setup_vars(); } /** * Setup Vars **/ function setup_vars() { // Theme Mods $this->theme_mods = ShapeShifter_Theme_Mods::get_theme_mods( SHAPESHIFTER_MAYBE_CHILD_THEME_OPTIONS ); $this->sidebar_left_width = absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_left_max_width' ] ); $this->content_inner_width = absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_max_width' ] ); $this->sidebar_right_width = absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_right_max_width' ] ); $this->content_width = $this->sidebar_left_width + $this->content_inner_width + $this->sidebar_right_width; // Screens $this->devices = array( 'pc', 'mobile' ); $this->break_points = ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'is_responsive' ] ) ? array( 'common', 320, 640, 1024 ) : array( 'common' ) ); // Set Theme Mods //$this->set_styles(); } /** * Set Styles **/ function set_styles() { foreach( $this->devices as $index => $device ) { $this->styles[ $device ] = array(); $style = ''; foreach( $this->break_points as $index => $break_point ) { //if ( $break_point !== 'common' ) continue; $this->styles[ $device ][ 'screen_' . $break_point ] = ''; $this->styles[ $device ][ 'screen_' . $break_point ] .= '@media screen' . ( $break_point !== 'common' ? ' and ( max-width: ' . $break_point . 'px )' : '' ) . ' {' . PHP_EOL; $this->styles[ $device ][ 'screen_' . $break_point ] .= wp_strip_all_tags( preg_replace( '/([\{\}])/i', '${1}', preg_replace( '/(\n|\r|\t)/', '', apply_filters( 'shapeshifter_' . $device . '_' . $break_point . '_customized_style', call_user_func_array( array( $this, 'get_' . $break_point . '_styles' ), array( $device, $break_point ) ), $device, $break_point ) ) ) ); $this->styles[ $device ][ 'screen_' . $break_point ] .= PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; $style .= apply_filters( 'shapeshifter_filter_mods_styles_device_breakpoint', $this->styles[ $device ][ 'screen_' . $break_point ], $device, $break_point ); } if( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods['is_responsive'] ) ) { $style .= $this->get_common_responsive_styles(); } $this->styles[ $device ][ 'total' ] = apply_filters( 'shapeshifter_filter_mods_styles_device', $style, $device ); } } /** * Common Styles * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { # PC if ( $device === 'pc' ) { # Font Face $style = ''; # Body $style .= $this->get_common_body_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Header $style .= $this->get_common_header_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Contents $style .= $this->get_common_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Footer $style .= $this->get_common_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Widget Areas $style .= $this->get_common_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Others $style .= $this->get_common_others_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Plugins # WooCommerce $style .= $this->get_common_wc_styles( $device, $break_point ); # bbPress $style .= $this->get_common_bbpress_styles( $device, $break_point ); # BuddyPress $style .= $this->get_common_buddypress_styles( $device, $break_point ); } # Mobile if ( $device === 'mobile' ) { $style = $this->get_common_mobile_styles( $device, $break_point ); } # Return return $style; } /** * Body * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_body_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' /* Body */'; $style .= ' q:before { content: "' . _x( '\"', 'Before Q Tag', 'shapeshifter' ) . '"; } q:after { content: "' . _x( '\"', 'After Q Tag', 'shapeshifter' ) . '"; } .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) . ' } '; # Array Ver $this->styles_array[ $device ][ $break_point ][ '.shapeshifter-outer-wrapper' ][ 'font-family' ] = ( isset( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) . ';' : '' ); return $style; } /** * Header * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_header_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_background_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_name_font_family' ], true ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a:visited, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a:visited { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_name_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-description-p { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_description_font_family' ], true ) . ' ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_description_color' ] ) . ' } '; $style .= $this->get_common_top_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_logo_background_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_logo_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_nav_main_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Top Nav Menu **/ function get_common_top_nav_menu_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= $this->get_common_top_nav_main_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_top_nav_sub_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Main Menu **/ function get_common_top_nav_main_menu_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' /* Depth 0 */ ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu { ' . $this->get_number_style( 'max-width', $this->content_width, '', 'px', 'absint' ) . ' } ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu > { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_top_nav_menu_font_family' ], true ) . ' } ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu > a, ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu > a:link, ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu > a:visited { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_top_nav_menu_text_color' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * Sub and after Sub **/ function get_common_top_nav_sub_menu_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' /* Depth 1 */ ul.shapeshifter-top-nav-menu > > a + ul.sub-menu > { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_background_color' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * Logo Background **/ function get_common_logo_background_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Logo **/ function get_common_logo_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Nav Menu **/ function get_nav_main_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_text_font_family' ] ) . ' border-top:solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_and_nav_border_color' ] ) . ' 1px; border-bottom:solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_and_nav_border_color' ] ) . ' 1px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_and_nav_border_color' ] ) . '; ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background:linear-gradient(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_background_color' ] ) . '); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_menu_background_image' ] ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > { ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background:linear-gradient( ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' ); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > #nav-menu-search-box { display:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_menu_add_search_box' ] ) ? 