************************* ******** README ********* ************************* Contributors: Erik Bernskiold Donate link: http://www.xldstudios.com/wordpress/free-themes/tenacity/ Tags: gray, white, blue, two-columns, fixed-width, custom-header, custom-background, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, editor-style, custom-menu Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3 ************************* Thank you for downloading the Tenacity theme. This theme is free and released under a GPL license. Included in the theme footer file is a small design attribution to us at XLD Studios. You may remove this (it's GPL after all), but we would very much appreciate your support by keeping the link. ************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Adding a custom homepage 2. Available Page Templates 3. Available shortcodes 4. Uploading a custom logo ************************* 1. ADDING A CUSTOM HOMEPAGE If you prefer having a static homepage instead of the default blog listing, please follow these steps. 1. Create a new page and call it for example "Frontpage". 2. Create another new page for the blog and call it for example "Blog" 3. Go to Settings > Reading and choose your two new pages for the front page and blog page respectively. 4. Enjoy the changed site! ************************* 2. AVAILABLE PAGE TEMPLATE This theme comes with three page templates: template-fullwidth.php (Full Width Page) - Removes the sidebar and makes the page width 940px. template-notitle.php (No-Title Page) - Like the standard page template but doesn't print the page title. template-notitle-fullwidth.php (No-Title, Full Width Page) - Like the full width template but doesn't print the page title. ************************* 3. AVAILABLE SHORTCODES [one_half], [one_third], [two_third], [one_fourth], [three_fourth], [one_fifth], [two_fifth], [three_fifth], [four_fifth], [one_sixth], [five_sixth] To easily make columns in the post editor, there is a column shortcode available for halves, thirds, fourths, fifths and sixths. A two column layout would look like this: [one_half] Content Column 1 [/one_half] [one_half_last] Content Column 2 [/one_half_last] The _last is necessary for the final column of any setup. 4. UPLOADING A CUSTOM LOGO You may upload a custom logo to replace the default site text and tagline. Go into the WordPress Dashboard (Admin Panel) and find Theme Options under the Appearance section. From here, you can upload your own logo files to replace the text logo. Best size is 250px wide by 60px high (250x60).