Showcase ======== Steps to get your site up and running ------------------------------------- 1. Create a new page to act as your homepage 2. Assign the new page the template of "Homepage" from the right sidebar 3. Under settings > Reading, select a static page for your front page, and choose the newly created page from the drop down Add projects to your portfolio ------------------------------ 1. Select Projects from the WordPress left Admin menu 2. Select "Add New" 3. Add a title and content. For the image, select the featured image on the bottom right of the new post page. Make sure to select "Use as featured image" when uploading or selecting your image in the media popup box. Save all changes. * notes: Project images look best at a 16:9 ratio. To add portfolios or projects to a menu, you must open the "Screen Options" drop down on the Menus admin page and check them. Sidebar & Footer ---------------- The sidebar and footer both support widgets. Update your them as usual with Appearence > Widgets, and drag the widget you would like to your sidebar. Main Menu --------- Top Menu is the name of the menu next to the blog name. The menu is best utilized by no more than five or six links, although it will support more. Contact Form shortcode ---------------------- You can put a contact form on any post using the [contact form] shortcode. This shortcode supports having multiple contact forms capable of sending to different recipients. _Options_ to: Where the contact form sends to subject: Subject of the sent emails sent_message: Displayed to the user upon success error_message: Displayed if user fills out invalid or blank forms The text in between [contact form] and [/contact form] is displayed above the form. It is not shown upon sent or error messages. _Example_ [contact form to="" subject="Contact form message" sent_message="Thanks! Your message has been sent" error_message="Looks like you filled something out wrong :("]Send us an email![/contact form] Mantles ------- You can add mantle text to every post, page and product. For you portfolios, the portfolio description will be placed in the mantle. If you do not add mantle text to an item, it will default to whatever 'universal' mantle you configure. Without that, it will default to the blog description.