'block' : 'none' ) . '; } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:link, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:visited { ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_selected_border_color' ] ) != '' ? 'border-bottom: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_selected_border_color' ] ) . ' 2px;' : '' ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > a, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > a:link, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > a:visited{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_font_color' ] ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:link, nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:visited { ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_selected_border_color' ] ) != '' ? 'border-bottom: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_selected_border_color' ] ) . ' 1px;' : '' ) . ' } '; $style .= $this->get_nav_sub_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_nav_after_sub_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Sub Menu **/ function get_nav_sub_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > { ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background:linear-gradient( ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' ); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > > a { ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background:linear-gradient( ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' ); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_items_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * After Sub Menu **/ function get_nav_after_sub_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Contents * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_contents_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' .content-area { /* Background */ ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } .content-outer { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_outer_background_color' ] ) . ' } .content-inner{ /* Background */ ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' border-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'is_content_border_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-radius:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_border_radius' ] ) . 'px; } '; $style .= $this->get_common_archive_page_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_content_page_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Archive Page * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_archive_page_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= $this->get_common_archive_title_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_archive_items_list_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_archive_items_list_title_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_archive_items_list_infos_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_archive_items_pager_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Title **/ function get_common_archive_title_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' h1.archive-title{ margin-bottom:20px; padding: 10px; font-size: 24px; border-bottom: solid #000 1px; } '; return $style; } /** * List **/ function get_common_archive_items_list_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' .post-list-div { /* Border */ border-radius:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_list_item_border_radius' ] ) . 'px; border-top-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_top_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-left-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_left_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-right-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_right_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-bottom-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_bottom_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; /* Background */ ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_image' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * List Title **/ function get_common_archive_items_list_title_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' .post-list-title-div{ ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_image' ] ) . ' } .post-list-title-div .post-list-title-div-h2 { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_font_family' ] ) . ' ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_text_shadow' ] ) != '' ? 'text-shadow: 0 0 .5em ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_text_shadow' ] ) . ';' : '' ) . ' font-size:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_font_size' ] ) . 'px; ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background:linear-gradient( ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_color' ] ) . ' ); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . 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' } .post-list-read-later-sns-icons > li.shapeshifter-post-list-googleplus-icon-li, .post-list-read-later-sns > li.shapeshifter-post-list-googleplus-button-li{ ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_read_later_googleplus' ] ) ? '' : 'display: none;' ) . ' } .post-list-read-later-sns-icons > li.shapeshifter-post-list-hatena-icon-li{ ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_read_later_hatena' ] ) ? '' : 'display: none;' ) . ' } .post-list-read-later-sns > li.shapeshifter-post-list-hatena-button-li{ ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_read_later_hatena' ] ) ? '' : 'display: none;' ) . ' } .post-list-read-later-sns-icons > li.shapeshifter-post-list-pocket-icon-li{ ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_read_later_pocket' ] ) ? '' : 'display: none;' ) . ' } .post-list-read-later-sns > li.shapeshifter-post-list-pocket-button-li{ ' . 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' 1px; } .shapeshifter-singular-title-wrapper h1.entry-title, .shapeshifter-singular-title-wrapper h2.entry-title{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_font_family' ] ) . ' font-size:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_font_size' ] ) . 