# Store WP Contributors: iografica Tags: one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-header, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.4.2 Stable tag: 1.31 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Store WP is the perfect theme for your next blog or ecommerce project. ## Description Store WP is the perfect theme for your next blog or ecommerce project. There are several layout & color options to personalise your site, multiple widget regions, a responsive design and much more. Store WP is ecommerce (WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads) ready and fully integrated with the most popular free plugins for WordPress like Beaver Page Builder, Yoast Seo, JetPack, Contact Form 7, Elementor and many more. ## Installation 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. ## Frequently Asked Questions ## __ Does this theme support any plugins? __ Store WP includes support for Infinite Scroll in Jetpack, Beaver Page Builder, Yoast Seo, JetPack, Contact Form 7, Elementor and many more premium and free WordPress Plugins. ## Credits * This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL 2.0. * This theme was built using _s.(http://underscores.me) that is licensed under GPL license. * normalize.css http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/, (C) 2012-2015 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * HTML5 Shiv, copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas licensed under the MIT/GPL2 License, source: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv/ * Respond.js, copyright 2014 Scott Jehl licensed under the MIT license, source: http://j.mp/respondjs * Screenshot images are licensed under Creative Commons Deed CC0. All Javascript is located in /js/ with license headers where appropriate. ## Changelog ## ** 1.00 ** * Initial release. ** 1.01 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.02 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.03 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.04 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.05 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.06 ** * Added igthemes framework. * Minor fix. ** 1.07 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.08 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.09 ** * Removed cusom color and rtl tags. * Add escape for icon options. * Removed subtitle for page. * Added only one text-domain. * Fix prefix for function. * Added excerpt_length filter. * Other minor fix. ** 1.10 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.11 ** * Fixed an error in search page. ** 1.12 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.13 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.14 ** * NOTE: After update your settings Should be lost , so notes settings before the update. * Add support for WordPress SEO breadcrumb. * Moved all theme options in the customizer. * Add the welcome page. * Minor css fix. * Add better escaping. * Moved content in a new folder. * Added better support for Jetpack. ** 1.15 ** * Minor fix. ** 1.16** * Added acion for nav menu header text. * Minor css fix. * Minified js and css for better theme speed. * Add thumbnail dimension for product slider. * Better font loading. ** 1.17 ** * Minor fix ** 1.18 ** * Updated theme options for better integration with new WordPress 4.3 functions. * Removed the sitemap page template, you can use IG Shortcodes to generate the sitemap. * Added 3 new widget: IG Recent Post, IG Google Adsense, IG Social. * Minor css fix. * Added Russian translation thanks to Vlad Volgin. ** 1.19 ** * Fixed css issue with responsive menu. * Added css for social widget. * Fixed site icon option. ** 1.20 ** * Updated theme framework * CSS improvements * Slider improvements * Theme functions improvements ** 1.21 ** * Moved css and js files. * Fixed facebook url in the IG Social Widget. * Fixed little bug in IG Recent Posts. ** 1.22 ** * Fixed content display error. ** 1.23 ** * NOTE BEFORE UPDATE: After update your settings should be lost, backup all settings before to make the update. * Added support for Easy Digital Downloads plugin. * Added support for Beaver Builder plugin. * Added support for NavXT Breadcrumb. * Added support for WP-PageNavi. * Theme framework updated. * Added more advanced options for free. * Removed the posts slider (now you can use IG Posts Slider plugin). * Added a widget area to the header. * Removed custom widgets (they will implemented in the next updates). ** 1.24 ** * Updated theme screenshot. ** 1.25 ** * Updated admin welcome screen. * Fixed blog sidebar issue. * Better organized the theme settings. ** 1.26 ** * Fixed main menu when empty. ** 1.27 ** * Added full post content option for free. * Added featured image option for free. * Fixed fonts filter. * Fixed structured data error. ** 1.28 ** * Fixed pagination display issue. * Fixed css issue. ** 1.29 ** * Fixed main menu and header menu issue. * Added widgets css. ** 1.30 ** * Fixed post content and featured images issue. ** 1.31 ** * Updated theme framework.