--------------------------------------- -----------Description----------------- --------------------------------------- Simplenotes is a sophisticated and simple Wordpress theme that requires no plugins. It is search-engine-optimized, gravater-supported, widget-ready, multi-browser-compatible. (Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome.) Full-width page, post pagination, threaded/paginated comments, comments reply function, smooth scrolling, multi-level drop down menu, are integrated. Designed minimum but functional for both writers and readers, the notebook is ready for you. For questions, comments or bug reports, please go to http://carla-izumi-bamford.com/contact/ License:GNU General Public License, v3 (or newer) --------------------------------------- -----------Installation----------------- --------------------------------------- - Via WordPress Admin 1. From your sites admin, go to Themes > Install Themes 2. In the search box, type 'Simplenotes' and press enter 3. Locate the entry for 'Simplenotes' (there should be only one) and click the 'Install' link 4. When installation is finished, click the 'Activate' link - Manual Install 1. Unzip this file into your mywebsite.com/wp-content/themes/ directory, should look like mywebsite.com/wp-content/themes/simplenotes/ 2. Go into your Wordpress Admin, navigate to 'Appearance > Themes' 3. Find the Simplenotes listing on this page and click 'Activate'