label ); ?>

get_section('header_image')->priority = 20; $wp_customize->get_section('colors')->priority = 21; $wp_customize->get_setting('blogname')->transport = 'postMessage'; $wp_customize->get_setting('blogdescription')->transport = 'postMessage'; //********************************************************************************* // Adds Selective Refresh to Customizer Panel Controls (if PHP Version is greater than 5.2) $socialmag_version_check = phpversion(); if( $socialmag_version_check > 5.2 ): include 'sections/selective-refresh.php'; endif; //********************************************************************************* // Creates New Sections for Theme Customizer include 'sections/add-sections.php'; //********************************************************************************* // Adds Settings & Controls for New Classess $wp_customize->add_setting( 'socialmag_themesmatic_upsell_panel', array( 'default' => '', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_html' ) ); $wp_customize->add_control( new SocialMag_Themesmatic_Display_Content( $wp_customize, 'socialmag_themesmatic_upsell_panel', array( 'section' => 'socialmag_themesmatic_upsell_panel', 'priority' => 1, ) ) ); //******************************************************************************/ // Colors Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-colors.php'; //******************************************************************************/ // Home Page Featured Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-featured-section.php'; //******************************************************************************/ // Sidebar Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-sidebar-section.php'; //******************************************************************************/ // Fonts + Size Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-fonts-section.php'; //******************************************************************************/ // Front Page Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-front-page-section.php'; //******************************************************************************/ // Adds Social Network Icons and links $socialmag_themesmatic_social = array( 'none' => '-', 'amazon' => esc_html__('Amazon', 'socialmag'), 'behance' => esc_html__('Behance', 'socialmag'), 'digg' => esc_html__('Digg', 'socialmag'), 'etsy' => esc_html__('Etsy', 'socialmag'), 'dribbble' => esc_html__('Dribbble', 'socialmag'), 'facebook' => esc_html__('Facebook', 'socialmag'), 'flickr' => esc_html__('Flickr', 'socialmag'), 'github' => esc_html__('Github', 'socialmag'), 'google-plus' => esc_html__('Google Plus', 'socialmag'), 'instagram' => esc_html__('Instagram', 'socialmag'), 'imdb' => esc_html__('IMDB', 'socialmag'), 'lastfm' => esc_html__('LastFM', 'socialmag'), 'linkedin' => esc_html__('Linked In', 'socialmag'), 'pinterest' => esc_html__('Pinterest', 'socialmag'), 'podcast' => esc_html__('Podcast', 'socialmag'), 'reddit-alien' => esc_html__('Reddit', 'socialmag'), 'spotify' => esc_html__('Spotify', 'socialmag'), 'soundcloud' => esc_html__('Soundcloud', 'socialmag'), 'tumblr' => esc_html__('Tumblr', 'socialmag'), 'twitter' => esc_html__('Twitter', 'socialmag'), 'twitch' => esc_html__('Twitch', 'socialmag'), 'vine' => esc_html__('Vine', 'socialmag'), 'vimeo' => esc_html__('Vimeo', 'socialmag'), 'youtube' => esc_html__('Youtube', 'socialmag'), 'wordpress' => esc_html__('WordPress', 'socialmag'), 'vk' => esc_html__('VK','socialmag'), 'xing' => esc_html__('Xing','socialmag'), ); //******************************************************************************/ // Social Network Settings & Controls include 'sections/socialmag-network-icons-section.php'; //Sanitizes Social Selection function socialmag_sanitize_social( $input ) { $socialmag_themesmatic_social = array( 'none' => '-', 'amazon' => 'Amazon', 'behance' => 'Behance', 'digg' => 'Digg', 'etsy' => 'Etsy', 'dribbble' => 'Dribbble', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'flickr' => 'Flickr', 'github' => 'Github', 'google-plus' => 'Google Plus', 'instagram' => 'Instagram', 'imdb' => 'IMDB', 'lastfm' => 'LastFM', 'linkedin' => 'Linked In', 'pinterest' => 'Pinterest', 'podcast' => 'Podcast', 'reddit-alien' => 'Reddit', 'spotify' => 'Spotify', 'soundcloud' => 'Soundcloud', 'tumblr' => 'Tumblr', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'twitch' => 'Twitch', 'vine' => 'Vine', 'vimeo' => 'Vimeo', 'youtube' => 'Youtube', 'wordpress' => 'WordPress', 'vk' => 'VK', 'xing' => 'Xing', ); if ( array_key_exists( $input, $socialmag_themesmatic_social ) ) { return $input; } else { return ''; } } //end socialmag_sanitize_social // Sanitizes Text Input function socialmag_sanitize_text( $input ) { $filtered = wp_check_invalid_utf8( $input ); if ( strpos($filtered, '<') !