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Note: GL widgets use full-site width.', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => 'top_sidebar_layout', 'settings' => 'width_top_widget_area', 'type' => 'text', 'priority' => $priority++, ) ); //Columns width $wp_customize->add_section( 'columns', array( 'priority' => $section_priority++, 'title' => __( 'Columns', 'stainedglass' ), 'description' => __( 'You can set the size of columns in this section', 'stainedglass' ), 'panel' => 'layout', ) ); $wp_customize->add_setting( 'unit', array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $defaults['unit'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( 'unit', array( 'label' => __( 'Unit', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => 'columns', 'settings' => 'unit', 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => $priority++, 'choices' => array( __('px', 'stainedglass'), __('%', 'stainedglass')), ) ); // in px $wp_customize->add_setting( 'width_column_1_range', array( 'type' => 'empty', 'default' => stainedglass_get_theme_mod('width_column_1'), 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint' ) ); 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$wp_customize->add_control( 'is_display_portfolio_project', array( 'label' => __( 'Display Project', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => 'layout_portfolio_page', 'settings' => 'is_display_portfolio_project', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => $priority++, ) ); $wp_customize->add_setting( 'is_display_portfolio_tags', array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $defaults['is_display_portfolio_tags'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'stainedglass_sanitize_checkbox' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( 'is_display_portfolio_tags', array( 'label' => __( 'Display Tag List', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => 'layout_portfolio_page', 'settings' => 'is_display_portfolio_tags', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'priority' => $priority++, ) ); } /** * Return how to display content in archive * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_display_choices() { return array ('excerpt' => __('Excerpt', 'stainedglass'), 'content' => __('Content', 'stainedglass'), 'none' => __('No Content', 'stainedglass'), ); } /** * Sanitize display layouts * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_display_choices( $value) { return ( array_key_exists( $value, stainedglass_display_choices() ) ? $value : 'none' ); } /** * Return all possible layouts * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_layout_choices() { $choices = array ('no-sidebar' => __('Full Width', 'stainedglass'), 'left-sidebar' => __('Left Column', 'stainedglass'), 'right-sidebar' => __('Right Column', 'stainedglass'), 'two-sidebars' => __('Two Columns', 'stainedglass')); return apply_filters( 'stainedglass_layouts', $choices); } /** * Return all possible layouts * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_layout_choices_content() { $choices = array ('default' => __('Default (1 column)', 'stainedglass'), 'flex-layout-1' => __('1 column', 'stainedglass'), 'flex-layout-2' => __('2 columns', 'stainedglass'), 'flex-layout-3' => __('3 columns', 'stainedglass'), 'flex-layout-4' => __('4 columns', 'stainedglass')); return apply_filters( 'stainedglass_layouts', $choices); } /** * Sanitize sidebar layouts * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_layout_choices( $value) { return ( array_key_exists( $value, stainedglass_layout_choices() ) ? $value : 'no-columns' ); } /** * Sanitize content layouts * * @return array choices. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_layout_choices_content( $value) { return ( array_key_exists( $value, stainedglass_layout_choices_content() ) ? $value : 'no-columns' ); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range_content( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); return stainedglass_sanitize_range($value, 600, 2200, $defaults['width_image']); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range_image( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); return stainedglass_sanitize_range($value, 50, 2200, $defaults['width_image']); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range_column( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); return stainedglass_sanitize_range($value, 90, 600, $defaults['width_column_1']); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range_column_rate( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); return stainedglass_sanitize_range($value, 10, 50, $defaults['width_column_1_rate']); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range_width( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); return stainedglass_sanitize_range($value, 960, 2200, $defaults['width_site']); } /** * Sanitize range. * * @param string $value Value to sanitize. * @param int $min minimal value. * @param int $max maximal value. * @param int $def default value. * @return int sanitized value. * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_range( $value, $min, $max, $def ) { $x = absint( $value ); return ( $x >= $min && $x <= $max ? $x : $def ); } /** * Return string Sanitized header style * * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ function stainedglass_sanitize_header_style( $value ) { $defaults = stainedglass_get_defaults(); $possible_values = array( 'boxed', 'full'); return ( in_array( $value, $possible_values ) ? $value : $defaults['header_style'] ); } /** * Class to store and create layouts for different types of pages * * @since Stained Glass 1.0.0 */ class stainedglass_Layout_Class { private $layout = array(); private $curr_layout = null; private $curr_content_layout = null; function __construct() { $i = 0; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_home'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_front_page'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'no-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-1'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Home', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_blog'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_home'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-4'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Blog', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_search'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_search'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Search', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_category'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_category'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Category', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_tag'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_tag'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Tag', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_archive'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_archive'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Archive', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_shop'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'stainedglass_is_shop'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'no-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Shop (Archive)', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_shop_page'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'stainedglass_is_shop_page'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'no-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = ''; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Shop (Page)', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_page'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'is_page'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-1'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Page', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_portfolio'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'stainedglass_is_portfolio'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'left-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = true; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-3'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Portfolio (Archive)', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_portfolio_page'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = 'stainedglass_is_portfolio_page'; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = ''; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Portfolio (Page)', 'stainedglass'); $i++; $this->layout[$i]['name'] = 'layout_default'; $this->layout[$i]['callback'] = ''; $this->layout[$i]['val'] = 'right-sidebar'; $this->layout[$i]['is_has_content_section'] = false; $this->layout[$i]['content_val'] = 'flex-layout-1'; $this->layout[$i]['text'] = __('Default', 'stainedglass'); add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'stainedglass_create_layout_controls' ), 21 ); add_action( 'stainedglass_option_defaults', array( $this, 'stainedglass_add_defaults' ) ); } /* Set current layouts into variables */ function find_layout() { foreach( $this->layout as $id => $values ) { if( '' == $values['callback']) { $this->curr_layout = get_theme_mod($values['name'], $values['val']); $this->curr_content_layout = get_theme_mod($values['name'].'_content', $values['content_val']); break; } else if( call_user_func( $values['callback'] ) ) { $this->curr_layout = get_theme_mod($values['name'], $values['val']); $this->curr_content_layout = get_theme_mod($values['name'].'_content', $values['content_val']); break; } } } /* Return current layout */ public function get_layout( ) { if( isset($this->curr_layout) ) return $this->curr_layout; $this->find_layout(); return $this->curr_layout; } /* Return current content layout */ public function get_content_layout( ) { if( isset($this->curr_content_layout) ) return $this->curr_content_layout; $this->find_layout(); return $this->curr_layout; } /* Add values to defaults array */ function stainedglass_add_defaults( $defaults ) { foreach( $this->layout as $id => $values ) { $defaults[ $values['name'] ] = $values['val']; $defaults[ $values['name'].'_content' ] = $values['content_val']; } return $defaults; } /* Create all sections and controls in the Customizer for layouts */ function stainedglass_create_layout_controls( $wp_customize ) { $section_priority = 99; //add to the end of the layout panel foreach( $this->layout as $id => $values ) { $priority = 1; $section_priority++; $wp_customize->add_section( $values['name'], array( 'priority' => $section_priority, 'title' => $values['text'], 'description' => __( 'Layout settings for ', 'stainedglass' ).$values['text'], 'panel' => 'layout', ) ); $wp_customize->add_setting( $values['name'], array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $values['val'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'stainedglass_sanitize_layout_choices' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( $values['name'], array( 'label' => $values['text'].__( ' layout', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => $values['name'], 'settings' => $values['name'], 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => $priority++, 'choices' => stainedglass_layout_choices(), ) ); if( $values['is_has_content_section'] ) { $wp_customize->add_setting( $values['name'].'_content', array( 'type' => 'theme_mod', 'default' => $values['content_val'], 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'sanitize_callback' => 'stainedglass_sanitize_layout_choices_content' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( $values['name'].'_content', array( 'label' => $values['text'].__( ' layout (content)', 'stainedglass' ), 'section' => $values['name'], 'settings' => $values['name'].'_content', 'type' => 'select', 'priority' => $priority++, 'choices' => stainedglass_layout_choices_content(), ) ); } } } }