'px; ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_text_shadow' ] ) != '' ? 'text-shadow: 0 0 .5em ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_text_shadow' ] ) . ';' : '' ) . ' ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_text_color' ] ) . ' } .shapeshifter-singular-title-wrapper h1.entry-title:before,h2.entry-title:before{ content: "' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) != 'none' ? "\\" . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) : '' ) . '"; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_h1_fontawesome_icon_color' ] ) . 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' ); background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' border-bottom: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_border_bottom_color' ] ) . ' 1px; border-left: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_border_left_color' ] ) . ' 1px; border-right: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_border_right_color' ] ) . ' 1px; } .shapeshifter-content ' . $header . ':before{ content: "' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) != 'none' ? '\\' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) : '' ) . '"; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'singular_page_' . $header . '_fontawesome_icon_color' ] ) . ' } '; } } return $style; } /** * Content Items **/ function get_common_content_items_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' /* Quotes -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .shapeshifter-content blockquote:before{ content: "' . esc_html__( 'Quotes:', 'shapeshifter' ) . 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' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } #footer-items p.footer-p { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_font_family' ] ) . ' font-size:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_font_size' ] ) . 'px; text-align:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_align_select' ] ) . '; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_text_color' ] ) . ' } #footer-license { ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_display_credit_type' ] ) === 'none' ? 'display: none;' : '' ) . ' } #footer-items p#footer-nav-menu{ display:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_display_description' ] ) ? 'block' : 'none' ) . 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' } '; return $style; } /** * Widget Areas * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_widget_areas_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= $this->get_common_sidebar_type_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_sidebars_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_optional_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_widget_items_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Sidebar Type * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_sidebar_type_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = $this->get_common_sidebar_left_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_sidebar_right_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Sidebar Left * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_sidebar_left_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' .sidebar-left-container { max-width: ' . intval( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_left_max_width' ] ) . 'px; ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_sidebar_left_container_background_color' ] ) . ' } .slidebar-left-container-slide-box { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_left_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_left_background_image' ] ) . ' } .slidebar-left-container-slide-box:hover { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_left_background_color' ], '#FFFFFF' ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * Sidebar Right * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_sidebar_right_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' .sidebar-right-container { max-width: ' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_right_max_width' ] ) . 'px; ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_sidebar_right_container_background_color' ] ) . ' } .slidebar-right-container { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_right_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_right_background_image' ] ) . ' } .slidebar-right-container:hover { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'slidebar_right_background_color' ], '#FFFFFF' ) . ' } '; return $style; } /** * Sidebars * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_sidebars_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $default_widget_areas_args = array( 'slidebar_left' => 'slidebar-left', 'sidebar_left' => 'sidebar-left', 'sidebar_left_fixed' => 'sidebar-left-fixed', 'slidebar_right' => 'slidebar-right', 'sidebar_right' => 'sidebar-right', 'sidebar_right_fixed' => 'sidebar-right-fixed', 'mobile_sidebar' => 'mobile-sidebar' ); $style = ''; foreach( $default_widget_areas_args as $name => $class_fix ) { $style .= ' div.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '{ max-width: ' . ( in_array( $name, array( 'sidebar_left', 'sidebar_left_fixed', 'sidebar_right', 'sidebar_right_fixed' ) ) ? ( in_array( $name, array( 'sidebar_left', 'sidebar_left_fixed' ) ) ? intval( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_left_max_width' ] ) : intval( $this->theme_mods[ 'sidebar_right_max_width' ] ) ) : 300 ) . 'px; } ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul{ } li.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_font_family' ] ) . ' border-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_border' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-radius:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_border_radius' ] ) . 'px; ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_outer_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } p.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-p, h5.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-h5 { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_title_color' ] ) . ' } p.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-p:before, h5.