=== Sullivan === Contributors: Anlino Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=anders%40andersnoren%2ese&lc=US&item_name=Free%20WordPress%20Themes%20from%20Anders%20Noren¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Installation == 1. Upload the theme 2. Activate the theme If you want to use the slideshow functionality, you also need to install and activate the Sullivan Compatibility Plugin. It's available for free on the WordPress.org plugin directory, or through the Plugins page in the WordPress dashboard. == Slideshows == 1. Install and activate the Sullivan Compatibility Plugin, if you haven't already. 2. Click Slideshows > Add New in the admin menu. 3. Fill in the fields, select a post thumbnail and select which of the slideshow locations you want the slide to be displayed in. The shop location is only visible if you have WooCommerce installed. 4. Save the slide. The slide will now be displayed in the slideshow location you selected. == Full Width Page Template == 1. Create a new page, or edit an existing one. 2. Click the dropdown beneath "Template" in "Page Attributes", and select Full Width Template. == Add a Post Gallery == 1. Create a new post, or edit an existing one. 2. In the right hand column, in the box titled "Format", select "Gallery". 3. Select the very first line of the content of your post (either in the Visual Editor och the Text Editor – which one doesn't matter). 4. Click the button labeled "Add Media", directly above the content box. 5. In the lefthand panel navigation, click on "Create Gallery". 6. Select the images you want to include in your slideshow. Add captions if you want to display a descriptive text along with each slide. 7. When you have selected the images you want to include, click the "Create a new gallery" button in the lower right corner of the window. 8. Finally, click the "Insert gallery" button in the same corner of the window. 9. Publish the post. As long as you leave the gallery as the first element in your content, it will be displayed in place of the featured image for that post (and won't be displayed at the start of the post itself). == Licenses == Archivo font License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1, https://opensource.org/licenses/OFL-1.1 Source: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Archivo Charis SIL font License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1, https://opensource.org/licenses/OFL-1.1 Source: https://software.sil.org/charis/ Images in screenshot.png from Pexels License: Creative Commons Zero (CC0), https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ Source: https://www.pexels.com/ - Slideshow image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/boutique-clothes-clothing-indoors-264554/ - Product image #1: https://www.pexels.com/photo/accessory-analog-analogue-band-277431/ - Product image #2: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-and-black-round-analog-watch-on-beige-rocks-220570/ - Product image #3: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dial-electronics-hands-indoors-277308/ - Product image #4: https://www.pexels.com/photo/round-silver-colored-analog-watch-beside-compass-691640/ FontAwesome Icons License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1, https://opensource.org/licenses/OFL-1.1 Source: https://www.fontawesome.io FontAwesome Code License: MIT License, https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT Source: https://www.fontawesome.io Flexslider License: GNU General Public License v2.0, https://github.com/woocommerce/FlexSlider/blob/master/LICENSE.md Source: https://github.com/woocommerce/FlexSlider Ion Icons License: MIT License, https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT Source: http://ionicons.com/ == Changelog == Version 1.10 (2018-05-24) ------------------------- - Improved styling of checkboxes in comment respond Version 1.09 (2018-04-14) ------------------------- - Removed old customizer control for adding slideshow slides - Added demo link to the theme description Version 1.08 (2018-04-08) ------------------------- - Removed modifications of global $paged variable - Removed partial refresh for blog_name and /_description, to keep 5.2 compatibility (by removing anonymous functions in the render_callback) - Renamed ajax_search to be theme prefixed - Added '/' to the home_url() arg - Added missing wp_reset_postdata() - Fixed escaping of placeholder value, get_search_query() - Removed global variables in global.js - Changed global.js function prefix from WP to sullivan - Updated printf/sprintf calls with notes for translators detailing variable values - Code cleanup based on Theme Sniffer WordPress-Extra results Version 1.07 (2018-04-07) ------------------------- - Version bump for the benefit of the WordPress theme uploader Version 1.06 (2018-03-27) ------------------------- - Updated licenses in readme - Updated enqueue name for Flexslider - Checked all files for unescaped variables Version 1.05 (2018-03-26) ------------------------- - PayPal Express checkout styling - Bumbed version numbers in included WooCommerce files - Added styling to links in entry-content - Site nav current menu item styling - Fixed capitalization of "Results x-xx of xx" in shop archive on mobile Version 1.04 (2018-03-25) ------------------------- - Added extra check before calling is_plugin_active on theme activation Version 1.03 (2018-03-25) ------------------------- - Added back customizer functionality removed in overzealous cleanup yesterday - Removed more stuff related to the old slideshow solution in the javascript customizer files Version 1.02 (2018-03-24) ------------------------- - Added missing overflow: auto on mobile menu - Fixed incorrect theme_location check in mobile menu - Updated output of slideshows to use the new sullivan compat slideshow post type - Show notice instructing the user to install the sullivan compat plugin on theme activation - Updated page.php with conditionals to prevent it breaking when WC is not activated - Replaced esc_attr with wp_kses_post in some cases - Escaped text in footer, made theme credit fully translateable - Added flexslider to readme licenses, change to non-minified version - Updated Google Fonts font enqueuing method to match TwentySeventeen - Added URLs to specific images used in screenshot.png - Updated theme description and the readme with details about the compatibility plugin. Version 1.01 (2018-01-22) ------------------------- - Fixed incorrect filename for editor styles in functions.php Version 1.00 (2018-01-20) -------------------------