== false ) { $filtered = wp_pre_kses_less_than( $filtered ); // This will strip extra whitespace. $filtered = wp_strip_all_tags( $filtered, true ); } else { $filtered = trim( preg_replace('/[\r\n\t ]+/', ' ', $filtered) ); } return wp_kses_post( force_balance_tags( $input ) ); } //end socialmag_sanitize_text // Sanitizes Checkboxes function socialmag_sanitize_checkbox( $input ) { if ( $input == 1 ) { return 1; } else { return ''; } } //end socialmag_sanitize_checkbox // Sanitizes Numeric Input (Non-Negative) function socialmag_sanitize_numeric( $input ) { return absint( $input ); } //end socialmag_sanitize_numeric // Sanitizes Numeric Input function socialmag_sanitize_int( $int ) { return intval( $int ); } //end socialmag_sanitize_int // Sanitize Radio Button (Grid Choice) function socialmag_sanitize_grid( $input ) { $valid_grid = array( 'standard', 'category', 'fullpage', 'magazine' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_grid ) ? $input : ''; } //end socialmag_sanitize_grid // Sanitize Column Number Choice function socialmag_sanitize_column_choice( $input ){ $valid_column = array( 'two-columns', 'three-columns', 'four-columns' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_column ) ? $input : ''; } //end socialmag_sanitize_column_choice // Sanitize Header Choices function socialmag_sanitize_header_choice( $input ) { $valid_header_choice = array( 'header-one', 'header-two' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_header_choice ) ? $input : ''; } //end socialmag_sanitize_header_choice // Sanitize Header Display Position function socialmag_sanitize_header( $input ){ $valid_header_display = array( 'fixed', 'absolute' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_header_display ) ? input : ''; } // Sanitize Contact Form Layout function socialmag_sanitize_contact_layout( $input ) { $valid_contact_layout = array( 'full-width', 'side-by-side' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_contact_layout ) ? $input : ''; } // Sanitize Sidebar Icons Location Choice function socialmag_sanitize_icons_location( $input ) { $valid_location = array( 'left', 'right' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_location ) ? $input : ''; } //end socialmag_sanitize_icons_location // Sanitize App Store Image Choice function socialmag_sanitize_app_image( $input ) { $valid_app_choice = array( 'app-no-image', 'app-image' ); return in_array( $input, $valid_app_choice ) ? $input : ''; } //end socialmag_sanitize_app_image // Custom active callbacks function socialmag_is_single_post() { return is_single(); } function socialmag_is_single_page() { return is_page(); } // sanitize sidebar position choices function socialmag_left_sidebar_active() { if ( is_front_page() ): return get_theme_mod('socialmag_left_sidebar_home_check', 0 ); elseif ( is_single() ): return get_theme_mod('socialmag_left_sidebar_single_check', 0 ); elseif ( is_page() ): return get_theme_mod('socialmag_left_sidebar_page_check', 0 ); endif; } // end socialmag_left_sidebar_active function socialmag_right_sidebar_active() { if ( is_single() ): return is_dynamic_sidebar('socialmag-right-page-sidebar'); endif; } // end socialmag_right_sidebar_active } // end socialmag_themesmatic_customize_register function //******************************************************************************/ // Outputs Generated Theme Customizer CSS include 'sections/customizer-css-output.php'; // Sets up Theme Customizer setting and controls add_action( 'customize_register' , 'socialmag_themesmatic_customize_register' ); // Adds styling scripts to theme customizer add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', 'socialmag_customizer_scripts' ); function socialmag_customizer_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'socialmag_customizer_style', get_template_directory_uri(). '/css/theme-customizer-panel.css'); wp_enqueue_style( 'socialmag_font_awesome_style', get_template_directory_uri(). '/css/font-awesome.min.css'); } //end socialmag_customizer_scripts // Updates some live setting previews to 'postMessage' from the default 'refresh' and loads scripts add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'socialmag_customizer_preview_js' ); function socialmag_customizer_preview_js() { wp_enqueue_script( 'socialmag-customizer-preview', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/customizer/customizer-preview.js', array( 'customize-preview' ), '', true ); } //end socialmag_customizer_preview_js //******************************************************************************/ // Outputs Customizer Scripts // Adds custom scripts to theme customizer add_action( 'customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', 'customizer_custom_scripts' ); include 'sections/socialmag-customizer-scripts.php';