### About ### Suits is a FREE WordPress theme with a flexible layout that looks great on any device, big or small. Please note that this theme only works in IE9 and above and on latest modern browsers. ### Installation ### 1. After downloading the zip file, go to Appearance > Themes and click on the *Install Themes* tab. 2. Click on the *Upload* link. 3. Upload the zip file that you downloaded and click *Install Now*. 4. Click *Activate* to use the theme you just installed. ### Theme Customizer ### With the Theme Customizer, you can set your site title and tagline, set a header image, set a background image, assign your menus, and choose a static home page. You can preview your changes by clicking the Customize link below your active theme on your Appearance > Themes page. ### Header Images ### This theme supports header images. You can use the default header or upload an image of your own. The recommended header image height is 180 px. Width can be flexible. ### Widgets ### Suits supports widgetized areas in the sidebar and footer. These areas will be hidden if they do not contain any widgets. ### Copyright, License & Other info ### Suits theme, Copyright (C) 2013 [Theme Weaver](http://www.themeweaver.net/) Unless otherwise specified, all the theme files, scripts and images are licensed under GNU General Public License. See License URI in style.css for further details. ### Support ### Please visit http://wordpress.org/support/ if you have any questions about the theme. ### Changelog ### #### 1.0.0 - initial release #### 1.1.0 - changes to custom header #### 1.2.0 - added title-tag support - removed filter hook suits_wp_title() - changed theme tags (removed flexible-width, added responsive-layout) - changed screenshot.png to 1200 x 900 px - changed blockquote styles #### 1.3.0 - updated theme tags (removed deprecated, added footer-widgets, translation-ready, blog) - added load_theme_textdomain - added languages/suits.pot file #### 1.4.0 - changes to heading elements for better SEO structure #### 1.5.0 - added custom-logo support