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-h5:before { font-family: FontAwesome; content:"' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_title_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) != 'none' ? '\\' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_title_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) : '' ) . '"; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_title_fontawesome_icon_color' ] ) . ' margin-right: 10px; } .widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li-div{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_text_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_inner_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } .widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li-div a, .widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li-div a:link,.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li-div a:visited{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_link_text_color' ] ) . ' } .widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-li-div .widget-entry-excerpt { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_text_color' ] ) . ' } ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul, ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul li.archive-list-item:before, ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul, ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul li.page_item:before, ul.widget-area-' . $class_fix . '-ul li.recentcomments:before { font-family:FontAwesome; content:"' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_list_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) != 'none' ? '\\' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_list_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) : '' ) . '"; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ $name . '_widget_list_fontawesome_icon_color' ] ) . ' margin-right: 10px; } '; } return $style; } /** * Optional Widget Areas * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_optional_widget_areas_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; $style .= $this->get_common_widget_after_header_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_widget_before_content_area_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_common_widget_before_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * After Header * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_widget_after_header_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Before Content Area * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_widget_before_content_area_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Before Footer * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_widget_before_footer_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Widget Items * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_widget_items_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Others * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_others_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; # Left Menu $style .= ' .shapeshifter-mobile-regular-nav{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_text_font_family' ] ) . ' } div.shapeshifter-mobile-nav-wrapper-div{ background-color: ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) != 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)' ) . '; ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } '; # Right Menu $style .= ' .shapeshifter-mobile-side-menu-aside{ background-color: ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) != 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)' ) . '; ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } '; # Bottom Nav Menu Buttons $style .= ''; return $style; } # Plugins /** * WooCommerce * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; # Shop $style .= $this->get_common_wc_shop_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Product $style .= $this->get_common_wc_product_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Cart $style .= $this->get_common_wc_cart_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Checkout $style .= $this->get_common_wc_checkout_styles( $device, $break_point ); # My Account $style .= $this->get_common_wc_my_account_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Shop * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_shop_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Product * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_product_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Cart * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_cart_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * Checkout * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_checkout_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; return $style; } /** * My Account * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_wc_my_account_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ''; # Nav Menu $style .= ''; # Contents $style .= ''; # Dashboard $style .= ''; # Orders $style .= ''; # Downnloads $style .= ''; # Addresses $style .= ''; # Account Info $style .= ''; # Forms $style .= ''; return $style; } /** * BuddyPress * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_buddypress_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; # Activity $style .= $this->get_common_bp_activity_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Profile $style .= $this->get_common_bp_profile_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Notification $style .= $this->get_common_bp_notification_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Forum $style .= $this->get_common_bp_forum_styles( $device, $break_point ); # Settings $style .= $this->get_common_bp_settings_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } /** * Activity * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bp_activity_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Profile * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bp_profile_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Notification * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bp_notification_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Forum * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bp_forum_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Settings * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bp_settings_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * bbPress * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_bbpress_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } /** * Mobile * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_common_mobile_styles( $device = 'mobile', $break_point = 'common' ) { $style = ' '; # Outer Wrapper $style .= ' .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ], true ) . ' } '; # Mobile Header $style .