
esc_html__( 'Seafoam', 'seafoam' ), 'pro_text' => esc_html__( 'Help and Support', 'seafoam' ), 'pro_url' => esc_url( 'https://www.pattonwebz.com/contact-me/' ), 'pro_description' => $description, 'priority' => 10, ); return $upsell_values; } add_filter( 'best_reloaded_filter_upsell_values', 'seafoam_filter_upsell_values', 10, 1 ); /** * Filters the title of the main customizer panel to match our theme name. * * @param string $title Current panel title. * @return string Updated panel title. */ function seafoam_filter_theme_settings_panel_title( $title ) { $title = __( 'Seafoam Theme Settings', 'seafoam' ); return $title; } add_filter( 'best_reloaded_filter_theme_settings_panel_title', 'seafoam_filter_theme_settings_panel_title', 10, 1 ); /** * Filter the default values that are passed to the customizer object. * * @param array $defaults An array of mixed type key=>value data. * @return array updated array of values */ function seafoam_filter_setting_defaults( $defaults ) { $defaults['navbar-color'] = 'navbar-dark'; $defaults['navbar-bg'] = 'bg-primary'; $defaults['search_color'] = 'btn-dark'; // return the updated array of default values. return $defaults; } add_filter( 'best_reloaded_filter_setting_defaults', 'seafoam_filter_setting_defaults', 10, 1 ); /** * Performs various setup actions for the theme. */ function seafoam_setup() { // Set the default background color for use in the theme. This overrules // the same support added in the parent theme. $custom_bg_args = array( 'default-color' => '1558a5', ); add_theme_support( 'custom-background', $custom_bg_args ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'seafoam_setup' );