $wpdb; // Get forms $pages = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status='publish' AND post_content LIKE %s", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $cnt ) . '%' ) ); return $pages; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Sidebar widget count */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_count_sidebar_widgets' ) ) { function kite_count_sidebar_widgets( $sidebar_id, $echo = false ) { $sidebars = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets', array() ); if ( is_array( $sidebars ) && isset( $sidebars['array_version'] ) ) { unset( $sidebars['array_version'] ); } if ( ! isset( $sidebars[ $sidebar_id ] ) ) { return -1; } $cnt = count( $sidebars[ $sidebar_id ] ); if ( $echo ) { echo esc_html( $cnt ); } else { return $cnt; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get Sidebar */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_sidebar' ) ) { function kite_get_sidebar( $id = 1, $class = '' ) { if ( kite_count_sidebar_widgets( $id ) < 1 ) { $class .= ' no-widgets'; } ?>
$language_page ) { $wpml_pages_of_current_page[] = $language_page['url']; } } return $wpml_pages_of_current_page; } } // add 'row' that wrap feilds if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_comment_before_fields' ) ) { function kite_comment_before_fields() { echo '
'; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_comment_after_fields' ) ) { function kite_comment_after_fields() { echo '
'; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // allowed skype protocol /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_ss_allow_skype_protocol' ) ) { function kite_ss_allow_skype_protocol( $protocols ) { $protocols[] = 'skype'; return $protocols; } } add_filter( 'kses_allowed_protocols', 'kite_ss_allow_skype_protocol' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Newsletter embedding (MailPoet) /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_mail_poet_forms' ) ) { function kite_get_mail_poet_forms() { // Get WPDB Object global $wpdb; if ( class_exists( 'WYSIJA_NL_Widget' ) ) {// If the plugin is installed and activated create the shortcode // Get Form Values and IDs if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE {$wpdb->prefix}wysija_form" ) == $wpdb->prefix . 'wysija_form' ) {// If we had the DB $mailPoetForm = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wysija_form" ); $items = array(); // Iterate over the Forms foreach ( $mailPoetForm as $value ) { $items[ $value->name ] = $value->form_id; } if ( ! is_array( $items ) ) { return array(); } return $items; } return array(); } return array(); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* increase quality of WordPress thumbnails images. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_thumbnail_quality' ) ) { function kite_thumbnail_quality( $quality ) { return 100; } } add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', 'kite_thumbnail_quality' ); add_filter( 'wp_editor_set_quality', 'kite_thumbnail_quality' ); /*--------------------------------- kite_get_template_part ------------------------------------*/ /** * Like get_template_part() lets you pass args to the template file * Args are available in the tempalte as $template_args array * * @param string filepart * @param mixed wp_args style argument list */ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_template_part' ) ) { function kite_get_template_part( $file, $template_args = array(), $cache_args = array() ) { $template_args = wp_parse_args( $template_args ); $cache_args = wp_parse_args( $cache_args ); if ( $cache_args ) { foreach ( $template_args as $key => $value ) { if ( is_scalar( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) { $cache_args[ $key ] = $value; } elseif ( is_object( $value ) && method_exists( $value, 'get_id' ) ) { $cache_args[ $key ] = call_user_func( 'get_id', $value ); } } if ( ( $cache = wp_cache_get( $file, serialize( $cache_args ) ) ) !== false ) { if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) { return $cache; } echo '' . $cache; return; } } $file_handle = $file; do_action( 'start_operation', 'kite_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) { $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; } elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) { $file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; } ob_start(); $return = require $file; $data = ob_get_clean(); do_action( 'end_operation', 'kite_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( $cache_args ) { wp_cache_set( $file, $data, serialize( $cache_args ), 3600 ); } if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) { if ( $return === false ) { return false; } else { return $data; } } echo '' . $data; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Size Guide plugin /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_size_guide_plugin_styles' ) ) { function kite_size_guide_plugin_styles() { wp_dequeue_style( 'ct.sizeguide.style.css' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'magnific.popup.css' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'magnific.popup.js' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'ct.sg.front.js' ); } } add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'kite_size_guide_plugin_styles' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce - Remove title /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_remove_yikes_custom_tab_heading' ) ) { function kite_remove_yikes_custom_tab_heading( $heading ) { return ''; } } add_filter( 'yikes_woocommerce_custom_repeatable_product_tabs_heading', 'kite_remove_yikes_custom_tab_heading' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // wrap all sidebars /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_widget_sidebar' ) ) { function kite_widget_sidebar( $index ) { $footer_areas = array( 'footer-widget-1', 'footer-widget-2', 'footer-widget-3', 'footer-widget-4', 'footer-widget-5', 'footer-widget-6', 'footer-widget-7' ); if ( in_array( $index, $footer_areas ) ) { return; } if ( ! is_admin() ) { echo ''; } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_dokan_widget_sidebar_end' ) ) { function kite_dokan_widget_sidebar_end() { if ( ! is_admin() ) { echo ''; } } } add_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before', 'kite_widget_sidebar', 10 ); add_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_after', 'kite_widget_sidebar_end', 10 ); add_action( 'dokan_sidebar_store_after', 'kite_dokan_widget_sidebar_end', 10 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Cookie Law info - cookie bar /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_cookies_popup' ) ) { add_action( 'wp_footer', 'kite_cookies_popup', 300 ); function kite_cookies_popup() { if ( empty( kite_opt( 'cookies_info', false ) ) && ! isset( $_GET['gdpr'] ) ) { return; } $page_id = kite_opt( 'cookies_policy_page', '' ); ?>
1000000 ) { return floor( $x / 1000000 ) . 'M'; } if ( $x > 10000 ) { return floor( $x / 1000 ) . 'k'; } return $x; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_scrape_instagram' ) ) { function kite_scrape_instagram( $username, $slice = 9 ) { $username = strtolower( $username ); $by_hashtag = ( substr( $username, 0, 1 ) == '#' ); $transient_name = 'instagram-media-new-' . sanitize_title_with_dashes( $username ); $instagram = get_transient( $transient_name ); if ( false === $instagram ) { $request_param = ( $by_hashtag ) ? 'explore/tags/' . substr( $username, 1 ) : trim( $username ); $remote = wp_remote_get( 'https://instagram.com/' . $request_param ); if ( is_wp_error( $remote ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'site_down', esc_html__( 'Unable to communicate with Instagram.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } if ( 200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $remote ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_response', esc_html__( 'Instagram did not return a 200.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } $instagram = kite_instagram_decode( $remote['body'], $by_hashtag, false ); // do not set an empty transient - should help catch private or empty accounts if ( ! empty( $instagram ) && ! is_wp_error( $instagram ) ) { $instagram = maybe_serialize( $instagram ); set_transient( $transient_name, $instagram, apply_filters( 'null_instagram_cache_time', DAY_IN_SECONDS * 2 ) ); } } if ( ! empty( $instagram ) && ! is_wp_error( $instagram ) ) { $instagram = maybe_unserialize( $instagram ); return array_slice( $instagram, 0, $slice ); } else { return new WP_Error( 'no_images', esc_html__( 'Instagram did not return any images.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } } } function kite_instagram_decode( $insta_html_response, $by_hashtag, $ajax_request = false ) { if ( empty( $insta_html_response ) ) { return; } $shards = explode( 'window._sharedData = ', $insta_html_response ); $insta_json = explode( ';', $shards[1] ); if ( $ajax_request ) { $insta_array = json_decode( stripslashes( $insta_json[0] ), true ); } else { $insta_array = json_decode( $insta_json[0], true ); } if ( ! $insta_array ) { return new WP_Error( 'bad_json', esc_html__( 'Instagram has returned invalid data.