# Changelog ## Version 2.3, released 10 June 2011 ### Changes from version 2.2 * moved wp_footer hook within #site-footer so it can also be used HTML as well as js * resized sidebar so it's now correct length * removed css-mediaqueries js to save mobile devices loading ~20k (not enqueued in functions.php). NOTE: IE<9 now displays a one column mobile version * tidied up article footers, adding a couple of rules to separate them from the article content * tidied up floating image margins and added a border to them ## Version 2.2, released 23 May 2011 ### Changes from version 2.1 * fixed bug where header text was displayed even if 'Display text' switch was set to no in admin area * made whole header area a link to the home page * used :last-child to remove border from the last item in a nested list, thereby getting rid of ugly double borders * removed bottom padding from same list item * added a margin to the top of the page (#wrapper in style.css) * got rid of hgroup and h2 descendant as per new HTML spec; replaced with div and p respectively ## Version 2.1, released 17 April 2011 ### Changes from version 2.0 * set sidebar font size to 13px, which means that content that isn't wrapped in p or li will display at 13px as opposed to 16px * set sidebar image max-width to 100% * changed theme URI in style.css * added author link to post meta section ## Version 2.0, released 29 March 2011 ### Changes from version 1.6 * added a 'responsive design'. Used media queries to target wider viewports * added css3-mediaqueries.js to force IE<9 to understand media queries. Enqueued and registered in functions.php * HTML5shiv js links to Google Code. Enqueued and registered in functions.php * heading typography changed * fixed widget padding in sidebar; margins between widgets collapsed before * added max-width support for content images to IE6 using _width hack in CSS * made all functions pluggable in functions.php * added a custom header * added a 'Continue reading' link to front page posts for 'Read more' shortcodes in posts ### Version 2.0 Known issues * child themes don't load js so IE<9 displays mobile layout when you use a child theme * iOS on iPhone 3-4 doesn't limit Georgia scaling in landscape, so body copy looks quite large ## Version 1.6, released 08 February 2011 ### Changes from version 1.5 * changed line height to 18px (1.351em) in picture captions, allowed tags paragraph, entry footers and the site footer * changed padding around sidebar lists * changed sidebar list links to display:inline, making for better link lists * made the comments number in entry headers in index.php a link to the comments form in single.php ## Version 1.5, released 30 January 2011 ### Changes from version 1.4 * functions.php no longer creates a custom menu area * added a unit to the line-height to create a better vertical rhythm * restyled lists so they're no longer indented * restyled entry-content headings so they keep to the vertical rhythm (replaced margins on headings with padding so no margin collapse) * wrapped comments in a div rather than section to improve the document outline * resized comment area headings * changed sidebar line height to 18px (1.125em) * secondary text and sidebar body text changed to 13px (0.833em) Georgia