default_options(); $this->get_options(); if(VPRO && !$this->features){ $this->vpro_defaults(); $this->get_options(); } } function get_options() { $saved_options = maybe_unserialize(get_option('pagepress_options')); if (!empty($saved_options) && is_object($saved_options)) { foreach ($saved_options as $option_name => $value) $this->$option_name = stripslashes_deep($value); } } function update_option($name, $data = false){ if($data) $this->$name = $data; else $this->$name = $_POST[$name]; } function save_options() { checkauthority(); update_option('pagepress_options', $this); } function restore_features(){ //if they get messed up $this->features = get_default_features(); $this->fboxes = get_default_fboxes(); $this->save_options(); } function restore_options(){ //if they get messed up $this->default_options(); if(VPRO) $this->vpro_defaults(); $this->save_options(); } function default_options(){ // admin $this->credlink = ""; $linkno = rand(1,5); if($linkno == 1){ $this->credtext = "best premium wordpress themes"; }elseif($linkno == 3){ $this->credtext = "CMS wordpress"; }else{ $this->credtext = "professional wordpress themes";} $this->credname = 'PageLines'; $this->themeversion = 3.0; //header $this->custom_header = ''; //posts $this->excerpts = true; $this->excerptshide = false; $this->excerptshidesingle = ''; $this->authorinfo = true; //icons $this->rsslink = true; $this->linkedinlink = ''; $this->facebooklink = ''; $this->twitterlink = ''; $this->twittername = ''; // Color $this->headerbg = 'bggrey'; $this->linkcolor = ''; $this->headercolor = ''; $this->metacolor = ''; $this->metacolorlink = ''; $this->metacolortext = ''; //layout $this->pagetitles = ''; //scripts $this->customcss = ""; $this->footerscripts = ""; $this->headerscripts = ""; //sidebar $this->showads = false; $this->adslink = ''; $this->grandnav = true; //footer $this->bottom_sidebars = true; $this->footnav = true; $this->terms = '© '.date('Y').' '.SITENAME; //header images $this->favicon = ROOT."/images/favicon-pagelines.ico"; $this->touchicon = ""; //welcome message $mysitefeed = RSSURL; $this->greeting = "Welcome to ".SITENAME."."; $this->welcomemessage = "Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed."; $this->save_options(); } function vpro_defaults(){ //features $this->features = get_default_features(); $this->fboxes = get_default_fboxes(); $this->fspeed = 1500; $this->timeout = 0; $this->save_options(); } } function pagepress($option){ global $pagepress; return $pagepress->$option; } function get_default_features(){ return array( '1' => array( 'name'=>'feature1', 'title' => '

Welcome to


', 'text' => '

Edit this in the admin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis molestie nunc. Consectetur adipiscing elit.

', 'media' => 'feature1', 'bg' => '', 'repeat' => '', 'position-x' => '', 'position-y' => '', 'link' => '#' ), '2' => array( 'name'=>'feature2', 'title' => '

Make An


', 'text' => '

Edit this in the admin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis molestie nunc. Consectetur adipiscing elit.

', 'media' => '', 'link' => '#' ), '3' => array( 'name'=>'feature3', 'title' => '

Wordpress Theme By


', 'text' => '

Edit this in the admin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis molestie nunc. Consectetur adipiscing elit.


', 'media' => 'feature2', 'link' => '' ), '4' => array( 'name'=>'feature4', 'title' => '', 'text' => '', 'media' => '', 'link' => '' ), '5' => array( 'name'=>'feature5', 'title' => '', 'text' => '', 'media' => '', 'link' => '' ) ); } function get_default_fboxes(){ return array( '1' => array( 'name'=>'fbox1', 'title' => '

You\'ll love this theme

', 'text' => '

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et nulla diam, ac interdum nisl. Nunc mattis tincidunt dictum. Etiam luctus consequat ipsum,


' ), '2' => array( 'name'=>'fbox2', 'title' => '

PageLines Themes

', 'text' => '

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et nulla diam, ac interdum nisl. Nunc mattis tincidunt dictum. Etiam luctus consequat ipsum,


' ), '3' => array( 'name'=>'fbox3', 'title' => '


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et nulla diam, ac interdum nisl. Nunc mattis tincidunt dictum. Etiam luctus consequat ipsum,


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