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } if ( isset( $insta_array['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['edges'] ) ) { $images = $insta_array['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['edges']; } elseif ( $by_hashtag && isset( $insta_array['entry_data']['TagPage'][0]['graphql']['hashtag']['edge_hashtag_to_media']['edges'] ) ) { $images = $insta_array['entry_data']['TagPage'][0]['graphql']['hashtag']['edge_hashtag_to_media']['edges']; } else { return new WP_Error( 'bad_json_2', esc_html__( 'Instagram has returned invalid data.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } if ( ! is_array( $images ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'bad_array', esc_html__( 'Instagram has returned invalid data.', 'teta-lite' ) ); } $instagram = array(); foreach ( $images as $image ) { $image = $image['node']; $caption = esc_html__( 'Instagram Image', 'teta-lite' ); if ( ! empty( $image['edge_media_to_caption']['edges'][0]['node']['text'] ) ) { $caption = $image['edge_media_to_caption']['edges'][0]['node']['text']; } $image['thumbnail_src'] = preg_replace( '/^https:/i', '', $image['thumbnail_src'] ); $image['thumbnail'] = preg_replace( '/^https:/i', '', $image['thumbnail_resources'][0]['src'] ); $image['medium'] = preg_replace( '/^https:/i', '', $image['thumbnail_resources'][2]['src'] ); $image['large'] = $image['thumbnail_src']; $type = ( $image['is_video'] ) ? 'video' : 'image'; $instagram[] = array( 'description' => $caption, 'link' => '//instagram.com/p/' . $image['shortcode'], 'comments' => $image['edge_media_to_comment']['count'], 'likes' => $image['edge_liked_by']['count'], 'thumbnail' => $image['thumbnail'], 'medium' => $image['medium'], 'large' => $image['large'], 'type' => $type, ); } return $instagram; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Social Share buttons /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_social_share' ) ) { function kite_social_share() { $socialshare = kite_opt( 'social_share_display', false ); // theme settings; if ( $socialshare != 0 ) { ?>
$method, 'user' => esc_html( $hashtag ), 'column' => '6', 'image_resolution' => 'medium', 'carousel' => 'enable', 'enterance_animation' => 'disable', 'like' => 'enable', 'gutter' => 'no', 'comment' => 'enable', ) ); if ( ! empty( $instagram_html ) ) { ?>


'; } else { echo '
'; } kite_popup_newsletter(); echo '
'; } } } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'kite_popup_newsletter_content', 50 ); if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_popup_newsletter' ) ) { function kite_popup_newsletter() { $delay = ( kite_opt( 'popupNewsLetterDelay', '1000' ) == '' ? '500' : kite_opt( 'popupNewsLetterDelay', '1000' ) ); ?>
'; ?>

get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE {$wpdb->prefix}mailpoet_forms" ) == $wpdb->prefix . 'mailpoet_forms' ) {// If we had the DB $mailPoetForm = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}mailpoet_forms" ); $items = array(); // Iterate over the Forms foreach ( $mailPoetForm as $value ) { $items[ $value->name ] = $value->id; } if ( ! is_array( $items ) ) { return array(); } return $items; } return array(); } return array(); } } // // ─── GET MAILCHIMP FORMS ID ───────────────────────────────────────────────────── // function kite_get_mailchimp_forms() { $options = array( '' => esc_html__('Select the form to show', 'teta-lite' ) ) ; if( ! function_exists('mc4wp_get_forms') ) { return $options; } $forms = mc4wp_get_forms(); foreach( $forms as $form ) { $options[ $form->ID ] = $form->name; } return $options; } /* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // comment submit button /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_wc_comment_submit' ) ) { function kite_wc_comment_submit( $submit_button ) { $submit_button = '
' . $submit_button . '
'; return $submit_button; } } add_filter( 'comment_form_submit_button', 'kite_wc_comment_submit' ); /* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // visual composer FrontEnd editor /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ function kite_get_vc_front_end_editor_link() { if ( ! class_exists( 'Vc_Manager' ) ) { return; } global $post; if ( ! is_object( $post ) ) { return; } $GLOBALS['pageID'] = $post->ID; add_filter( 'vc_get_inline_url', function() { $the_ID = $GLOBALS['pageID']; return admin_url() . 'post.php?vc_action=vc_inline&post_id=' . $the_ID . '&post_type=' . get_post_type( $the_ID ); } ); } add_action( 'wp_head', 'kite_get_vc_front_end_editor_link' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // resonsive font size /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ function kite_responsive_font_size( $selector = '', $fontsizes = '', $lineHeight = '' ) { $fontsizes = explode( ',', $fontsizes ); $lineHeight = explode( ',', $lineHeight ); $kiteInlineStyle = ''; if ( empty( $selector ) || count( $fontsizes ) < 3 ) { return $kiteInlineStyle; } if ( ! empty( $fontsizes[0] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(min-width:1140px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[0] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[0] ) ) ? $lineHeight[0] : $fontsizes[0] ) . 