post_author ); } $date = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime( get_the_date() ) ); echo '
'; if ( $author_display == 'no' ) { // translators: %s = the date the post was published printf( esc_html_x( 'Published %s', 'This blog post was published on some date', 'startup-blog' ), esc_html( $date ) ); } elseif ( $date_display == 'no' ) { // translators: %s = the author who published the post printf( esc_html_x( 'Published by %s', 'This blog post was published by some author', 'startup-blog' ), esc_html( $author ) ); } else { // translators: %1$s = the date the post was published. %2$s = the author who published it printf( esc_html_x( 'Published %1$s by %2$s', 'This blog post was published on some date by some author', 'startup-blog' ), esc_html( $date ), esc_html( $author ) ); } echo '