getMod('sf_impact_header_style'); //Get the header height $sf_impact_header_height = (stristr($sf_impact_header_style, "fix") === FALSE) ? "" :$sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_header_height' ); //Make sure that the height is set for fixed height options if (!$sf_impact_header_height && (stristr($sf_impact_header_style, "fix") >= 0)) { //If not, default to the default value $sf_impact_header_style = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getDefault('sf_impact_header_style'); } $class = stristr($sf_impact_header_style, 'stretch') === FALSE ? "sfly-img-fit " : "sfly-img-stretch "; $class .= stristr($sf_impact_header_style, 'fixed') === FALSE ? "sfly-img-auto " : "sfly-img-fixed "; return $class; } endif; if (!function_exists('sf_impact_get_home_header_height')): function sf_impact_get_home_header_height($max=false) { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; //Get the header style $sf_impact_header_style = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_header_style'); //Get the header height $sf_impact_header_height = (stristr($sf_impact_header_style, "fix") === FALSE) ? "" :$sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_header_height' ); $style = ""; if ($sf_impact_header_height) { if ($max) $h = "max-height"; else $h = "height"; $style .="$h:$sf_impact_header_height;"; } return $style; } endif; /* * Scripts if the header is a slideshow */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_slideshow_scripts')): //wp_footer filter function sf_impact_slideshow_scripts() { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; $sf_impact_slider_transition = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_transition' ); $sf_impact_slider_animspeed = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_animspeed' ); $sf_impact_slider_speed = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_speed' ); $sf_impact_slider_automate = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_automate') == TRUE ? 'true' : 'false'; $sf_impact_slider_direction = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_direction' ); $sf_impact_slider_navigation = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_navigation') == TRUE ? "true" : "false"; $sf_impact_slider_navdirection = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_navdirection') == TRUE ? "true" : "false"; $sf_impact_slider_keyboard = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_keyboard') == TRUE ? "true" : "false"; $sf_impact_slider_mousewheel = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_mousewheel') == TRUE ? "true" : "false"; $sf_impact_slider_pauseonhover = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_pauseonhover') == TRUE ? "true" : "false"; ?> getMod('sf_impact_grid_type'); $gridwidth = "99%"; $posts = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_posts'); $height = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_image_height' ); $width= $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_image_width'); $cellwidth = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_cell_width' ); $cellheight = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_cell_height'); $category = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_post_category'); $imagesize = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_image_size_name'); $captionwidth = $width; $arra = array('post_type' => $type, 'posts_per_page' => $posts, 'aligngrid' => 'autocenter', 'imagesize' => $imagesize, 'cellwidth' => $cellwidth, 'cellheight'=>$cellheight, 'captionwidth' => $captionwidth, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1); if ($height) $arra['height'] = $height; if ($width) $arra['width'] = $width; $arra = array('post_type' => $type, 'posts_per_page' => $posts, 'aligngrid' => 'autocenter', 'imagesize' => $imagesize, 'cellwidth' => $cellwidth, 'cellheight'=>$cellheight, 'captionwidth' => $captionwidth, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1); if ($height) $arra['height'] = $height; if ($width) $arra['width'] = $width; if ($category) $arra['cat'] = $category; if ($gridwidth) $arra['gridwidth'] = "99%"; $arra = apply_filters('sf_impact_get_thumbnail_args', $arra); return ($arra); } endif; /* * Get the URL of the post thumbnail */ //Get thumbnail url if (!function_exists('sf_impact_get_thumbnailurl')): function sf_impact_get_thumbnailurl() { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; $type = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_grid_type'); $tax = get_object_taxonomies( $type, 'taxonomy' ); if (array_key_exists ('category' , $tax )) { $category = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_post_category'); $page = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_thumbnail_more_page'); if ($category) $url = get_category_link($category); else $url = get_permalink( $page ); } else $url = get_post_type_archive_link( $type ); $url = apply_filters('sf_impact_get_thumbnail_url', $url); return $url; } endif; /* * Display Featured Highlight Boxes */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_get_highlightboxes')): function sf_impact_get_highlightboxes() { do_action('sf_impact_highlights'); } endif; if (!function_exists('sf_impact_highlightboxes_default')): function sf_impact_highlightboxes_default() { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; $sf_impact_highlight_boxes = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_boxes'); $boxcount = intval( $sf_impact_highlight_boxes ); if ($boxcount > 0) { $sf_impact_highlight_style = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_style' ); for ($x = 0; $x <= 3; ++$x) { ${'sf_impact_highlight_image' . $x} = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_image' . $x); ${'sf_impact_highlight_header' . $x} = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_header' . $x); ${'sf_impact_highlight_text' . $x} = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_text' . $x ); ${'sf_impact_highlight_link' . $x} = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_highlight_link' . $x ); } ?>

