LICENSING (WordPress Standardized): -This template is licensed under the Apache 2.0 GPL-Compatible License ( for WordPress ABOUT THIS TEMPLATE: Overview: -This is a WordPress Template- Contains all files for installation into WordPress CMS. Simply move the files to the themes folder of your WordPress installation (wp-content/themes) and enable the theme in the WordPress control panel (appearance->themes). WordPress is required for the template. If you have any questions/suggestions please contact us at Optional Features Enabled: -custom-background,custom-menu,sticky-post,translation-ready Footer Links: -This theme adds two custom menus, "Footer Website Links" and "Footer Blog Links", for the footer. You can configure them in Appearance->Menus. Footer Widgets: -This theme adds a widget container, "Footer Widgets", for the footer. You can configure it in Appearance->Widgets. The default will be overwritten when "Footer Widgets" is active. Footer Contact: In Appearance->Customize you can change the contact email, phone, and social links. Logo Change: -To change the logo go to Appearance->Header and follow the instructions on the page. Notes: -Please use and to seperate excerpts and pages as the_content is used instead of the_excerpt -Footer credit can be removed by opening footer.php in this directory and removing line 31 (Assuming you have not edited the file beforehand) Fonts: -Fonts are NOT bundled with this template due to redistribution copyrights, if you would like to use fonts for this template on Windows or Mac find the appropriate name in your font library and copy it to this template directory. The fonts recommended for use with this template are "Lucida Sans" and "Berlin Sans FB" both available on Windows, Mac, and maybe some Linux distributions. Rename each LUCIDA.TTF and or BERLIN.TTF or change the names in the file style.css line 13 and 14 (src:url('NEW FILE NAME GOES HERE')). If you want to learn learn how to get recommended fonts please contact us (email below). EXTRA: -If you would like help with this template or more information please contact us at or visit SOURCES: -layout_simple_blogging.png contains a fireworks format png to be opened with fireworks cs5/cs6 or any fireworks editor. This contains vectors that will be resizable without losing quality it also contains the full design from scratch and what it took to get to the full template including color scheme and base layout. -psd sources contain the exports of from the fireworks file and are not very scalable Credits: