restore_options(); wp_redirect(admin_url('themes.php?page=functions&restored=true')); }else{ $pagepress->update_option('custom_header'); $pagepress->update_option('rsslink'); $pagepress->update_option('facebooklink'); $pagepress->update_option('twitterlink'); $pagepress->update_option('twittername'); $pagepress->update_option('linkedinlink'); $pagepress->update_option('customcss'); $pagepress->update_option('headerscripts'); $pagepress->update_option('footerscripts'); // color $pagepress->update_option('colorscheme'); $pagepress->update_option('backgroundcolor'); $pagepress->update_option('headercolor'); $pagepress->update_option('linkcolor'); $pagepress->update_option('metacolor'); $pagepress->update_option('metacolortext'); $pagepress->update_option('metacolorlink'); $pagepress->update_option('headerbg'); $pagepress->update_option('blogbg'); $pagepress->update_option('thecolors'); // layout $pagepress->update_option('grandnav'); $pagepress->update_option('pagetitles'); $pagepress->update_option('hidesearch'); // sidebar $pagepress->update_option('showads'); $pagepress->update_option('adslink'); //posts $pagepress->update_option('authorinfo'); $pagepress->update_option('excerpts'); $pagepress->update_option('excerptshide'); $pagepress->update_option('excerptshidesingle'); // footer $pagepress->update_option('bottom_sidebars'); $pagepress->update_option('footnav'); $pagepress->update_option('terms'); $pagepress->update_option('favicon'); $pagepress->update_option('touchicon'); $pagepress->update_option('greeting'); $pagepress->update_option('welcomemessage'); $pagepress->update_option('welcomeall'); $pagepress->update_option('debug'); $pagepress->save_options(); wp_redirect(admin_url('themes.php?page=functions&updated=true')); } } function add_option_interface() { add_theme_page(THEMENAMESHORT.' Options', THEMENAMESHORT.' Options', '8', 'functions', 'editoptions'); } function editoptions() { ?>


Options Saved.

Options Restored To Default.

You are using PHP version . Version 5 or higher is required for this theme to work correctly.

Please check with your host about upgrading to a newer version.

Supported Plugins Not Activated:

Welcome to Options. We hope your enjoying this theme from PageLines.

If you would like tons more features, page templates, color options and support, please visit our site to learn about StationPro

PageLines Themes

This section allows you to customize your theme, if any options are empty or unchecked they won't be shown.
Note: PHP 5 is required for options to work. If you would like to use custom images you will need to have their direct URL addresses available.

Custom Header Image
Input Full URL to your custom header or logo image.

Optional way to replace 'heading' and 'description' text for your website with an image.

Favicon Image
Input Full URL to Favicon

Enter the full URL location of your custom 'favicon' which is visible in browser favorites and tabs (typically called favicon.ico ).

Current favicon:

Apple Touch Image (pro)
Input Full URL to Touch Icon (iPhones, iPods)

Enter the full URL location of your Apple Touch Icon which is visible when used as a webclip in Apple Iphone and Touch Products (approximately 57px by 57px).

Current Icon:

Welcome Heading
Insert your welcome greeting. Shows on main 'blog' page.
Welcome Message
Insert your HTML formatted welcome message. Shows on main 'blog' page.
Twitter Feed (pro)
Adds most recent Twitter statement to welcome statement & Feature

(leave blank to hide)

Welcome Message Placement (pro)
Adds Welcome message to all pages (welcome defaults to showing only on your 'posts' page).

Color Preferences

This section allows you to customize the color of elements like links.

Default Header Background
Select your default header color
Blog Header Background
Select your blog page header color
Match Colors (pro)
Select this to match to colors of your subnav and links with your header background color on pages.
Post Meta Color(pro)
The color of the bar with category, date, and author in posts.
(Format: #XXXXXX)
(Format: #XXXXXX)
(Format: #XXXXXX)
Link Color
This option will change color of your site's links and similar items.
(Format: #XXXXXX)
Text Header Color (pro)
This option will change color of your text headers.
(Format: #XXXXXX)

Page/Post Options

This section allows you to customize elements on posts or pages.

Grandchild Nav (pro)
If you have grandchildren pages, a special navigation will show up on second-tier pages with a third-tier navigation.
Page Titles (pro)
Adding default WP titles to all your pages can be annoying. Use this to turn this off.
Hide Search (pro)
Hide the search form in the main nav (more room for nav items).
Author Info (pro) />
Excerpts (pro) />
Hide Excerpts (pro) />
Hide Excerpts & Thumbs In Single Posts? (pro) />
Site Terms (pro)
This option will add a line of text to your footer that can be used to add a copyright and links to a sitemap, or terms.

Enter your site footer line.
Footer Navigation />
Footer Sidebars (pro) />
Show Ads (pro) />

If you are using the 'ad-minister' plugin, then you will need a theme that has placed a 'position' for ads in the theme. By selecting this, you add a position on top of the sidebar for your ads.

Call your position 'Small Banner' (capitalized) and when creating content use images sized to 125px by 125px.

Want a "learn more about advertising" link under your ads?

Enter your 'more information' permalink.

Header Icon Options

This section allows you to choose which options appear on your pages.

icon RSS
Display the RSS icon and link?
icon Facebook (pro)
Display the Facebook icon and link?
Enter the full link to your Facebook profile
icon Twitter (pro)
Display the Twitter icon and link?
Enter the full link to your Twitter profile
icon LinkedIn (pro)
Display the LinkedIn icon and a Profile link?

Custom Scripts

Here is where you can enter your custom scripts

Custom CSS (pro)
Insert custom CSS styling here (this will override any default styling)
example: a {color: #555555; }
Header Scripts (pro)
Enter any special header scripts here (inserted before end of head tag)
Footer Scripts &
Easy Analytics

Insert your footer code here, great for adding Google Analytics.
Debug Page Load (pro)
shows page load time in footer.

Sometimes the options can get tweaked and its best to restore them to their defaults. To do that use this button.