model->get_theme_row_data($theme_id); $option_row = $this->model->get_option_row_data(); $image_rows = $this->model->get_image_rows_data_tag($tag_id, $sort_by, $order_by); $image_id = (isset($_POST['image_id']) ? (int) $_POST['image_id'] : $current_image_id); $params_array = array( 'action' => 'GalleryBox', 'image_id' => $current_image_id, 'gallery_id' => $gallery_id, 'theme_id' => $theme_id, 'thumb_width' => $thumb_width, 'thumb_height' => $thumb_height, 'open_with_fullscreen' => $open_with_fullscreen, 'image_width' => $image_width, 'image_height' => $image_height, 'image_effect' => $image_effect, 'wd_sor' => $sort_by, 'wd_ord' => $order_by, 'enable_image_filmstrip' => $enable_image_filmstrip, 'image_filmstrip_height' => $image_filmstrip_height, 'enable_image_ctrl_btn' => $enable_image_ctrl_btn, 'enable_image_fullscreen' => $enable_image_fullscreen, 'popup_enable_info' => $popup_enable_info, 'popup_info_always_show' => $popup_info_always_show, 'popup_info_full_width' => $popup_info_full_width, 'popup_hit_counter' => $popup_hit_counter, 'popup_enable_rate' => $popup_enable_rate, 'slideshow_interval' => $slideshow_interval, 'enable_comment_social' => $enable_comment_social, 'enable_image_facebook' => $enable_image_facebook, 'enable_image_twitter' => $enable_image_twitter, 'enable_image_google' => $enable_image_google, 'enable_image_pinterest' => $enable_image_pinterest, 'enable_image_tumblr' => $enable_image_tumblr, 'watermark_type' => $watermark_type, 'current_url' => $current_url ); $filmstrip_thumb_margin_hor = $filmstrip_thumb_margin_right + $filmstrip_thumb_margin_left; $rgb_sauron_image_info_bg_color = WDWLibrary::saurontheme_hex2rgb($theme_row->lightbox_info_bg_color); $rgb_lightbox_ctrl_cont_bg_color = WDWLibrary::saurontheme_hex2rgb($theme_row->lightbox_ctrl_cont_bg_color); */ class WDWT_lightbox_page_class{ public $options; function __construct(){ $this->options = array( 'lbox_disable' => array( "name" => "lbox_disable", "title" => __("Disable lightbox", "sauron"), 'type' => 'checkbox', "description" => __("Disable lightbox", "sauron"), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => false , 'customizer' => array() ), 'lbox_slideshow_interval' => array( "name" => "lbox_slideshow_interval", "title" => __("Slideshow interval.", "sauron"), 'type' => 'number', 'step' => '1', 'min' => '1', 'max' => '99', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("Interval of slideshow in seconds.", "sauron"), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => 5 , 'customizer' => array() ), 'lbox_image_width' => array( "name" => "lbox_image_width", "title" => __("Lightbox width.", "sauron"), 'type' => 'number', 'step' => '1', 'min' => '100', 'max' => '1600', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("Lightbox width.", "sauron"), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => 600 , 'customizer' => array() ), 'lbox_image_height' => array( "name" => "lbox_image_height", "title" => __("Lightbox height.", "sauron"), 'type' => 'number', 'step' => '1', 'min' => '100', 'max' => '1600', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("Lightbox height.", "sauron"), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => 400 , 'customizer' => array() )); $this->options["lbox_image_effect"] = array( "name" => "lbox_image_effect", "title" => __("Lightbox transition effect", "sauron"), 'type' => 'select', "valid_options" => array( 'none'=>'None', 'fade' => 'Fade', ), "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("14 more effects in PRO version.", "sauron" ), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => array('fade'), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_enable_image_fullscreen'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_enable_image_fullscreen', 'title' => __( 'Enable fullscreen buttons', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => true, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_open_with_fullscreen'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_open_with_fullscreen', 'title' => __( 'Open lightbox with fullscreen.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_enable_image_ctrl_btn'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_enable_image_ctrl_btn', 'title' => __( 'Enable play and pause buttons.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => true, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_open_with_autoplay'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_open_with_autoplay', 'title' => __( 'Open with autoplay.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_popup_enable_info'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_popup_enable_info', 'title' => __( 'Enable info in lightbox.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox_open', 'description' => __( 'Add post title and excerpt as image info in lightbox.', "sauron" ), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'show'=>array('lbox_popup_info_always_show', 'lbox_popup_info_full_width', 'lbox_info_position'), 'hide'=>array(), 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => true, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_popup_info_always_show'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_popup_info_always_show', 'title' => __( 'Always show info in lightbox.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options['lbox_popup_info_full_width'] = array( 'name' => 'lbox_popup_info_full_width', 'title' => __( 'Full-width info in lightbox.', "sauron" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["lbox_info_position"] = array( "name" => "lbox_info_position", "title" => __("Image info position", "sauron" ), 'type' => 'select', "description" => "", "valid_options" => array( "left-top" => "left-top", "left-middle" => "left-middle", "left-bottom" => "left-bottom", "center-top" => "center-top", "center-middle" => "center-middle", "center-bottom" => "center-bottom", "right-top" => "right-top", "right-middle" => "right-middle", "right-bottom" => "right-bottom" ), 'section' => 'lightbox', 'tab' => 'lightbox', 'default' => array('right-top'), 'customizer' => array() ); } }