------------------------------------------------------- Shaped Pixels ------------------------------------------------------- Shaped Pixels offers a clean design concept, so much that even my main website is using it! Simple to use with features to give you better flexibility, customizability, stability, and other things like being mobile responsive, blog styles, page templates, unlimited colours using the built-in WordPress Customizer, several post formats, social networking, Schema microdata (structured data) for Google, and more more... Theme URL: http://www.shapedpixels.com/free-wordpress-themes/shaped-pixels DEMO SITE: http://demo.shapedpixels.com/shapedpixels/ Requires at least WordPress version 4 for the best experience. License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html All Images within this theme are created by me so they are free to use. ------------------------------------------------------- Pro version of Shaped Pixels ------------------------------------------------------- You can find the Pro version of Shaped Pixels here: http://www.shapedpixels.com/shaped-pixels-pro However, you should be able to achieve some awesome looking websites with the free version. ------------------------------------------------------- Quick Specs ------------------------------------------------------- 1. You get 2 page width choices: Full width or a boxed layout of 1600px wide. 1. The main content width with a sidebar is 980px. 1. The main content width without a left or right sidebar is 1320px. 2. The sidebar width is 300px. 3. Featured Images can be as wide as 980px, or for the small setting, 400px is as wide as you should go. 4. This theme is responsive and uses Twitter's Bootstrap version 3 for the primary layout. 5. You get 21 widget positions. ------------------------------------------------------- Recommended (Optional) Plugins for this Theme ------------------------------------------------------- * Jetpack - Gives you several plugins rolled into one * Simply Exclude - Allows you to exclude categories, posts, etc., from areas of your site * Remove Widget Titles - Allows you to hide widget titles from the front-end ------------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------------------------------------------------- 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's ZIP file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. If you prefer to install your theme manually, unzip the theme package and use your FTP program to upload your theme to the themes folder of your WordPress installation. Your theme will go here: /wp-content/themes/ ------------------------------------------------------- Quick How To? ------------------------------------------------------- If you feel you need more setup documentation and details on using this theme, you can visit the Shaped Pixels Support page here: http://www.shapedpixels.com/support/free-theme-tutorials ------------------------------------------------------- Quick How To? ------------------------------------------------------- * How do I change the colours? 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Customize. 2. Now you will see the Customizer and a tab called 'Colours'. Click this tab. 3. You can now change your colours for most of the theme by selecting your choice of colour from the built-in colour selectors. You can preview the change in the Customizer. 4. Once you are happy with your color changes you can click save and your changes will be reflected on your live site. * How do I add the Social Links to the footer? 1. Create a new Custom Menu, and assign it to the Social Menu location. 2. Add links to each of your social services using the Links panel. 3. Icons for your social links will automatically appear if it's available. Available icons: (Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your social menu). 1. Codepen 2. DeviantArt 3. Digg 4. Dribbble 5. Dropbox 6. Facebook 7. Flickr 8. Foursquare 9. GitHub 10. Google+ 11. Instagram 12. LinkedIn 13. Email (mailto: links) 14. Pinterest 15. Pocket 16. Reddit 17. RSS Feed (URLs with /feed/) 18. Spotify 19. StumbleUpon 20. Tumblr 21. Twitch 22. Twitter 23. Vimeo 24. VK 25.Xing 26. WordPress 27. YouTube * How do I change Styles or Modify the Theme? You have a couple options available, but 1. Making "only" stylesheet (CSS) changes, you can use a plugin for editing CSS 2. To make CSS and/or modify the theme files, it's recommended to use a child theme so that you can keep your original theme up to date without losing your modifications/changes. More Info: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes