== Teletype == = 1.1.8 - 23.05.2017 * Removed frontpage template file * Reorder and rename the Customizer sections * Improved style mobile navigation bar * Other minor fixes (php, css) = 1.1.7 - 12.04.2017 * Remove not used file * Changed headline layout * Added background image for header function * Added option for overlay opacity * Other minor fixes (php, css) = 1.1.6 - 31.03.2017 * Changed the function of the Google font inclusion (thank you @catchthemes) = 1.1.5 - 30.03.2017 * Remove comments callback * Escape admin_url(), $thumbnail * Changed the description of the license Font Awesome * Other fixes (css) = 1.1.4 - 29.03.2017 * Remove not used file - custom-header.php * Fixed Singluar/Multiple Placeholders * Changed the description of the license Font Awesome * Other fixes (php, css) = 1.1.3 - 3.11.2016 * Some styling improvements - css * Deleting text strings default values in Customizer = 1.1.2 - 6.09.2016 * Change and bug fixes in accordance with the requirements of the theme review team WordPress.org - php, css = 1.1.1 - 6.09.2016 * Change and bug fixes in accordance with the requirements of the theme review team WordPress.org - php, css = 1.1.0 - 6.09.2016 * Change and bug fixes in accordance with the requirements of the theme review team WordPress.org = 1.0.9 - 4.09.2016 * Change: renaming class Walker_Nav_Menu - php = 1.0.8 - 4.09.2016 * Change: renaming of prefixes to Walker_Nav_Menu class - php * Change: output main menu is defined in the function among template tags - php * Change: updated translation file = 1.0.7 - 3.09.2016 * Change: renaming of prefixes to include scripts and styles - php * Added: supports custom logo WordPress 4.5+ - php = 1.0.6 - 3.09.2016 * Remove: theme features deprecated tag = 1.0.5 - 2.06.2016 * Change: minor changes in get started dashboard - the correct link to the premium version. * Fix: admin bar overlapping the menu bar, fixes css - css * Fix: the color of the toggle button, fixes css - css * Remove: duplication displaying the title of the post/page, deleted lines - php * Fix: minor fixes css - css = 1.0.4 - 3.05.2016 * Remove: animation effect, and the css, js and customizer option = 1.0.3 - 29.03.2016 * Fix: minor fixes css - css * Fix: minor fixes in the templates - php * Fix: minor fixes main script - js = 1.0.2 - 27.03.2016 * Fix: minor fixes css - css = 1.0.1 - 25.03.2016 * Change: changed info for licensed images which used in the screenshot -txt * Fix: fixed conditions to display headline for single post/page - php * Fix: fixed position background in the header - css * Remove: Unnecessary options in Customizer - php * Remove: unnecessary lines in section-blog.php - php * Add: the option to select the number of displayed posts = 1.0.0 - 24.03.2016 * Initial release.