__( 'Disable', 'supermag' ), 'slide' => __( 'Slide', 'supermag' ), 'ticker' => __( 'Ticker', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_breaking_news_options', $supermag_breaking_news_options ); } endif; /** * Header logo/text display options alternative * * @since SuperMag 1.0.2 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_header_id_display_opt * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_header_id_display_opt') ) : function supermag_header_id_display_opt() { $supermag_header_id_display_opt = array( 'logo-only' => __( 'Logo Only ( First Select Logo Above )', 'supermag' ), 'title-only' => __( 'Site Title Only', 'supermag' ), 'title-and-tagline' => __( 'Site Title and Tagline', 'supermag' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_header_id_display_opt', $supermag_header_id_display_opt ); } endif; /** * Header Ads display options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.3 * * @param null * @return array * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_header_ads_display_options') ) : function supermag_header_ads_display_options() { $supermag_related_posts_display_options = array( 'hide' => __( 'Hide', 'supermag' ), 'image' => __( 'Ads Image', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_related_posts_display_options', $supermag_related_posts_display_options ); } endif; /** * Header Site identity and ads display options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.5 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position') ) : function supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position() { $supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position = array( 'left-logo-right-ainfo' => __( 'Left Logo and Right Ads', 'supermag' ), 'right-logo-left-ainfo' => __( 'Right Logo and Left Ads', 'supermag' ), 'center-logo-below-ainfo' => __( 'Center Logo and Below Ads', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position', $supermag_header_logo_menu_display_position ); } endif; /** * Header Display Options * * @since SuperMag 1.5.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_header_date_format * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_header_date_format') ) : function supermag_header_date_format() { $supermag_header_date_format = array( 'default' => __( 'Default', 'supermag' ), 'wp-date-format' => __( 'From WordPress Date Setting', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_header_date_format', $supermag_header_date_format ); } endif; /** * Header Media Position options * * @since SuperMag 1.5.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_header_media_position * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_header_media_position') ) : function supermag_header_media_position() { $supermag_header_media_position = array( 'very-top' => __( 'Very Top', 'supermag' ), 'above-logo' => __( 'Above Site Identity', 'supermag' ), 'above-menu' => __( 'Below Site Identity and Above Menu', 'supermag' ), 'below-menu' => __( 'Below Menu', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_header_media_position', $supermag_header_media_position ); } endif; /** * Header Site identity and ads display options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.5 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_menu_search_type * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_menu_search_type') ) : function supermag_menu_search_type() { $supermag_menu_search_type = array( 'normal-search' => __( 'Normal Search', 'supermag' ), 'dropdown-search' => __( 'Dropdown Search', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_menu_search_type', $supermag_menu_search_type ); } endif; /** * Global layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_default_layout * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_default_layout') ) : function supermag_default_layout() { $supermag_default_layout = array( 'fullwidth' => __( 'Fullwidth', 'supermag' ), 'boxed' => __( 'Boxed', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_default_layout', $supermag_default_layout ); } endif; /** * Sidebar layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_sidebar_layout * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_sidebar_layout') ) : function supermag_sidebar_layout() { $supermag_sidebar_layout = array( 'right-sidebar' => esc_html__( 'Right Sidebar', 'supermag' ), 'left-sidebar' => esc_html__( 'Left Sidebar' , 'supermag' ), 'both-sidebar' => esc_html__( 'Both Sidebar' , 'supermag' ), 'middle-col' => esc_html__( 'Middle Column' , 'supermag' ), 'no-sidebar' => esc_html__( 'No Sidebar', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_sidebar_layout', $supermag_sidebar_layout ); } endif; /** * Blog layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_blog_layout * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_blog_layout') ) : function supermag_blog_layout() { $supermag_blog_layout = array( 'left-image' => __( 'Left Image', 'supermag' ), 'large-image' => __( 'Large Image', 'supermag' ), 'no-image' => __( 'No Image', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_blog_layout', $supermag_blog_layout ); } endif; /** * Feature side display options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_feature_side_display_options * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_feature_side_display_options') ) : function supermag_feature_side_display_options() { $supermag_feature_side_display_options = array( 'from-recent' => __( 'Recents posts', 'supermag' ), 'from-category' => __( 'Category', 'supermag' ), 'post-2-add-2' => __( 'Post 2 - Add 2', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_feature_side_display_options', $supermag_feature_side_display_options ); } endif; /** * Related post layout * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array supermag_pagination_options * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_pagination_options') ) : function supermag_pagination_options() { $supermag_pagination_options = array( 'default' => __( 'Default', 'supermag' ), 'numeric' => __( 'Numeric', 'supermag' ), ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_pagination_options', $supermag_pagination_options ); } endif; /** * Related posts layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.1.0 * * @param null * @return array * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_reset_options') ) : function supermag_reset_options() { $supermag_reset_options = array( '0' => __( 'Do Not Reset', 'supermag' ), 'reset-color-options' => __( 'Reset Colors Options', 'supermag' ), 'reset-all' => __( 'Reset All', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_reset_options', $supermag_reset_options ); } endif; /** * Blog Archive