(08/07/2011) - IE7 Dropdown Menu: Fix for dissapeering menu over images. - Long Titles Menu: Fix for menu with longer titles. - Blog Section: Adjustment for (You're in all Blogs Section). - Modernizr: Update from v1.7 to v2.0.6. - Child Theme: Shell Child Theme style.css correction. (09/10/2011) For more control over Child Themes we decided to add unique IDs to: - archive.php #content-archive - blog.php #content-blog - images.php: #content-images These changes should not affect your Theme in any way because the grid class still remains the same and they will change only if you add styles to them. - shell-child-theme.zip: is now removed because the it was not needed. You still have regular non-zip Child Theme sample included. - blog-excerpt.php Template was added for user who does not want full posts. blog-excerpt will shorten your post and include "See more" link. And if you still want full posts simply use blog.php Template instead. - PHP headings filesource had wp-content/shell instead of wp-content/shell-lite. This does not affect nor changes anything, it's just to avoid confusion. - Post Data CSS margin-top:20px was added. - Author Meta (Author's Box) was added. The meta will display once you enter your Biographical Info, otherwise it will not display. - Textdomain bugs in comments.php, footer.php and functions.php - Modernizr version bug fixed.