= ' header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_background_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_name_font_family' ], true ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-h1 > a:visited, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-site-name-p > a:visited { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_name_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #shapeshifter-header-description-p { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_description_font_family' ], true ) . ' ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_description_color' ] ) . ' } '; # Header Navi $style .= ' header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_background_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-h1 > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-h1 > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-h1 > a:visited, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-p > a, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-p > a:link, header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-site-name-p > a:visited { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_name_color' ] ) . ' } header.shapeshifter-header-nav-visible #header-description-p { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_site_description_color' ] ) . ' } '; # After Header # Before Content Area $style .= ' '; # Content Area $style .= ' .content-area {'; # Background $style .= ' ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } .content-outer { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_outer_background_color' ] ) . ' } .content-inner { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' border-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'is_content_border_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-radius:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_border_radius' ] ) . 'px; } '; # Archive $style .= ' .post-list-div { border-radius:' . absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_list_item_border_radius' ] ) . 'px; border-top-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_top_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-left-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_left_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-right-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_right_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; border-bottom-width:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_is_border_bottom_on' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ) . 'px; ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_image' ] ) . ' } '; # Title $style .= ' .post-list-title-div { ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_image' ] ) . ' } .post-list-title-div .post-list-title-div-h2{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_font_family' ] ) . ' font-size:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_font_size' ] ) - 4 ) . 'px; ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_gradient_on' ] ) ? 'background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . '), to(' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_color' ] ) . ') ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'main_content_background_color' ] ) : ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'content_area_background_color' ] ) : '#FFFFFF' ) ) . ', ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_color' ] ) . ' );' : 'background-color:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_background_color' ] ) . ';' ) . ' border-bottom: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_border_bottom_color' ] ) . ' 1px; border-left: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_border_left_color' ] ) . ' 1px; border-right: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_border_right_color' ] ) . ' 1px; } .post-list-title-div .post-list-title-div-h2:before{ font-family:FontAwesome; content:"' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) != 'none' ? '\\' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_fontawesome_icon_select' ] ) : '' ) . '"; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_title_fontawesome_icon_color' ] ) . ' } .post-list-title-div-h2 a, .post-list-title-div-h2 a:link, .post-list-title-div-h2 a:visited{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_text_link_color' ] ) . ' } '; # Infos $style .= ' /* Thumbnail */ .post-list-thumbnail-a { border-radius:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_radius' ] ) ? absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_radius' ] ) : 0 ) . 'px; } .post-list-thumbnail, .post-list-def-thumbnail{ width:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_width' ] ) ? absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_width' ] ) : 80 ) . 'px; height:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_height' ] ) ? absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_height' ] ) : 80 ) . 'px; border-radius:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_radius' ] ) ? absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_thumbnail_radius' ] ) : 0 ) . 'px; } /* Description */ .bloginfo-description a, .bloginfo-description a:link, .bloginfo-description a:visited{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_post_list_text_link_color' ] ) . ' } .bloginfo-p-time, .post-list-read-later-p, .bloginfo-excerpt { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_text_color' ] ) . ' } .bloginfo-excerpt a, .bloginfo-excerpt a:link, .bloginfo-excerpt a:visited { ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_text_link_color' ] ) . ' } .bloginfo-excerpt .read-more-for-post-list { border: solid ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_text_link_color' ] ) . ' 1px; } .bloginfo-excerpt .read-more-for-post-list:hover { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_text_link_color' ] ) . ' } /* Read Later */ .post-list-read-later-sns-icons >, .post-list-read-later-sns >{ ' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'archive_page_read_later_twitter' ] ) ? 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' } '; # Bottom Nav Menu Buttons $style .= ' '; return $style; } /** * 320 * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_320_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ' /* 320px screen */'; $style .= $this->get_320_body_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_header_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_320_others_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } function get_320_body_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= '/* Wrapper */ .