Wordpress Theme "Slate" version 2.0 Thanks for choosing to use the Slate theme with WordPress. Theme Settings: The theme is fairly straight forward and easy to setup. It has two sidebar widget areas, by default the primary is loaded with the search form, archives, and the meta links. You can also choose to use the menu, you can choose to customize it by navigating to the menu setup page you will be able to define and setup a menu with the links you want. The only other currently available option is the background, you can change the color to something that suits you or you can choose to make it an image. Theme Installation: If you are installing this theme from the WordPress theme directory everything should be completed for you. However if you are doing something different or experiencing some issues, please refer to the WordPress theme installation guide here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes#Adding_New_Themes More Information and Options: If you find that you are having some technical difficulties or have found a bug please don't hesitate to visit the seismicthemes.com website for help or to report issues. If you would like to customize your theme, feel free to visit the forum on the site for help or ideas. Licensing: This theme and all images/icons included with it are released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL). You should have recieved a copy of this license with the theme.