= Theme Name: Spiral Notebook = Theme URI: http://themes.tradesouthwest.com/wordpress/spiral-notebook/ Description: Another novelty theme from Tradesouthwest. Built to look like a spiral notebook. SpiralNote uses Bootstrap Three Reduced*. It is responsive and easy to modify. It supports customizable background and both left and right sidebars. (The optional sidebars only appear if you choose the given Template: Let Hand, Right Hand.) Default page will be full-width; single post pages will show right sidebar. And to top off the novelty, Comment form looks like an index card. This theme has Photographer copyright fields added to media uploader which displays on Attachment page. To remove the ruler lines on pages please follow the instructions in the readme.txt file (www.yoursite.com/wp-contents/spiral-notebook/readme.txt). * Author: Larry Judd Oliver * Author URI: http://tradesouthwest.com/ * Version: 1.0.0 * Text Domain: spiral-notebook * Tags: one-column, two-columns, translation-ready, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, footer-widgets, full-width-template, photography * License: GPL 3 * License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.en.html Spiral Notebook is mostly built as a novelty theme to fit the needs of anyone who wants their site to have a unique visual appearance. It is made to very clean, responsive and easy to modify. It supports customizable background, image header and both left and right sidebars (the sidebars only appear if choose the given Template). Theme using Boostrap Three Reduced; available at https://github.com/tradesouthwest/bootstrap-three-reduced. Some pages will never show an entire background of classic blue ruler lines, as you might see in a spiral notebook. This is due to i.s., the variance of line margins that a computer screen resolution may be able to send to your browser. So you may have to change some page sections when you are editing in order to get the full affect of this themes silly little asset. By adding a blank line of a space between sentences, you might find that is all that is needed. BUT, it will al depend on the resolution of the user's monitor. Disclaimer: blue ruler lines are not guaranteed to appear across entire height of page. LOL. == Special Instructions == You can remove the blue horizontal ruler lines if you build a Child-Theme of Spiral Notebook. The lines to remove the ruler lines are well marked in the bottom of the stylesheet (style.css). Released under the terms of the GPL3. Spirnote is bundled with: - Bootstrap (Copyright 2015 Twitter, released under the terms of the MIT license) - Respond.js (Copyright 2011: Scott Jehl, released under terms of the MIT license) - Html5shiv (Copyright Alexander Farkas, Jonathan Neal, Paul Irish and John-David Dalton, released under terms of the MIT license) - *https://github.com/tradesouthwest/bootstrap-three-reduced - wp_bootstrap_navwalker GitHub URI: https://github.com/twittem/wp-bootstrap-navwalker, Author: Edward McIntyre - @twittem, License: GPL-2.0+ Images displayed in the screenshot: Theme full-width page view