<?php echo esc_html($alt)?>

getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_display'); $sf_impact_grid_display_all = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_grid_display_all'); //Load script for thumbnail grid if (class_exists('thumbnailgrid')) { if ( is_front_page()) { if ($sf_impact_grid_display) $grid = true; } else if ($sf_impact_grid_display_all) $grid = TRUE; } return $grid; } endif; /* * Generate Query for the Slideshow */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_slideshow_query')): function sf_impact_slideshow_query() { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; wp_reset_query(); $args = array( 'ignore_sticky_posts' => TRUE, 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_slider_count', 5), 'meta_query' => array( 'relationship' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'post_show_in_slideshow', 'value' => 1, ), array( 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ) )); $args = apply_filters("sfimpact_slideshow_query", $args); $the_query = new WP_Query($args); return $the_query; } endif; /* * HTML for the Home Page Slide Show * $the_query - the query result * $wclass - class fit or stretch * $hstyle - style for the slide show, height */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_get_slideshow')): function sf_impact_get_slideshow($the_query, $wclass, $height) { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; $height = intval($height); $format = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_style' ); //format, height & width settings // if (stristr($format == $sf_impact_slider_captions = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_slider_captions') ; $istyle = ""; if ($sf_impact_slider_captions) $wclass .= " has-captions"; $sf_impact_slider_navigation = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_slider_navigation'); if ($sf_impact_slider_navigation) $wclass .= " has-navigation"; $hstyle = ($height != "") ? "height:$height;max-height:$height;max-width:none!important;" : ""; ?>
'post', 'paged' => $paged ); $the_query = new WP_Query($args); sf_impact_posts($the_query, sf_impact_count_sticky()); wp_reset_postdata(); } endif; /* * Display the post list on the home page or the blog page */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_posts')): function sf_impact_posts($the_query, $stickycount = 0) { do_action('sf_impact_posts', $the_query, $stickycount); } endif; /* * Default Post Loop */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_default_posts')): function sf_impact_default_posts($the_query, $stickycount=0) { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); $current_post_index = $the_query->current_post ; //Get the current index $displayfullpost = sf_impact_postContentFullPage(); //Check to see if the option to display excerpts is on or off $sf_impact_show_full_sticky_post = FALSE; //Check to see if the sticky as full post option is on if (is_sticky() && !$displayfullpost ) //The sticky as full post is only valid when excerpts are enabled. $sf_impact_show_full_sticky_post = ($sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_show_full_sticky_post') && $current_post_index < $stickycount); //Make sure that all sticky posts at the top display as full if this is set ?>
getMod( 'sf_impact_show_excerpt_archive_post'); } else { if ((!is_single() && !is_page()) ) { $displayfullpost = !$sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_show_excerpt_blog_post'); } } } else { $displayfullpost = FALSE; // Not an option for search } return $displayfullpost; } endif; /* * Main code for the header image */ if (!function_exists('sf_impact_header')): function sf_impact_header($sf_impact_home_header_type, $sf_impact_header_image, $sf_impact_logo_location, $the_slide_query = NULL, $logo="top") { do_action('sf_impact_header', $sf_impact_home_header_type, $sf_impact_header_image, $sf_impact_logo_location, $the_slide_query, $logo); } endif; if (!function_exists('sf_impact_default_header')): function sf_impact_default_header($sf_impact_home_header_type, $sf_impact_header_image, $sf_impact_logo_location, $the_slide_query = NULL, $logo="top") { $wclass = sf_impact_get_home_header_class(); if ($sf_impact_home_header_type == "1" && isset($the_slide_query)) { global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; global $sf_impact_Theme_Mods; //Get the header style $sf_impact_header_style = $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod('sf_impact_header_style'); //Get the header height $height = (stristr($sf_impact_header_style, "fix") === FALSE) ? "": $sf_impact_Theme_Mods->getMod( 'sf_impact_header_height' ); do_action('sf_impact_slideshow', $the_slide_query, $wclass, $height) ; } else { if ($sf_impact_header_image && $sf_impact_home_header_type == "0") { $hstyle = sf_impact_get_home_header_height(true); if ($hstyle) $hstyle = "style='$hstyle'"; ?>
header src=""/>