button($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'color' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->color($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'colors' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->colors($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'checkbox' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->checkbox($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'checkbox_open' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->checkbox_open($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'diagram' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->diagram($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'layout' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->radio_images($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'layout_open' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->radio_images_open($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'number' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->number($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'radio' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->radio($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'radio_open' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->radio_open($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'select' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->select($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'select_open' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->select_open($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'select_theme' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->select_theme($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'select_style' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->select_style($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'text' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->input($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'textarea' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->textarea($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'text_preview' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->text_preview($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'text_diagram' : { /*this element is shown with slider*/ return false; break; } case 'text_slider' : { /*this element is shown with slider*/ return false; break; } case 'textarea_slider' : { /*this element is shown with slider*/ return false; break; } case 'upload_single' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->upload_single($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } case 'upload_multiple' : { echo $wdwt_admin_elements->upload_multiple($option, $context, $opt_val, $meta); break; } default : { esc_html_e("Such element type does not exist!", "sauron"); } } global $wp_customize; if ( !isset( $wp_customize ) ) { /* Output the setting description */ if (isset($option['description']) && $option['description'] != '') { ?> $tab ) { $tabsections = $tab['sections']; foreach ( $tabsections as $sectionname => $section ) { if ( 'wdwt_' . $sectionname . '_section' == $section_passed['id'] ) { ?>

'; return $text; } function wdwt_admin_options_page_tabs() { $page = WDWT_SLUG; $current = wdwt_get_current_tab(); $tabs = wdwt_get_tabs(); $links = array(); foreach( $tabs as $tab ) { $tabname = $tab['name']; if($tabname == 'featured_plugins' || $tabname == 'licensing'){ $tabtitle = $tab['title']; if ( $tabname == $current ) { $links[] = "
  • ".esc_html($tabtitle)."
  • "; } else { $links[] = "
  • ".esc_html($tabtitle)."
  • "; } } } echo '

    '; echo '
    '; echo isset($tabs[$current]['description']) ? $tabs[$current]['description'] : ''; } function wdwt_section_descr($wdwt_tab='general') { switch($wdwt_tab){ case 'seo':{ $tab = '1'; $text = __('This section allows you to add meta keywords, metatags, titles. ', "sauron"); break; } case 'layout_editor':{ $tab = '2'; $text = __('This section allows you to make changes in default layout of the theme.', "sauron"); break; } case 'general':{ $tab = '3'; $text = __('This section allows you to make changes in your site and customize it in accordance to personal preferences.', "sauron"); break; } case 'homepage':{ $tab = '4'; $text = __('This section allows you to make changes in post styles and customize your homepage appearance. ', "sauron"); break; } case 'integration':{ $tab = '5'; $text = __('This section allows you to add integration codes in various areas of the site.', "sauron"); break; } case 'color_control':{ $tab = '6'; $text = __('This section allows you customizing certain color features in the theme. ', "sauron"); break; } case 'typography':{ $tab = '7'; $text = __('This section allows you to change the font styles.', "sauron"); break; } case 'slider':{ $tab = '8'; $text = __('This section allows you customize the slider. ', "sauron"); break; } case 'install_sample_data':{ $tab = '9'; $text = __('This section allows to add sample data.', "sauron"); break; } case 'lightbox':{ $tab = '11'; $text = __('This section allows you customize the lightbox. ', "sauron"); break; } case 'themes_updates':{ $tab = '12'; $text = __('Available updates for the theme.', "sauron"); break; } default :{ $tab = ''; $text = ''; } } $text = ' '. __("User Manual.", "sauron").'
    '.esc_html($text) .' ' . __('More', "sauron"). '...
    '. wdwt_pro_banner(). '
    '; return $text; } ?>