id == 'themes' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex_wellcom_tab', 'title' => __( 'Squarex Theme', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Thank you for choosing Squarex Theme!', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'The Squarex has a contextual help for almost all admin screens. More information, help and support you will find on the website', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Getting started', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Using Customizer set your color, upload a logo image, a background image and other settings.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'The theme has page templates for the Home Page. To choose the front page template in the Page Attributes when editing the page.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'If you want to display the pages without sidebar, just leave blank Pages sidebar.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'post' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex-post-fimg', 'title' => __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Use Featured image', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Featured image used for the cover of the header post. Upload the image that will be displayed header on single post.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'page' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex_page_tab', 'title' => __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Use Featured image', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Featured image used for the cover of the header page. Upload the image that will be displayed header on page.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Use Excerpt', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Enter text in field Excerpt to display announcement of the page content.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'widgets' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex-widgets', 'title' => __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Custom widgets', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Theme widgets is marked Squarex. If you want to display pages without sidebar just leave blank Pages sidebar.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'The Squarex has a widgetized home page using the Home Widgets page template. To choose the front page template in the Page Attributes when editing the page.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'plugins' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex_wellcom_tab', 'title' => __( 'Recommend', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Recommended plugins for Squarex Theme', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'appearance_page_custom-header' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex-header', 'title' => __( 'Theme Features', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Custom Header background Color', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Background color header set using Customizer. Go to Customize > Colors: Header BG Color', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); } if ( $screen->id == 'nav-menus' ) { $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex-social-menus', 'title' => __( 'Social Menu', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => '

' . __( 'Custom widgets', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Menu icons social media is displayed in the footer. Included all popular icons of social media, and Feedburner. To create a menu item, use the tab Links (Edit Menus). And select Social Menu as Theme locations.', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

' . __( 'Example:
tab Links
Navigation Label Twitter', 'squarex-lite' ) . '

', ) ); $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'squarex-top-menus', 'title' => __( 'Off-canvas Menu', 'squarex-lite' ), 'content' => __('

Off-canvas Menu

The theme has an additional Off-canvas Menu.

Off-canvas menu will not be shown if one created menu selected location Primary.

', 'squarex-lite' ), ) ); } // else return; }