=== SlimWriter === Contributors: dzy0451 Donate link: http://zhiyan.at/article/slimwriter Tags: black, gray, white, one-column, fixed-width,custom-menu,featured-images,microformats,post-formats,sticky-post,threaded-comments Requires at least: 3.0.2 Tested up to: 3.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html SlimWriter is designed to be a very slim and clean theme. It’s a very good choice for those who don’t need those fancy decorations and just want to write their articles in a clean and neat way. == Description == There sure are a lot of fancy WordPress themes out there, but when I try to find one to use with my personal blog, I figured there’s not a particular theme that suites my need. I don’t need most of the fancy parts for my blog, I just want it to be a clean and tidy piece of land where I can write my articles and share my thoughts with others. So, I decided to create such a theme on my own. I name it SlimWriter because I want it to be slim. It should be a very clean and elegant theme where there’s no fancy decorations that would distract the readers. No annoying sliders, graphics etc. I believe blogging is all about writing articles, create useful contents. So, SlimWriter is aimed to be friendly to both the writers, and the readers. So that the writers can create contents with value and the readers can get useful informations without any disturbance. SlimWriter is a slim theme, but in the same time, it is feature-rich too. Here is a brief list: * Small & Fast * Clean & Neat * Responsive design, friendly to mobile devices * Custom Menu * Dynamic Sidebar * Featured Images * Micro Formats * Post Formats * Sticky Post * Threaded Comments == Installation == 1. Upload the theme folder to the `/wp-content/themes/` directory 2. Activate the theme through the 'Themes' menu in WordPress