'px;}}'; } if ( ! empty( $fontsizes[1] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(max-width:1140px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[1] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[1] ) ) ? $lineHeight[1] : $fontsizes[1] ) . 'px;}}'; } elseif ( ! empty( $fontsizes[0] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(max-width:1140px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[0] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[0] ) ) ? $lineHeight[0] : $fontsizes[0] ) . 'px;}}'; } if ( ! empty( $fontsizes[2] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(max-width:767px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[2] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[2] ) ) ? $lineHeight[2] : $fontsizes[2] ) . 'px;}}'; } elseif ( ! empty( $fontsizes[1] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(max-width:767px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[1] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[1] ) ) ? $lineHeight[1] : $fontsizes[1] ) . 'px;}}'; } elseif ( ! empty( $fontsizes[0] ) ) { $kiteInlineStyle .= '@media(max-width:767px){' . $selector . ' {font-size:' . $fontsizes[0] . 'px;line-height:' . ( ( ! empty( $lineHeight[0] ) ) ? $lineHeight[0] : $fontsizes[0] ) . 'px;}}'; } return $kiteInlineStyle; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Elementor Container size */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ add_action( 'redux/loaded', 'kite_set_elementor_container_size' ); function kite_set_elementor_container_size() { // Check if elementor is active or not if ( ! class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) ) { return; } if ( kite_opt( 'container_size', true ) ) { update_option( 'elementor_container_width', '1170' ); } else { update_option( 'elementor_container_width', kite_opt( 'dynamic_container_size', '1170' ) ); } } function kite_prefix_kses_allowed_html( $tags, $context ) { switch ( $context ) { case 'socialtags': $tags = array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'title' => array(), ), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'ul' => array(), 'li' => array(), 'br' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'strong' => array(), ); return $tags; break; case 'socialentities': $tags = array( 'em' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'span' => array( 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), ); return $tags; break; return $tags; default: return $tags; } } add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', 'kite_prefix_kses_allowed_html', 20, 2 ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kite Related Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function kite_related_posts( $post, $related_count = 3 ) { global $post; $post_id = $post->ID; $terms = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'category' ); if ( empty( $terms ) ) { $terms = array(); } $term_list = wp_list_pluck( $terms, 'slug' ); $related_args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => $related_count, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post__not_in' => array( $post_id ), 'orderby' => 'rand', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term_list, ), ), ); $query = new WP_Query( $related_args ); ob_start(); if ( $query->have_posts() ) { echo "'; ?> ' . $author . ''; } } add_filter( 'get_comment_author_link', 'kite_custom_comment_author_link', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'jet-elements/allowed-vendor-addons', 'kite_disable_jet_woo_widgets', 1 ); function kite_disable_jet_woo_widgets( $widgets ) { if ( isset( $widgets['woo_recent_products'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_recent_products'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['woo_featured_products'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_featured_products'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['woo_sale_products'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_sale_products'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['woo_best_selling_products'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_best_selling_products'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['woo_top_rated_products'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_top_rated_products'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['woo_product'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['woo_product'] ); } if ( isset( $widgets['contact_form7'] ) ) { unset( $widgets['contact_form7'] ); } return $widgets; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add Social Login */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form_start', 'kite_add_social_login' ); function kite_add_social_login() { $google_app_id = kite_opt( 'google_app_id' ); $google_app_secret = kite_opt( 'google_app_secret' ); $facebook_app_id = kite_opt( 'facebook_app_id' ); $facebook_app_secret = kite_opt( 'facebook_app_secret' ); if ( class_exists( 'Social_Network_Authentication' ) && ( ( ! empty( $facebook_app_id ) && ! empty( $facebook_app_secret ) ) || ( ! empty( $google_app_id ) && ! empty( $google_app_secret ) ) ) ) : ?>