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } function get_320_header_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_320_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_320_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_320_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_320_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_320_others_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } /** * 640 * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_640_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ' /* 640px screen */'; $style .= $this->get_640_body_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_header_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_640_others_styles( $device, $break_point ); return $style; } function get_640_body_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } function get_640_header_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_640_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_640_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_640_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_640_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } function get_640_others_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ''; return $style; } /** * 1024 * * @param string $device * @param string $break_point * * @param string **/ function get_1024_styles( $device = 'pc', $break_point = 1024 ) { $style = ''; # PC if ( $device === 'pc' ) { $style .= ' /* 1024px screen */'; $style .= $this->get_1024_body_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_header_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ); $style .= $this->get_1024_others_styles( $device, $break_point ); } # Mobile if ( $device === 'mobile' ) { //$style = $this->get_1024_mobile_styles( $device, $break_point ); } return $style; } # Body function get_1024_body_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper { ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'text_font_family' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } # Header function get_1024_header_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ' '; return $style; } # Nav Menu function get_1024_nav_menu_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; return $style; } # Contents function get_1024_contents_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; return $style; } # Footer function get_1024_footer_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' '; $style .= ' #footer-items { ' . $this->get_background_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_color' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_select' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } #footer-items p.footer-p{ font-size:' . ( absint( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_font_size' ] ) - 4 ) . 'px; text-align:' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_align_select' ] ) . '; ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_text_color' ] ) . ' } #footer-license { ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_display_credit_type' ] ) === 'none' ? 'display: none;' : '' ) . ' } #footer-items p#footer-description{ display:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_display_description' ] ) ? 'block' : 'none' ) . '; } #footer-items p#footer-theme{ display:' . ( shapeshifter_boolval( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_display_theme' ] ) ? 'block' : 'none' ) . '; } #footer-items a, #footer-items a:link, #footer-items a:visited{ ' . $this->get_color_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'footer_text_color' ] ) . ' } '; return $style; } # Widget Areas function get_1024_widget_areas_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; return $style; } # Others function get_1024_others_styles( $device, $break_point ) { $style = ''; $style .= ' '; # Left Menu $style .= ' nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav{ ' . $this->get_font_family_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_text_font_family' ] ) . ' } nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-wrapper-div{ background-color: ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) != 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)' ) . '; ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } '; # Right Menu $style .= ' .shapeshifter-mobile-side-menu-aside{ background-color: ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) != 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' ? sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_color' ] ) : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)' ) . '; ' . $this->get_background_image_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_size_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_size' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_y_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_row' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_position_x_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_position_column' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_repeat_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_repeat' ] ) . ' ' . $this->get_background_attachment_style( $this->theme_mods[ 'mobile_sidebar_wrapper_background_image_attachment' ] ) . ' } '; # Bottom Nav Menu Buttons $style .= ' '; return $style; } /** * Responsive **/ function get_common_responsive_styles() { $style = ' @media screen and ( max-width: ' . $this->content_width . 'px ) { /* Body -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive { font-size: 12px; width: 100%; min-width: initial !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .shapeshifter-outer-wrapper { width: 100%; min-width: initial !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .shapeshifter-inner-wrapper { overflow:auto; overflow-scrolling:touch; } /* Header -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .shapeshifter-header { width: 100%; min-width: initial !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #top-menu-nav { display: none; } /* Nav Menu -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive body.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-mobile-regular-nav { display: block; ' . ( sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_text_font_family' ] ) != '' ? 'font-family: ' . sanitize_text_field( $this->theme_mods[ 'nav_text_font_family' ] ) . ';' : '' ) . ' width: initial; z-index: initial; overflow: auto; border-top: initial; border-bottom: initial; box-shadow: initial; background: initial; background-color: initial; background-image: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-wrapper-div, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-wrapper-div { margin: initial; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9); } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive body.