Display Options * * @since SuperMag 1.5.0 * * @param null * @return array * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_blog_archive_category_display_options') ) : function supermag_blog_archive_category_display_options() { $supermag_blog_archive_category_display_options = array( 'default' => __( 'Default', 'supermag' ), 'cat-color' => __( 'Categories with Color', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_blog_archive_category_display_options', $supermag_blog_archive_category_display_options ); } endif; /** * Related Post Display From Options * * @since SuperMag 1.5.0 * * @param null * @return array * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_related_post_display_from') ) : function supermag_related_post_display_from() { $supermag_related_post_display_from = array( 'cat' => __( 'Related Posts From Categories', 'supermag' ), 'tag' => __( 'Related Posts From Tags', 'supermag' ) ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_related_post_display_from', $supermag_related_post_display_from ); } endif; /** * Blog layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.5.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_get_image_sizes_options * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_get_image_sizes_options') ) : function supermag_get_image_sizes_options( $add_disable = false ) { global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $choices = array(); if ( true == $add_disable ) { $choices['disable'] = __( 'No Image', 'supermag' ); } foreach ( array( 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large' ) as $key => $_size ) { $choices[ $_size ] = $_size . ' ('. get_option( $_size . '_size_w' ) . 'x' . get_option( $_size . '_size_h' ) . ')'; } $choices['full'] = __( 'full (original)', 'supermag' ); if ( ! empty( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) && is_array( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) ) { foreach ($_wp_additional_image_sizes as $key => $size ) { $choices[ $key ] = $key . ' ('. $size['width'] . 'x' . $size['height'] . ')'; } } return apply_filters( 'supermag_get_image_sizes_options', $choices ); } endif; /** * Default Theme layout options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array $supermag_theme_layout * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_get_default_theme_options') ) : function supermag_get_default_theme_options() { $default_theme_options = array( /*feature section options*/ 'supermag-feature-cat' => 0, 'supermag-feature-post-one' => 0, 'supermag-feature-post-two' => 0, 'supermag-feature-side-display-options' => 'post-2-add-2', 'supermag-feature-side-title-length' => 6, 'supermag-feature-side-from-category' => 0, 'supermag-feature-add-one' => get_template_directory_uri()."/assets/img/supermag-add1-240-172.png", 'supermag-feature-add-one-link' => "https://www.acmethemes.com/", 'supermag-feature-add-two' => get_template_directory_uri()."/assets/img/supermag-add2-240-172.png", 'supermag-feature-add-two-link' => "https://www.acmethemes.com/themes/supermag/", 'supermag-enable-feature' => '', /*header options*/ 'supermag-header-logo' => '', 'supermag-header-id-display-opt' => 'title-and-tagline', 'supermag-show-date' => 1, 'supermag-breaking-news-title' => __( 'Recent posts', 'supermag' ), 'supermag-breaking-news-options' => 'slide', 'supermag-facebook-url' => '', 'supermag-twitter-url' => '', 'supermag-youtube-url' => '', 'supermag-instagram-url' => '', 'supermag-google-plus-url' => '', 'supermag-pinterest-url' => '', 'supermag-enable-social' => 0, 'supermag-header-main-show-banner-ads' => 'image', 'supermag-header-main-banner-ads' => get_template_directory_uri()."/assets/img/supermag-new-ad.png", 'supermag-header-main-banner-ads-link' => 'https://www.acmethemes.com/themes/supermag/', 'supermag-header-logo-ads-display-position' => 'left-logo-right-ainfo', 'supermag-menu-show-home-icon' => 1, 'supermag-enable-random-post' => 1, 'supermag-enable-sticky-menu' => '', 'supermag-menu-show-search' => 1, 'supermag-menu-search-type' => 'dropdown-search', 'supermag-enable-sticky-sidebar' => 1, 'supermag-header-date-format' => 'default', 'supermag-header-media-position' => 'above-menu', 'supermag-header-media-customizer-link' => '', 'supermag-header-image-link' => esc_url( home_url() ), 'supermag-header-image-link-new-tab' => '', /*footer options*/ 'supermag-footer-copyright' => __( 'Copyright © All rights reserved', 'supermag' ), /*layout/design options*/ 'supermag-default-layout' => 'boxed', 'supermag-enable-box-shadow' => '', 'supermag-sidebar-layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'supermag-front-page-sidebar-layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'supermag-archive-sidebar-layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'supermag-blog-archive-layout' => 'left-image', 'supermag-blog-archive-image-layout' => 'full', 'supermag-disable-image-zoom' => '', 'supermag-blog-archive-more-text' => __( 'Read More', 'supermag' ), 'supermag-blog-archive-category-display-options' => 'default', 'supermag-single-category-display-options' => 'default', 'supermag-primary-color' => '#4db2ec', 'supermag-cat-hover-color' => '#2d2d2d', 'supermag-custom-css' => '', /*single related post options*/ 'supermag-show-related' => 1, 'supermag-related-title' => __( 'Related posts', 'supermag' ), 'supermag-related-post-display-from' => 'cat', 'supermag-single-post-layout' => 'large-image', 'supermag-single-image-layout' => 'full', /*theme options*/ 'supermag-search-placholder' => __( 'Search', 'supermag' ), 'supermag-show-breadcrumb' => 0, 'supermag-side-show-message' => '', 'supermag-image-size-message' => '', 'supermag-side-image-message' => '', 'supermag-hide-front-page-content' => '', 'supermag-you-are-here-text' => __( 'You are here', 'supermag' ), /*woocommerce*/ 'supermag-wc-shop-archive-sidebar-layout' => 'no-sidebar', 'supermag-wc-product-column-number' => 4, 'supermag-wc-shop-archive-total-product' => 16, 'supermag-wc-single-product-sidebar-layout' => 'no-sidebar', /*Reset*/ 'supermag-reset-options' => '0' ); return apply_filters( 'supermag_default_theme_options', $default_theme_options ); } endif; /** * Get theme options * * @since SuperMag 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return array supermag_theme_options * */ if ( !function_exists('supermag_get_theme_options') ) : function supermag_get_theme_options() { $supermag_default_theme_options = supermag_get_default_theme_options(); $supermag_get_theme_options = get_theme_mod( 'supermag_theme_options'); if( is_array($supermag_get_theme_options )){ return array_merge( $supermag_default_theme_options ,$supermag_get_theme_options ); } else{ return $supermag_default_theme_options; } } endif;