autoembed( $content ) : $content; } return $content; } // // ─── KITE FUNCTION TO GENERATE SEARCH FORM ────────────────────────────────────── // if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_generate_search_form' ) ) { function kite_generate_search_form( $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'wrap_id' => '', 'wrap_classes' => 'kt-search-form-wrap', 'form_classes' => 'kt-search-form', 'style' => 'light', 'terms' => array(), 'search_place_holder' => esc_attr__( 'Search Posts', 'teta-lite' ), 'search_post_type' => 'post', 'search_icon' => 'icon icon-search', 'svg_icon' => false, 'svg_url' => '' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); /** * Modify search args before generating search form */ $args = apply_filters( 'kite_search_form_args', $args ); get_search_form( array_merge( $args, [ 'kite-modern-search-form' => true ])); } } // // ─── KITE FUNCTION TO RENDER ELEMENTOR TEMPLATE ───────────────────────────────── // function kite_render_elementor_template( $template_ID ) { if ( class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) ) { echo Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( $template_ID ); } } // // ─── KITE FUNCTION TO RETURN ELEMENTOR LIBRARIES BY TYPE ──────────────────────── // if( ! function_exists('kite_get_elementor_templates_list') ) { function kite_get_elementor_templates_list( $template_type = 'all' ){ $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'elementor_library', 'post_status' => 'publish' ); $output = array( '' => esc_html__( 'Select a template', 'teta-lite' ) ); if( $template_type !== 'all' ){ $args['meta_key'] = '_elementor_template_type'; $args['meta_value'] = $template_type; } $posts = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $posts as $key => $value ) { $output[ $value->ID ] = $value->post_title; } return $output; } } function kite_allowed_html() { $GLOBALS['kite-allowed-tags'] = array( 'a' => array( 'class' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'href' => array(), 'rel' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'data-product_id' => array(), 'data-quantity' => array(), 'data-min-quantity' => array(), 'target' => array(), 'data-nonce' => array() ), 'abbr' => array( 'title' => array(), ), 'b' => array(), 'blockquote' => array( 'cite' => array(), ), 'cite' => array( 'title' => array(), ), 'code' => array(), 'del' => array( 'datetime' => array(), 'title' => array(), ), 'dd' => array(), 'div' => array( 'class' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'style' => array(), 'data-layoutmode' => array(), 'data-layoutMode' => array(), 'data-delay' => array(), 'data-animation' => array(), 'data-autoplay' => array(), 'data-visibleitems' => array(), 'data-product-page-preselected-id' => array(), 'data-responsive-autoplay' => array() ), 'dl' => array(), 'dt' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'img' => array( 'alt' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'height' => array(), 'src' => array(), 'srcset' => array(), 'data-src' => array(), 'data-srcset' => array(), 'width' => array(), 'sizes' => array(), ), 'li' => array( 'class' => array(), ), 'ol' => array( 'class' => array(), ), 'p' => array( 'class' => array(), ), 'q' => array( 'cite' => array(), 'title' => array(), ), 'span' => array( 'class' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'ul' => array( 'class' => array(), ), ); } kite_allowed_html(); // // ─── GET PRIMARY CATEGORY OF POST ─────────────────────────────────────────────── // function kite_get_post_primary_category( $post_id, $term = 'category', $return_all_categories = false ) { $return = []; if ( class_exists( 'WPSEO_Primary_Term' ) ){ // Show Primary category by Yoast if it is enabled & set $wpseo_primary_term = new WPSEO_Primary_Term( $term, $post_id ); $primary_term = get_term( $wpseo_primary_term->get_primary_term() ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $primary_term ) ) { $return['primary_category'] = $primary_term; } } if ( empty( $return['primary_category'] ) || $return_all_categories ) { $categories_list = get_the_terms( $post_id, $term ); if ( empty( $return['primary_category'] ) && ! empty( $categories_list ) ) { $return['primary_category'] = $categories_list[0]; //get the first category } if ( $return_all_categories ) { $return['all_categories'] = []; if ( ! empty( $categories_list ) ) { foreach( $categories_list as &$category ) { $return['all_categories'][] = $category->term_id; } } } } return $return; } // // ─── GET ALL MAINTENANCE PAGES ────────────────────────────────────────────────── // function kite_get_maintenance_page() { $args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template', 'meta_value' => 'maintenance.php' ); $maintenance_pages_query = new WP_Query( $args ); $maintenance_pages = array(); if ( $maintenance_pages_query->have_posts()) { while( $maintenance_pages_query->have_posts() ) { $maintenance_pages_query->the_post(); $maintenance_pages[ get_the_ID() ] = get_the_title(); } wp_reset_postdata(); } return $maintenance_pages; } // // ─── GET HEIGHT PERCENTATE ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── // if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_get_height_percentage' ) ) { function kite_get_height_percentage( $image, $width = 1, $height = 1 ) { if ( $image != '' ) { $re = '/width="(\\d+)".*height="(\\d+)"/'; preg_match( $re, $image, $matches ); if ( isset( $matches[1] ) && isset( $matches[2] ) ) { $height = $matches[2]; $width = $matches[1]; } else { return 100; } } if ( $width == 0 ) { return 100; } return ( $height / $width ) * 100; } } // // ─── ADD SKIP TO CONTENT LINK ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── // if ( ! function_exists( 'kite_add_skip_link' ) ) { function kite_add_skip_link() { echo "" . esc_html__( 'Skip To Content', 'teta-lite' ) . ""; } add_action( 'wp_body_open', 'kite_add_skip_link' ); } // // ─── ADD ARRAY AFTER SPECIFIC KEY IN ANOTHER ARRRAY ───────────────────────────── // /** * Insert a value or key/value pair after a specific key in an array. If key doesn't exist, value is appended * to the end of the array. * * @param array $array * @param string $key * @param array $new * * @return array */ function kite_array_insert_after( array $array, $key, array $new ) { $keys = array_keys( $array ); $index = array_search( $key, $keys ); $pos = false === $index ? count( $array ) : $index + 1; return array_merge( array_slice( $array, 0, $pos ), $new, array_slice( $array, $pos ) ); } // // ─── SINGLE BLOG FLOATING SECTION ─────────────────────────────────────────────── // /** * add floating section to single post * * @param mixed $content * @return void */ function kite_add_floating_section_to_single_post( $content ) { if ( is_single() && 'post' == get_post_type() ) { $content = "
" . $content . "
"; $floating_section = "
"; $floating_section .= "" . get_the_title() . ""; $floating_section .= "" . get_the_date() . ""; $socialshare = kite_opt( 'social_share_display', false ); // theme settings; if ( $socialshare != 0 ) { $floating_section .= "
"; $floating_section .= ""; get_template_part( 'templates/social-share' ); $floating_section .= kite_generate_social_share_markup(); $floating_section .= "
"; } $floating_section .= '
'; $content = $floating_section . $content; } return $content; } add_filter( 'the_content', 'kite_add_floating_section_to_single_post', 10 ); // // ─── ADD SCROLL TO TOP DOM ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── // add_action( 'kite_before_layout_starts', 'kite_scroll_to_top', 5 ); function kite_scroll_to_top() { if ( class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) && \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->preview->is_preview_mode() ) { return; } ?>
is_search && in_array( $query->get('post_type'), array( 'product', 'post' ) ) ) { if ( !empty( $_GET['cat'] ) && $_GET['cat'] != 'all' ) { $cat_taxonomy = $query->get('post_type') == 'product' ? 'product_cat' : 'category_name'; $query->set( $cat_taxonomy, sanitize_text_field( $_GET['cat'] ) ); } } return $query; } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'kite_include_categories_in_search', 99, 1 ); // // ─── ADD MOBILE MENU CLASS TO CATEGORIES MENU ELEMENT ─────────────────────────── // /** * Add mobile menu class to categories menu element * * @param array $sidebar_classes * @return array $sidebar_classes */ function kite_add_mobile_menu_class_to_categories_element( $sidebar_classes ) { if ( ( $key = array_search( 'toggle-sidebar-category-menu', $sidebar_classes ) ) !== false) { unset( $sidebar_classes[ $key ] ); } $sidebar_classes[] = 'toggle-sidebar-mobile-menu'; $sidebar_classes[] = 'categories-offcanvas'; return $sidebar_classes; } add_filter( 'kite_category_menu_sidebar_classes', 'kite_add_mobile_menu_class_to_categories_element', 1, 1 );