Changelog Legend: [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- (14/11/2014) - Update - Version 1.1.2 [+] Added Greek translation. [*] Updated custom WooCommerce styles (Related Products floating). [*] Updated displaying of the Masonry post entries in a RTL direction. ---- (24/10/2014) - Update - Version 1.1.1 [+] Added Dutch translation. [+] Added support for the default Google font Roboto Condensed (used for headlines) within the Visual Editor. ---- (11/10/2014) - Update - Version 1.1.0 [+] Added Italian translation. [*] Updated displaying of the footer widget areas. [x] Removed deprecated function "screen_icon()" from class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. ---- (18/09/2014) - Update - Version 1.0.4 [!] Fixed Uncaught JavaScript TypeError which occurred if there was not assigned any Main Header Menu. ---- (04/09/2014) - Update - Version 1.0.3 [*] Added conditions for using the Masonry.js script only on archive pages. ---- (29/08/2014) - Update - Version 1.0.2 [x] Removed included Masonry.js and ImagesLoaded.js (replaced by core script). ---- (06/08/2014) - Update - Version 1.0.1 [*] Defined suggested width for the Header Images. ---- (06/08/2014) - The initial public release - Version 1.0.0