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-div{ } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive div.shapeshifter-main-nav-div > ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu{ margin: initial; width: initial; display: block; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu >{ text-align: initial; float: initial; padding: initial; margin: initial; background: initial; background-color: initial; background-image: initial; display: block; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > #nav-menu-search-box{ display: none; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav .shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a { padding: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav .shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav .shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:link, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav .shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:visited { opacity: initial; border-bottom: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav a:link, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav a:visited{ color: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > a:link, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > a:visited { opacity: initial; border-bottom: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav li.page_item{ margin: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu { display: block; height: initial; transition: initial; min-width: initial; margin: initial; margin-left: initial; position: initial; z-index: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:focus + ul.sub-menu { overflow: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > { text-align: initial; height: initial; transition: initial; padding: initial; display: block; position: initial; border: initial; float: initial; background: initial; background-color: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > > a { overflow: initial; text-align: initial; font-size: initial; transition: initial; padding: initial; display: initial; position: initial; border: initial; float: initial; background: initial; background-color: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu >, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:focus + ul.sub-menu > { overflow: initial; height: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > > a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a:focus + ul.sub-menu > > a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > > a:focus { overflow: initial; font-size: initial; padding: initial; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > ul.sub-menu > > a{ } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.sub-menu > > ul.sub-menu{ display: block; position: initial; } /* Contents -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .content-inner { float: initial; margin: auto; } /* Footer -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #footer { width: 100%; min-width: initial !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .before-footer-div{ padding:10px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #widget-area-in-footer-wrapper { color: #000; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #widget-area-in-footer-wrapper a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #widget-area-in-footer-wrapper a:link, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #widget-area-in-footer-wrapper a:visited { color: #000; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #widget-area-in-footer-wrapper div { overflow: auto; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #footer-items { width:100%; bottom:50px; position:relative; margin-top:50px; padding:10px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #footer-items #footer-nav-menu { text-align: center; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #footer-nav-menu .shapeshifter-footer-nav-div { } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .shapeshifter-footer-nav-div ul.shapeshifter-footer-nav-menu { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 5px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive ul.shapeshifter-footer-nav-menu > { line-height: 2; font-size: 80%; margin: 0; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive #footer-items p.footer-p { margin:0; padding:5px; } /* Widget Areas -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .sidebar-left-container { display: none; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .sidebar-right-container { display: none; } /* Left Menu -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-wrapper-div{ width: 300px; height:100%; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: -300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-scrolling:touch; padding: 0 20px; box-shadow:0 0 1px; z-index: 1000; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav p.shapeshifter-mobile-nav-top-button-text{ display: block; text-align: center; width: 120px; position: relative; top: 50px; left: 140px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav a#back-to-content{ display: block; height: 30px; width: 120px; border-radius: 15px; position: relative; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px top: 7px; padding: 8px 12px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; z-index: 1001; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav p.shapeshifter-mobile-nav-top-title{ display: block; font-size: 20px; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 50px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav div.shapeshifter-main-nav-div{ position: relative; top: 50px; margin-bottom: 70px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu li a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu li:hover a { font-size: 12px !important; text-decoration: none !important; color: #000 !important; border-bottom: none !