Theme Name: Sunny and Blue File Name: Changelog Tested up to: 4.5.1 Stable tag: 1.0.5 == Changelog == = 1.0.5 = * wp_enqueue_style for default style.css. * Removed custom functions from functions.php and moved to seperate file (includes/sunny-and-blue-functions.php). * Moved wp_bootstrap_navwalker.php to includes/ folder = 1.0.4 = * Fixed walker menu bug. * Removed restriction on menu depth. * Updated footer content description * Removed jquery enqueue script = 1.0.3 = * Removed double quote = 1.0.2 = * More security enhancements * Minor CSS and code adjustments * Added license for background.png * Added description to all templates * Removed hard coded link = 1.0.1 = * Fixed single post, index and single page issue that was not displaying when Comic Easel plugin was not installed * Fixed sub-menu issue. Sub-menus were not being displayed. = 1.0.0 = Initial Release