Please remember that this is still an experimental feature.', 'tempera'); ?>

( )

0) ) ) { $form_fields = array('import'); $method = ''; $url = wp_nonce_url('themes.php?page=tempera-page', 'tempera-import'); // Get file writing credentials if (false === ($creds = request_filesystem_credentials($url, $method, false, false, $form_fields) ) ) { return true; } if ( ! WP_Filesystem($creds) ) { // our credentials were no good, ask the user for them again request_filesystem_credentials($url, $method, true, false, $form_fields); return true; } // Write the file if credentials are good $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $filename = trailingslashit($upload_dir['path']).'temperas.txt'; // by this point, the $wp_filesystem global should be working, so let's use it to create a file global $wp_filesystem; if ( ! $wp_filesystem->move($_FILES['import']['tmp_name'], $filename, true) ) { echo 'Error saving file!'; return; } $file = $_FILES['import']; if ($file['type'] == 'text/plain') { $data = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($filename); // try to read the file if ($data !== FALSE){ $settings = json_decode($data, true); // try to read the settings array if (isset($settings['tempera_db'])){ ?>

'. __('Great! The options have been imported!', 'tempera').'
'; echo ''.__('Go back to the Tempera options page and check them out!', 'tempera').'

'; } else { // else: try to read the settings array echo '

'.__('Oops, there\'s a small problem.', 'tempera').'
'; echo __('The uploaded file does not contain valid Tempera options. Make sure the file is exported from the Tempera Options page.', 'tempera').'

'; tempera_import_form(); } } else { // else: try to read the file echo '

'.__('Oops, there\'s a small problem.', 'tempera').'
'; echo __('The uploaded file could not be read.', 'tempera').'

'; tempera_import_form(); } } else { // else: make sure the file uploaded was a plain text file echo '

'.__('Oops, there\'s a small problem.', 'tempera').'
'; echo __('The uploaded file is not supported. Make sure the file was exported from the Tempera page and that it is a text file.', 'tempera').'

'; tempera_import_form(); } // Delete the file after we're done $wp_filesystem->delete($filename); } else { // else: make sure there is an import file uploaded echo '

'.__( 'Oops! The file is empty or there was no file. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.', 'tempera' ).'

'; tempera_import_form(); } echo ' '; } else { wp_die(__('ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation', 'tempera')); } } // Closes the tempera_import_file() function definition function tempera_presets(){ ?>

CAUTION! When loading a color scheme, the Tempera theme settings under Text and Color Settings will be overriden. All other settings will remain intact.
SUGGESTION: It's always better to export your current theme settings before loading a color scheme." , "tempera"); ?>

$item) { $id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '',$key); $checkedClass = ($temperas['tempera_colorschemes']==$item) ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo " "; } ?>

Notice! You are close to the limit of variables your server accepts to process at a time. You may not be able to save theme settings if a future update adds more configuration options unless you increase PHP's %s0% value.
"; $warnstr2 = "Warning! You will not be able to save the theme settings. Your server imposes a limit on the number of variables processed at a time lower than the number of configuration variables the theme uses. You need to increase PHP's %s0% value to use the theme.
"; $warninfo = "The theme is currently using %s1% variables while your server limit is at %s2%."; if (ini_get('max_input_vars')): $phpmaxvars = ini_get('max_input_vars'); $warnstr1 = str_replace("%s0%","max_input_vars",$warnstr1); $warnstr2 = str_replace("%s0%","max_input_vars",$warnstr2); elseif (ini_get('')): $phpmaxvars = ini_get(''); $warnstr1 = str_replace("%s0%","",$warnstr1); $warnstr2 = str_replace("%s0%","",$warnstr2); else: $phpmaxvars = PHP_INT_MAX; endif; $warninfo = str_replace(array("%s1%","%s2%"),array($themevarcount,$phpmaxvars),$warninfo); if ($themevarcount > $phpmaxvars): $return = $warnstr2.$warninfo; elseif ($themevarcount+100 > $phpmaxvars): $return = $warnstr1.$warninfo; else: if ($debug): $return = "DEBUG: ".$warninfo; else: $return = ''; endif; endif; return $return; } // cryout_maxvarcheck() // Synchronizing the tinymce width with the content width add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'tempera_dynamic_editor_styles', 10); function tempera_dynamic_editor_styles($settings){ $settings['content_css'] .= ",".admin_url('admin-ajax.php') ."/?action=dynamic_styles"; return $settings; } // add wp_ajax callback add_action('wp_ajax_dynamic_styles', 'tempera_dynamic_styles_callback'); function tempera_dynamic_styles_callback(){ global $temperas; echo "html .mceContentBody , .mceContentBody img {max-width:".$temperas['tempera_sidewidth']."px;}"; } function cryout_fetch_feed() { $tempera_news = fetch_feed( array( '') ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $tempera_news ) ) { $maxitems = $tempera_news->get_item_quantity( 10 ); $news_items = $tempera_news->get_items( 0, $maxitems ); } ?>