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a, body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > > a { font-size: 14px !important; border-bottom: solid #000000 1px !important; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu{ margin:auto; width:100%; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu{ margin:0; padding:0; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.shapeshifter-main-nav-menu > #nav-menu-search-box{ display:none; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav a{ line-height:2; border-bottom:solid #000 1px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > > ul.sub-menu { display:block; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > > ul.sub-menu { display:block; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > > ul.sub-menu > { display:block; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav > > ul.sub-menu > > a{ } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive nav.shapeshifter-main-regular-nav ul.sub-menu > > ul.sub-menu{ } /* Right Menu -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .shapeshifter-mobile-side-menu-aside{ display: block; width: 300px; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0px; right: -300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-scrolling:touch; padding: 30px 20px 50px 20px; box-shadow:0 0 1px; z-index: 1000; } /* Bottom Nav Menu Buttons -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .fixed-menu-buttons-for-mobile{ display: flex; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .fixed-menu-buttons-for-mobile .menu-button-for-mobile-a { display: inline-block; width: 33.33333%; height: 55px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .mobile-menu-button-icon-box{ margin:auto; text-align:center; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .mobile-menu-button-text-box{ margin:auto; text-align:center; height: 10px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .menu-button-for-mobile-a .menu-icon{ font-size: 30px; } body.shapeshifter-body-pc.shapeshifter-is-responsive .menu-button-for-mobile-a .menu-text{ font-size: 10px; position: relative; } } '; return $style; } # # Style Code # /** * Get Number Style * * @param string $property : Style Property Name * @param string $value : Property Value * @param string $unit : Unit * @param string $filter_callable : Callable Name * * @param string **/ function get_number_style( $property, $value, $default = '', $unit = 'px', $filter_callable = 'intval' ) { # Check if Property is String if( ! is_string( $property ) ) { return ''; } # Check the Default if( is_int( $default ) ) unset( $default ); # Check if Value is set. If no, Use Default value # Default is also not set return empty string if( ! isset( $value ) || ! is_int( $value ) ) { if( isset( $default ) ) $value = $default; else return ''; } # Set the Return String CSS Code $return = $property . ': ' . $filter_callable( $value ) . $unit . ';'; # End return $return; } # # Color # /** * Get Color Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_color_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'color: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'color: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } # Font Family /** * Get Font Family Style * * @param string $value * @param string $check_if_none * * @param string **/ function get_font_family_style( $value, $check_if_none = false ) { $return = ''; $font_families = array_flip( ShapeShifter_Theme_Mods::get_shapeshifter_font_families() ); if( $check_if_none ) { if( ! empty( $value ) && is_string( $value ) && $value !== 'none' && in_array( $value, $font_families ) ) { $return = 'font-family: ' . $value . ';'; } } else { if( ! empty( $value ) && is_string( $value ) && in_array( $value, $font_families ) ) { $return = 'font-family: ' . $value . ';'; } } return $return; } # # Background # /** * Get Background Color Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_color_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-color: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-color: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Image Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_image_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; $image_url = esc_url_raw( $value ); if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-image: url(' . esc_url( $value ) . ');'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-image: url(' . esc_url( $default ) . ');'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Size Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_size_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-size: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-size: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Position Y Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_position_y_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-position-y: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-position-y: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Position X Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_position_x_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-position-x: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-position-x: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Repeat Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_repeat_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-repeat: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-repeat: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } /** * Get Background Attachment Style * * @param string $value * @param string $default * * @param string **/ function get_background_attachment_style( $value, $default = '' ) { $return = ''; if( ! empty( $value ) ) { $return = 'background-attachment: ' . esc_html( $value ) . ';'; } else { if( ! empty( $default ) ) { $return = 'background-attachment: ' . esc_html( $default ) . ';'; } } return $return; } # # Header Image # /** * Get Logo Position Style * * @param string **/ function get_theme_mods_logo_position() { if ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_position' ] == 'left' ) { return 'margin:auto;margin-left:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_position' ] == 'center' ) { return 'margin:auto;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_position' ] == 'right' ) { return 'margin:auto;margin-right:0;'; } } /** * Get Logo Title Description Position Style * * @param string **/ function get_theme_mods_logo_title_description_position() { if ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'left-top' ) { return 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'left-bottom' ) { return 'position:absolute;left:0;bottom:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'right-top' ) { return 'position:absolute;top:0;right:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'right-bottom' ) { return 'position:absolute;right:0;bottom:0;'; } else { } } /** * Get Logo Title Description Position Style for Mobile * * @param string **/ function get_theme_mods_logo_title_description_position_for_mobile() { if ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'left-top' ) { return 'position:relative;top:0;left:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'left-bottom' ) { return 'position:relative;left:0;bottom:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'right-top' ) { return 'position:relative;top:0;right:0;'; } elseif ( $this->theme_mods[ 'header_image_title_description_position' ] == 'right-bottom' ) { return 'position:relative;right:0;bottom:0;'; } else { } } } } ?>